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AF | BCMR | CY2004 | BC-2004-01077
Original file (BC-2004-01077.doc) Auto-classification: Approved

                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

            INDEX NUMBER:  128.00
      XXXXXXX    COUNSEL:  None




He be reimbursed for expenses incurred due to the erroneous  shipment
of his privately owned vehicle (POV).



When his traffic management office  (TMO)  briefed  him  on  his  POV
shipping entitlements for a permanent change of station move  to  New
Zealand, he was advised that he could ship the POV, but was not  told
of any restrictions.  When his vehicle arrived in  New  Zealand,  the
Land Transport Inspector informed him  that  his  car  could  not  be
driven because it lacked airbags.  He applied for, but was  denied  a
waiver.  His local TMO representative also advised him that he  would
not be reimbursed for any expenses related to  the  shipment  of  his

In support of his appeal, the applicant provides copies  of  shipping
documents, his efforts to obtain a  waiver,  documentation  verifying
that he was not advised of the restrictions on shipping  vehicles  to
New Zealand, and copies of receipts for a rental car and work done on
his POV.

The applicant’s complete submission, with attachments, is at  Exhibit



The applicant is a technical sergeant (TSgt) serving on active  duty.
Per Special Order AA-1299, the applicant was reassigned on a PCS move
to New Zealand.  He was authorized to and  shipped  his  POV.   After
arrival of his POV in country, he discovered that  his  POV  did  not
meet the standards for operation in New Zealand.



JPPSO/ECAF recommends that the applicant be  authorized  shipment  of
his vehicle from New Zealand to the CONUS.

Since the applicant’s POV did not meet the standards  for  operations
in New Zealand without major modifications, he was entitled  to  ship
the vehicle from his assignment at the time to the CONUS for storage.
 Paragraph U5466 of  the  Joint  Federal  Travel  Regulations  (JFTR)
provides that a member is eligible  to  have  one  POV  stored  at  a
storage facility if the  laws,  regulations,  or  other  restrictions
imposed by a foreign country or the United States  preclude  shipment
or entry of a motor vehicle at Government expense into  that  foreign
country or the vehicle would require modification (other than  normal
maintenance servicing) as a  condition  to  entry  into  the  foreign

Regarding the applicant’s request for rental reimbursement, the  JFTR
only authorizes up to $30.00 per day for a maximum of seven days when
the POV  does  not  arrive  at  the  authorized  destination  by  the
designated delivery date.  The circumstances in the applicant’s  case
do not meet the intent of the law for reimbursement.

The complete evaluation is at Exhibit C.



A copy of the Air Force evaluation was forwarded to the applicant  on
11 Jun 04 for review and comment within 30 days.  To date, a response
has not been received.



1.  The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing law
or regulations.

2.  The application was timely filed.

3.  Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to  demonstrate
the existence of error or injustice regarding the applicant’s request
for complete reimbursement  of  expenses  related  to  the  erroneous
shipment of  his  privately  owned  vehicle.   It  appears  that  the
applicant is seeking a total of  $300.15  for  repairs  made  to  his
vehicle and another $838.00 for reimbursement of rental car  expense.
While it does appear that the applicant’s problems were caused by his
gaining unit’s failure to request an update of the Personal  Property
Consignment  Instruction  Guide  (PPCIG)  and  to  insure  that   the
applicant had current information on  the  restrictions  on  vehicles
shipped to New Zealand, the JFTR does not authorize reimbursement for
the items the applicant is seeking.

4.  Notwithstanding  the  above  determination,  sufficient  relevant
evidence has been presented to demonstrate the existence of error  or
injustice warranting a measure of relief.  In that regard, we  concur
with the  recommendation  of  JPPSO/ECAF  that  the  applicant’s  POV
shipping  entitlement  be  reinstated  and  that  the  applicant   be
authorized to ship his POV from New Zealand to the Continental United
States for storage.  Additionally,  while  unable  to  reimburse  the
applicant for the total cost of his rental car  expense,  we  believe
that he should be reimbursed  the  maximum  allowed  for  rental  car
expense, seven days at  $30.00  per  day  for  a  total  of  $210.00.
Therefore, we recommend that the applicant’s records be corrected  as
indicated below.



The pertinent military records of the Department  of  the  Air  Force
relating to APPLICANT, be corrected to show that:

        a.  His private owned vehicle (POV) was  erroneously  shipped
from Japan to New Zealand under the authority of  Special  Order  AA-
1299, dated 7 Aug 03, and is authorized  to  be  reshipped  from  New
Zealand to the appropriate  vehicle  processing  center  for  storage
under the provisions of the Joint Federal Travel Regulations,  Volume
I--Uniformed Service Members, Paragraph U5440-B.

        b.  His POV did not arrive at the authorized  destination  by
the designated delivery date and under the provisions  of  the  Joint
Federal Travel  Regulations,  Volume  I--Uniformed  Service  Members,
Paragraph U5410-D, he is authorized reimbursement  for  rental  of  a
motor vehicle in the amount of $210.00.


The following members of the Board considered Docket Number  BC-2004-
01077 in Executive Session on 21 July 2004, under the  provisions  of
AFI 36-2603:

      Mr. Michael K. Gallogly, Panel Chair
      Ms. Martha J. Evans, Member
      Mr. James W. Russell, III, Member

All members voted  to  correct  the  records,  as  recommended.   The
following documentary evidence was considered:

     Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 27 Feb 04, w/atchs.
     Exhibit B.  Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
     Exhibit C.  Memorandum, JPPSO/ECAF, dated 4 Jun 04,
     Exhibit D.  Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 11 Jun 04.

                                   MICHAEL K. GALLOGLY
                                   Panel Chair

AFBCMR BC-2004-01077


      Having received and considered the recommendation of the Air
Force Board for Correction of Military Records and under the
authority of Section 1552, Title 10, United States Code (70A Stat
116), it is directed that:

      The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air
Force relating to XXXXXXX, XXXXXXX, be corrected to show that:

            a.  His private owned vehicle (POV) was erroneously shipped
from Japan to New Zealand under the authority of Special Order AA-1299,
dated 7 Aug 03, and is authorized to be reshipped from New  Zealand  to
the  appropriate  vehicle  processing  center  for  storage  under  the
provisions of the Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Volume I--Uniformed
Service Members, Paragraph U5440-B.

            b.  His POV did not arrive at the authorized destination by
the designated delivery date and under  the  provisions  of  the  Joint
Federal  Travel  Regulations,  Volume  I--Uniformed  Service   Members,
Paragraph U5410-D, he is authorized reimbursement for rental of a motor
vehicle in the amount of $210.00.

            JOE G. LINEBERGER
            Air Force Review Boards Agency

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