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AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2006-00370
Original file (FD2006-00370.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied
Advise applicant of the decision of the Board, and the right to submit an application to the AFBCMR 

Names and votes will be made available to the applicant at the applicant's  request. 

550 C'  SI'IIBKI' WES'I',  SUITE 40 
RANDOLPH AFB, TX 781 50-4742 

ANI)HEWS  A ~ H ,  M D  20162.7002 

AFHQ FORM 0-2077, JAN 00 


Previous edition will be used 




GENERAL:  The applicant appeals for upgrade of discharge to honorable,  change the reason  and authority  for 
the discharge, and to change the reenlistment code. 

The  applicant appeared  and  testified  before  the  Discharge  Review  Board  (DRB),  without  counsel, at  Andrews 
AFB on 06 Mar 2007. 

The following additional exhibits were submitted at the hearing: 

Exhibit #6: Four character letters 
Exhibit #7: College transcript 

The attached brief contains available pertinent data on the applicant and thc factors leading to the discharge. 

FINDINGS:  Upgrade  of discharge, change  of reason  and  authority  for  discharge, and  change of reenlistment 
code are denied. 

The Board finds that neither the evidence of record nor that provided  by the applicant substantiates an inequity or 
impropriety that would justify  a change of discharge. 

ISSUE:  Applicant contends her discharge was  inequitable and  did  not  consider the good  aspecls of her service. 
The  applicant  was  discharged  with  a  UOTHC  character  of  service  for  co~n~nission of  a  serious  offense  that 
resulted  in  a felony conviction in civilian court and a sentence that included three years in jail.  In testimony  she 
attributed  her ~nisconduct to immaturity and  falling  in  with  the wrong crowd  but  accepted  responsibility  for  her 
conduct.  She states another military member was also  involved  in  the criminal activity but  was not  discharged. 
An  investigation  report  present  in  the  personnel  file  indicates  this  individual  was  not  charged  following 
completion  of  an  investigation  by  civilian  law  enforcement  authorities  and  the  Air  Force  Oflice  of  Special 
Investigations.  Evidcncc of the  investigative  report  shows that the applicant  played  a  key  role  in  the criminal 
conduct  and  in  testimony  she states that  she pled  guilty  regarding  hcr  involvc~nent at the time of civilian  court 
proceedings.  The personnel  file contains no documentation reflecting duty performance other than two Lctters of 
Reprimand  (February 26,  2001  and November  6, 2001)  for  failure  to  be  at her  place  of work  at the  appointed 
time,  lack  of accountability,  and  failure to perform  assigned tasks,  and an  undated  e-mail  memo for record  by  a 
supervisor detailing numerous specific incidents of unsatisfactory performance  during February, March and April 
2001.  The Board  concluded  the  ~nisconduct was  a  significant  departure  from  conduct expected  of all military 
members.  The characterization  of the discharge received  by the applicant was found to be appropriate. 

The applicant submitted character letters indicating the applicant has turned  her life around since rclcase from 
incarceration including employment, attendance at school and becoming a mother.  The DRB was pleased  to see 
that the applicant was doing well, however, no inequity or impropriety in her discharge was suggested or found  in 
the course of the hearing. 

CONCLUSIONS:  The  Discharge  Review  Board  concludes  that  the  discharge  was  co~lsistent with  the 
proced~~ral and  s~~bstantive requirements  01' 
the  discharge  regulation  and  was  within  the  discretion  of'  the 
discharge authority and that the applicant was provided  fill1 administrative due proccss. 

In  view  of thc  foregoing findings the  Board  lirrthcr  concludes  that there  exists  no  legal  or ecluitable  basis  for 
upgrade of discharge, thus the applicant's discl~arge shoi~ld not be changed. 

Examiner's Brief 




(Former A1C)  (HGH A1C) 

1.  MATTER UNDER REVIEW:  Appl rec'd  a UOTHC Disch fr USAF Ft Meade MD, on 8 Feb 
02 UP AFI 36-3208, para 5.52 (Misconduct -  Commission of a Serious Offense). 
Appeals for Honorable Disch. 


a .   DOB: 25 Sep  8 1 .   Enlmt Age: 18 7/12.  Disch Age: 20 4/12. Educ: HS DIPL. 

