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AF | BCMR | CY2000 | 9900584A
Original file (9900584A.doc) Auto-classification: Approved

                                 ADDENDUM TO
                            RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

IN THE MATTER OF:      DOCKET NUMBER: 99-00584 (Case 2)
            INDEX CODE:  100.07

            COUNSEL:  NONE




His elimination from the Fixed-Wing Qualification Training Course (F-V5A-Q)
be removed from his records.


On 21 Mar 00, the Board considered and  denied  a  similar  appeal  by  the
applicant.  A summary of the evidence  considered  by  the  Board  and  the
rationale for its decision is set forth in the Record of Proceedings, which
is attached at Exhibit E.

The applicant provided additional new evidence for possible reconsideration
of his application.  The new evidence is comprised of  letters  of  support
from his senator and prominent military officials (Exhibit F).


The applicant’s Total Federal Commissioned Service Date (TFCSD) is  15  May
83.  A Flying Evaluation Board (FEB) convened at Vance AFB on 20 Oct 92 for
the  purpose  of  developing  and  considering  evidence   concerning   the
applicant’s  professional  qualifications  as  a  trainee   and   to   make
recommendations  regarding  his  future  continuation  in  the  Fixed  Wing
Qualification Training Program.  A legal review of  the  FEB’s  proceedings
found it legally sufficient  to  support  the  board’s  recommendations  to
disenroll the applicant  from  training  and  to  revoke  his  aeronautical
rating.  On 18 Nov 92,  the  71st  Flying  Training  Wing  (FTW)  commander
concurred with the FEB’s findings and recommendations.

The applicant’s Education/Training Report, AF Form 475,  rendered  for  the
period 7 Sep 91 through 8 Mar 93, reveals that he was eliminated  from  the
Fixed Wing Qualification Training for flying deficiencies.

The applicant was relieved from assignment with the 8165th  Student  Flight
and honorably discharged in the grade of captain from the GA ANG and  as  a
Reserve of the Air Force, effective 25 Mar 93.   He  was  assigned  to  the
Nonobligated Nonparticipating Ready Personnel Section (NNRPS) until  1  Aug
98.  On 1 Aug 98, he was reassigned from NNRPS to the Inactive Status  List
Reserve  Section  (ISLRS).   He  was  relieved  from  ISLRS  and  honorably
discharged from all appointments in the United States Air Force,  effective
1 Mar 99.


Pursuant to the Board’s request, the Personnel Operations Branch, ANG/DPFO,
reviewed the additional information submitted and indicated that  they  are
unable to administratively correct the applicant’s military records.   DPFO
stated that the ANG/DPPU advisory opinion, dated 31  Aug  99,  recommending
denial of the requested relief remains the same.   However,  DPFO  notified
the Headquarters Alabama Air National Guard  (HQ  AL  ANG)  to  initiate  a
waiver for reinstatement into the Fixed-Wing Qualification Course  (Exhibit


A copy of the Air Force evaluation was forwarded to applicant on 15  August
2000 for review and response.  As  of  this  date,  no  response  has  been
received by this office (Exhibit H).


After again reviewing the evidence provided, the Board majority is  of  the
opinion that a revision in our earlier findings is warranted.   It  appears
that Alabama ANG is extremely desirous of  accessing  the  applicant  as  a
member of their organization.  The  applicant  has  produced  a  number  of
supportive statements from  high-level  ANG  and  Air  Force  officers  who
support his request.  In view of this fact and the ANG admission  that  the
applicant was not qualified to enter the FWQ training program at  the  time
he attended in 1992;  and,  because  we  are  aware  that  the  applicant’s
elimination is a disqualifying factor which is  not  waivable  for  reentry
into flying training, the Board majority believes  favorable  consideration
of the applicant’s request would be appropriate.  Accordingly, his  records
should be corrected in the following manner.


The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force  relating
to APPLICANT be corrected to show that all documents and references to  his
elimination from the Fixed Wing Qualification Training Course (F-V5A-Q)  in
November 1992, be removed from his records and sequestered.

The following members of the Board considered this application in Executive
Session on 29 November 2000, under the provisions of AFI 36-2603:

                  Mr. Richard A. Peterson, Panel Chair
                  Ms. Peggy E. Gordon, Member
                  Mr. Philip Sheuerman, Member

Mr. Peterson and Ms. Gordon voted to grant the  applicant’s  request.   Mr.
Sheuerman voted to deny the  applicant's  request  but  did  not  submit  a
minority report.  The following documentary evidence was considered:

   Exhibit E.  Record of Proceedings, dated 13 Apr 00.
   Exhibit F.  Letter from the applicant, dated 10 May 00,
               with attachments.
   Exhibit G.  Letter, ANG/DPFO, dated 4 Aug 00.
   Exhibit H.  Letter, AFBCMR, dated 15 Aug 00.

                                   RICHARD A. PETERSON
                                   Panel Chair

AFBCMR 99-00584


      Having received and considered the recommendation of the Air Force
Board for Correction of Military Records and under the authority of Section
1552, Title 10, United States Code (70A Stat 116), it is directed that:

      The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force
relating to APPLICANT be corrected to show that all documents and
references to his elimination from the Fixed Wing Qualification Training
Course (F-V5A-Q) in November 1992, be, and hereby are, removed from his
records and sequestered.



Air Force Review Boards Agency

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