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AF | BCMR | CY1999 | 9803194
Original file (9803194.doc) Auto-classification: Denied

                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

            INDEX NUMBER:  131.00
            COUNSEL:  NONE

            HEARING DESIRED:  NO

Applicant requests that she be considered for promotion to  the  grade
of major by Special Selection Board (SSB) for  the  CY97D  (5 November
1997) Central Major Selection  Board,  with  the  Officer  Performance
Report (OPR) closing 5 November 1997 included in her Officer Selection
Record.  Applicant's submission is at Exhibit A.

The appropriate Air Force office  evaluated  applicant's  request  and
provided an advisory opinion to the Board recommending the application
be denied (Exhibit C).  The advisory  opinion  was  forwarded  to  the
applicant for review and response (Exhibit D).   Applicant's  response
to the advisory opinion is at Exhibit E.

After careful consideration of applicant's request and  the  available
evidence  of  record,  we  find  insufficient  evidence  of  error  or
injustice to warrant corrective action.  The facts and opinions stated
in the advisory opinion appear to be based on the evidence  of  record
and have not been adequately rebutted by applicant.  Absent persuasive
evidence applicant was denied rights to  which  entitled,  appropriate
regulations were not  followed,  or  appropriate  standards  were  not
applied, we find no basis to disturb the existing record.

Accordingly, applicant's request is denied.

The Board staff is directed to  inform  applicant  of  this  decision.
Applicant should also be informed that this decision is final and will
only be reconsidered upon the presentation of  new  relevant  evidence
which was not reasonably available at the  time  the  application  was

Members of the Board, Messrs. Michael P. Higgins, Patrick R.  Wheeler,
and Philip Sheuerman, considered this application on 2 March  1999  in
accordance with the provisions of Air Force  Instruction  36-2603  and
the governing statute, 10 U.S.C. 1552.

                                    MICHAEL P. HIGGINS
                                    Panel Chair

A.  Applicant's DD Form 149
B.  Available Master Personnel Records
C.  Advisory Opinion
D.  SAF/MIBR Ltr Forwarding Advisory Opinion
E.  Applicant's Response

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