AFQT: N/A.  A-50,  E-31,  G-37,  M-22. PAFSC: 35031 -  Personnel Apprentice. 
DAS: 25 Sep 00. 

b.  Prior Sv: ( 1 )  AFRes 26 Apr 00 -  30 May 00 (1 month 5 days) (Inactive) 


a.  Enlisted as AB 31 May 00 for 4 years. Svd: 01 Yrs 08 Mo 08 Das, of 

which AMS is 01 Yrs 08 Mos 03 Das (ex. 5 days time lost). 

b.  Grade Status:  A1C -  14 Jul 00 

c.  Time Lost:  15 Jun 01 -  19 Jul 01  (5 days time lost) 

d.  Art  15's:  None. 

e.  Additional :  LOR, 06 NOV 01 -  Failure to perform assigned tasks and 

LOR, 26 FEB 01 -  Failure to return in a timely manner from 

insubordinate towards an NCO. 

appointments on several occasions and 
taking extended lunches without 

f.  CM:  None. 

g.  Record of SV: None. 

h .   Awards &  Decs:  APTR, AFOUA. 

i.  Stmt  of Sv:  TMS: (01) Yrs  (09) Mos  (08) Das 
TAMS:  (01) Yrs  (08) Mos  (03) Das 

4.  BASIS ADVANCED FOR REVIEW:  Appln  (DD Fm 293) dtd 13 Sep 06. 

(Change Discharge to Honorable) 

Issue 1:  Because it has been almost 6 years since I have seperated from the 

h.  On or about 9 Jun 01 you zdced SrA 1- ----- --- --- --- --- --- -- 

20  interfere with an 

investigation by providing a false official statement, to wit:  that she picked you up 
from the Amer-Suites Hotel on or about 9 Jun 01. 

i.  On or about 1 1 Jun 0 1 you asked: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -




- m  

:to interfere with an investigation 

by providing a false official statement, to wit:  that he picked you up &om the Amer- 
Suites Hotel on or about 9 Jun 0 1. 

j.  On or about 15 Jun 01, you made a false official statement to Special Agent -------: 

:had picked you up fiom the Amer-Suites 

m - - - - - - - - ,  

1 - - - - - - -; to wit:  that I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a  
Hotel on or about 9 Jun 0 1. 

k.  On 13 Feb 0 1, you hiled to report to work in a timely manner following a morning 

doctor's appointment.  For this misconduct you received a Letter of Reprimand dated 
26 Feb 01, 

1.  On 20 Feb 01, you left your duty section for two hours without informing your 

supervisor that you were taking an extended lunch.  For this misconduct you received 
a Letter of Reprimand dated 26 Feb 0 1. 

m. On 23 Feb 01, you left your duty section for two hours without informing your 

supervisor that you were taking an extended lunch.  For this misconduct you received 
a Letter of Reprimand dated 26 Feb 01. 


n.  On 6 Nov 0 1, you fded to perform your assigned duties and were insubordinate to 

SSgt: ------------------- I.  For this misconduct you received a Letter of Reprimand dated 
6 NOV 01. 

3.  This action could result in your separation with an Under Other Than Honorable Conditions 
(UOTHC) discharge.  I am recommending you receive an UOTHC discharge,  The commander 
exercising SPCM jurisdiction or a higher authority will make the final decision in this matter.  If 
you- are discharged; you will be ineligible for reenlistment in the Air Force and will probably be 
denied enlistment in any component of the armed forces any special pay, bonus, or education 
assistance h d s  may be subjected to recoupment. 

4.  You have the right to: 

a.  Consult Iegal counsel. 
b.  Present your case to an administrative discharge board. 
c.  Be represented by legal counsel at a board hearing. 
d.  Submit statements in your own behalfin addition to, or in lieu of, the board hearing. 
e.  Waive the above rights.  You must consult legal counsel before making a decision to 


waive any of your rights. 

"First in the Fight" 


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