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AF | BCMR | CY2005 | BC-2004-03589
Original file (BC-2004-03589.DOC) Auto-classification: Denied


IN THE MATTER OF:                       DOCKET NUMBER:  BC-2004-03589
                                       INDEX CODE:  131.00

      XXXXXXXXXXX                            HEARING DESIRED:  NO




His DD Form 214, Armed Forces of the United States  Report  of  Transfer  or
Discharge, be corrected to reflect  the  Air  Force  Specialty  Code  (AFSC)
60591 and promotion to the grade of senior master sergeant (E-8) (SMSgt).


His superiors recommended him for promotion  to  SMSgt  on  his  performance
report closing 24 November 1969.

In support of his application, he provides copies of his  retirement  order,
two personnel action requests, performance report closing 24 November  1969,
and  his  DD  Form  214.   The   applicant’s   complete   submission,   with
attachments, is at Exhibit A.



On 3 October 1950, the applicant enlisted in the Regular Air  Force  at  the
age of 20 for a period of four years in the  rank  of  airman  basic  (E-1).
The applicant was progressively promoted to  the  rank  of  master  sergeant
with a date of rank of 1 February 1968.  An Air Force Form  1098,  Personnel
Action Request, dated 5 March 1970, changed  the  applicant’s  Primary  AFSC
from 64770 to 60591.  On 30  November  1970,  the  applicant  was  honorably
discharged  for  voluntary  retirement  in  enlisted  status   and   retired
effective 1 December 1970.  He served 20 years, 1  month,  and  28  days  on
active duty.

On 5 January 2005, after review  of  the  applicant’s  appeal,  AFPC/DPPRSP,
issued a DD Form 215, Correction to DD Form 214, to add  his  award  of  the
National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary  Medal,  Republic
of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with  Palm,  and  Republic  of  Vietnam  Campaign
Medal.  (Exhibit B)



AFPC/DPPPWB  recommends  denial.   DPPPWB  states  the  applicant’s   record
reveals no promotion orders to indicate he was ever promoted  to  the  grade
of SMSgt.  He was considered for promotion to  the  grade  of  SMSgt  during
calendar year (CY) 1970.  An alphabetical listing of those members  selected
for promotion to SMSgt during CY  1970  does  not  contain  the  applicant’s
name; therefore, he was nonselected.   Nothing  in  the  applicant’s  record
indicates an error or injustice was made that  prevented  his  promotion  to
SMSgt.  It is DPPPWB’s opinion that the applicant’s request should  be  time
barred since he waited 34 years  to  appeal  to  the  Air  Force  Board  for
Corrections of Military Records; however, if the  Board  chooses  to  decide
the case, they recommend denial of the applicant’s request based on lack  of
official documentation and rationale provided.  The DPPPWB evaluation,  with
attachments, is at Exhibit C.



Copies of the Air Force evaluations were forwarded to the  applicant  on  14
January 2005, for review and comment within 30 days.  As of this date,  this
office has received no response.



1.  The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided  by  existing  law  or

2.  The application was not timely filed; however, it is in the interest  of
justice to excuse the failure to timely file.

3.  Insufficient relevant evidence has been  presented  to  demonstrate  the
existence of error  or  injustice.   The  applicant  asserts  he  should  be
promoted to the grade of SMSgt because of promotion recommendations made  by
the indorsing officials on his performance report closing 24 November  1969.
 Based on the evidence provided and the evidence of record, we  notice  that
the applicant was considered for promotion to  the  grade  of  SMSgt  in  CY
1970; however, he was not selected.  In  the  absence  of  evidence  to  the
contrary, we find no compelling basis to recommend granting his request  for
promotion to SMSgt.  In reference to his request  that  his  award  of  AFSC
60591 be reflected on his DD Form 214, we note that  block  23a  of  his  DD
Form 214 does reflect his AFSC  as  60591,  Air  Transportation  Supervisor.
Therefore we agree with the assessment by the Air Force  office  of  primary
responsibility and adopt their rationale as  the  basis  for  our  decision.
Accordingly, the applicant’s request is not favorably considered.


The following members of the Board considered this application in  Executive
Session on 14 June 2005, under the provisions of AFI 36-2603:

            Mr. Michael J. Novel, Panel Chair
            Ms. Patricia R. Collins, Member
            Mr. Vance Lineberger, Member

The following documentary evidence for AFBCMR  Docket  Number  BC-2004-03589
was considered:

    Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 17 Nov 04, with atchs.
    Exhibit B.  Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
    Exhibit C.  Letter, AFPC/DPPPWB, dtd 16 Dec 04, with atchs.
    Exhibit D.  Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 14 Jan 05.

                                  MICHAEL J. NOVEL
                                  Panel Chair

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