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AF | BCMR | CY2004 | BC-2003-03653
Original file (BC-2003-03653.doc) Auto-classification: Approved

                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS


            COUNSEL:  NONE

            HEARING DESIRED:  NO



His Officer Performance Report (OPR) rendered for the period 20 Dec 01
through 5 Sep 02 be voided and replaced with a reaccomplished OPR.

His Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF) prepared for consideration  by
the Calendar Year 2002B (CY02B) Lieutenant Colonel  Central  Selection
Board be voided and replaced with a reaccomplished PRF.

He be provided Special Selection  Board  (SSB)  consideration  by  the
CY02B Lieutenant Colonel Central Selection Board  with  the  corrected
OPR and PRF; and, with inclusion  of  the  Meritorious  Service  Medal
(MSM) and Joint Service Achievement Medal (JSAM) citations.



His CY02B PRF omitted a critical and precise promotion recommendation.

His OPR closing 5 Sep 02 omitted a critical command recommendation.

The MSM and JSAM citations were missing from office  selection  record
(OSR), which he believes negatively influenced the promotion board.

In  support  of  his  appeal,  the  applicant  provided  an   expanded
statement, copies of the reaccomplished OPR and PRF and the citations,
supportive statements from  the  senior  rater  and  Management  Level
Review (MLR) president, and a copy of his appeal under the  provisions
of AFI 36-2401.

Applicant's complete submission, with attachments, is at Exhibit A.



Information extracted from the Personnel Data System  (PDS)  indicates
that the applicant is currently serving on active duty in the grade of
major, having been promoted to that  grade  on  1 Oct 98.   His  Total
Active Federal Military Service Date (TAFMSD) is 8 Jun 87.

Applicant's OPR profile since 1992 follows:


      15 May 92              Meets Standards
      15 May 93              Meets Standards
      15 May 94              Meets Standards
      14 Jul 95              Meets Standards
       1 Apr 96              Meets Standards
       1 Apr 97              Meets Standards
      14 Jan 98              Meets Standards
       2 Jan 99              Meets Standards
      19 Dec 99              Meets Standards
      19 Dec 00              Meets Standards
      19 Dec 01              Meets Standards
  #    5 Sep 02              Meets Standards
       5 Sep 03              Meets Standards

# Top Report at  the  time  he  was  considered  and  nonselected  for
promotion to the grade of lieutenant colonel by the  CY02B  and  CY03A
Lieutenant Colonel Boards.



AFPC/DPPPE recommended denial of the applicant’s request to substitute
the contested OPR  and  PRF.   They  indicated  the  Air  Force  views
evaluation reports as most accurate when they are written and become a
matter of record.  An omission does not constitute  an  error.   There
were  no  errors  or  injustices  cited  in  the  OPR.   According  to
AFPC/DPPPE, retrospective views of evaluator’s months  or  even  years
after  an  evaluation,  based  on  nonselect  counseling,   does   not
constitute  an  avenue  for  rewriting  and  reconsideration  of   the
applicant’s performance records.  Regarding the PRF, AFPC/DPPPE  noted
that members are provided a copy of their PRF  approximately  30  days
prior to their Central Selection Board so that they  may  address  any
concerns/issues with the senior rater at that  time.   The  applicant,
however, had no concerns with the quality of  his  records  until  his
nonselection for promotion.  AFPC/DPPPE indicated that  if  the  Board
decides to grant relief, they recommend only correcting the  beginning
phrase of the last line on the PRF.

A complete copy of the AFPC/DPPPE evaluation is at Exhibit C.

AFPC/DPPPO recommended denial  of  the  applicant’s  request  for  SSB
consideration with a revised OPR and  PRF.   However,  they  indicated
that based on the evidence provided, they recommend  approval  of  SSB
consideration with inclusion of the citations and JSAM.  Although  not
requested by the applicant, they  also  recommend  his  CY02B  Officer
Selection Brief (OSB) be corrected to reflect “2000” under “YR” in the
decorations block, as  that  is  the  year  the  special  orders  were
published awarding him his most recent MSM.   They  further  indicated
the applicant should contact his Military Personnel  Flight  (MPF)  to
correct the MSM for the period ending 21 Dec 99 to reflect MSM, 1OLC.

A complete copy of the AFPC/DPPPO evaluation is at Exhibit E.



By electronic mail, dated 3  Dec  03,  to  the  Review  Boards  Office
(SAF/MRBR), the applicant provided additional documentary evidence for
consideration.  He indicated that he had  inadvertently  included  the
wrong MSM citation in his original appeal package (Exhibit D).

Applicant provided a response to the advisory opinions  indicating  he
believes the AFPC/DPPPE advisory is of no value to the  Board,  serves
only to unfairly discredit him,  negatively  influenced  the  advisory
from AFPC/DPPPO, and should be disregarded.  He requests his  complete
and accurate  record,  along  with  the  corrected  OPR  and  PRF,  be
considered by an SSB.

Applicant’s complete response is at Exhibit G.



1.    The applicant has exhausted all remedies  provided  by  existing
law or regulations.

2.    The application was timely filed.

3.     Sufficient  relevant  evidence   has   been   presented   to
demonstrate the  existence  of  error  or  injustice  warranting  a
correction of the applicant’s records and providing  him  promotion
consideration by Special Selection Board (SSB).   After  thoroughly
reviewing the evidence of record and the applicant’s submission, we
are persuaded the  contested  OPR  and  PRF  are  not  an  accurate
assessments of applicant's performance.  In this respect,  we  note
the statements provided from the applicant’s Senior Rater  and  the
Management Level Review board president  indicating  these  reports
are inaccurate.  Based on these statements and in the absence of  a
basis to question  their  integrity,  we  recommend  the  contested
reports be declared void, removed from the applicant's record,  and
replaced with the reaccomplished reports.  In addition, it  appears
the citations accompanying the awards of the MSM (Basic award)  and
JSAM were not filed in the applicant’s selection record even though
they had been awarded well before the convening date of  the  CY02B
board.  Further, it is noted the citation accompanying the MSM  for
the period ending 21 December 1999, while included in his selection
records, did not reflect First  Oak  Leaf  Cluster  (1OLC),  as  it
should have.  Although these awards were listed  on  the  selection
brief and the board members were  aware  of  the  decorations,  the
narratives for the Basic MSM and JSAM were missing.  Therefore, his
record might have been placed at a disadvantage when compared  with
other officers’ records that may have included the  citations.   In
view of the foregoing, the applicant’s records should be  corrected
as indicated below and  the  corrected  record  be  considered  for
promotion to the grade of lieutenant colonel by  Special  Selection
Board (SSB) for the CYs 2002B and 2003A selection boards.



The pertinent military records of the  Department  of  the  Air  Force
relating to APPLICANT, be corrected to show that:

a.    The citation to accompany the award of the  Meritorious  Service
Medal (MSM) for the period 20  February  1999  to  20  June  1999  was
accepted for file on or before 1 November 2002.

b.    The citation to accompany the award of the  Meritorious  Service
Medal for the period 27 June 1996 to 21 December 1999  be  amended  to
reflect First Oak Leaf Cluster (1OLC).

c.    The citation  to  accompany  the  award  of  the  Joint  Service
Achievement Medal for the period 21 May 2002 to  19  August  2002  was
accepted for file on or before 1 November 2002.

d.    The Officer Selection Brief prepared for the Calendar Year 2002B
(CY02B) Central Lieutenant Colonel Selection Board be amended  in  the
Decorations Section, Meritorious  Service  Medal,  to  reflect  “2000”
under the YR Block.

e.    The Field Grade Officer Performance Report (OPR), AF Form  707A,
rendered for the period 20 December 2001 through 5 September 2002,  be
declared void and removed from  his  records  and  the  attached  OPR,
reflecting the following sentence in the last  line  in  Section  VII,
Additional  Rater  Overall  Assessment,  “Top  10%  of  officers  I’ve
supervised!  Ready to command any Sq now!  Send to NWC…then on  to  J-
staff!” be accepted for file in its place.

f.    The Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF), AF Form  709,  prepared
for the CY02B Central Lieutenant Colonel Selection Board  be  declared
void and removed from his records and the attached PRF, reflecting the
following  sentence  in  the  last  line  in  Section  IV,   Promotion
Recommendation, "My next DP! #1 of 6  Ps…Dana  is  CC  ready  for  any
SQ…NWC next!  Definitely Promote this warrior!” be accepted  for  file
in its place.

It is further recommended that the corrected record be considered  for
promotion to the grade of lieutenant colonel by  a  Special  Selection
Board for the  Calendar  Years  2002B  and  2003A  Central  Lieutenant
Colonel Boards.


The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket Number BC-
2003-03653 in Executive Session on 10 March 2004, under the provisions
of AFI 36-2603:

           Ms. Brenda L. Romine, Panel Chair
           Ms. Kathleen F. Graham, Member
           Ms. Ann-Cecile M. McDermott, Member

All members  voted  to  correct  the  records,  as  recommended.   The
following documentary evidence was considered:

      Exhibit A. DD Form 149, dated 27 October 2003, w/atchs.
      Exhibit B. Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
      Exhibit C. Letter, AFPC/DPPPE, dated 18 Nov 03.
      Exhibit D. E-mail, Applicant, dated 3 Dec 03, w/atchs.
      Exhibit E. Letter, AFPC/DPPPO, dated 10 Dec 03, w/atchs.
      Exhibit F. Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 19 Dec 03.
      Exhibit G. Applicant's Response, undated.

            BRENDA L. ROMINE
            Panel Chair

AFBCMR BC-2003-03653


      Having received and considered the recommendation of the Air
Force Board for Correction of Military Records and under the authority
of Section 1552, Title 10, United States Code (70A Stat 116), it is
directed that:

      The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air
Force relating to XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX, be corrected to show that:

             a.    The  citation  to  accompany  the  award   of   the
Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) for the period 20 February 1999 to  20
June 1999 was accepted for file on or before 1 November 2002.

             b.    The  citation  to  accompany  the  award   of   the
Meritorious Service Medal for the period 27 June 1996  to  21 December
1999 be amended to reflect First Oak Leaf Cluster.

            c.   The citation to accompany  the  award  of  the  Joint
Service Achievement Medal (Basic) for the period 21  May  2002  to  19
August 2002 was accepted for file on or before 1 November 2002.

            d.   The Officer Selection Brief prepared for the Calendar
Year 2002B (CY02B)  Central  Lieutenant  Colonel  Selection  Board  be
amended in the Decorations  Section,  Meritorious  Service  Medal,  to
reflect “2000” under the YR Block.

            e.   The Field Grade Officer Performance Report (OPR),  AF
Form  707A,  rendered  for  the  period  20  December   2001   through
5 September 2002, be declared void and removed from  his  records  and
the attached OPR, reflecting the following sentence in the  last  line
in Section VII, Additional  Rater  Overall  Assessment,  “Top  10%  of
officers I’ve supervised!  Ready to  command  any  Sq  now!   Send  to
NWC…then on to J-staff!” be accepted for file in its place.

            f.   The Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF), AF Form 709,
prepared for the CY02B Central Lieutenant Colonel Selection  Board  be
declared void and removed from  his  records  and  the  attached  PRF,
reflecting the following sentence in the  last  line  in  Section  IV,
Promotion Recommendation, "My next DP! #1 of 6 Ps…XXXX is CC ready for
any SQ…NWC next!  Definitely Promote this warrior!”  be  accepted  for
file in its place.

It is further directed that the corrected  record  be  considered  for
promotion to the grade of lieutenant colonel by  a  Special  Selection
Board for the  Calendar  Years  2002B  and  2003A  Central  Lieutenant
Colonel Boards.

                       JOE G. LINEBERGER
            Air Force Review Boards Agency

Reaccomplished OPR
Reaccomplished PRF

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