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AF | BCMR | CY1999 | 9102143
Original file (9102143.doc) Auto-classification: Denied

                             SECOND ADDENDUM TO
                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS


            COUNSEL:  None

            HEARING DESIRED:  No



Direct promotion to the grade of chief master sergeant  for  promotion
cycle 89S9.



On 19 Dec 91, the Board considered and denied applicant’s request that
the Airman Performance Report (APR) rendered for the period 16 Jun  87
through 30 Oct 87 be  declared  void  and  removed  from  his  records
(Exhibit I).

On 28 Nov 95, the Board granted applicant’s request for removal of the
APR closing 30 Oct 87 and recommended that he be provided supplemental
promotion consideration to the grade of chief master sergeant for  all
appropriate cycles commencing with cycle 90S9 (Exhibit J).

On 31 Jul 98, the applicant requested the Board  promote  him  to  the
grade of chief master sergeant for promotion cycle 89S9 (Exhibit K).



The  Chief,  Inquiries/AFBCMR  Section,  AFPC/DPPPWB,   reviewed   the
applicant’s request and indicated that he was selected  for  promotion
to senior master sergeant during the 88S8 cycle.  Selections for  this
cycle were done on 12 Mar 87.  He received Promotion  Sequence  Number
(PSN) 1653.0 which was incremented 1 Mar 88, the  last  month  of  the
cycle.  He was promoted to senior master sergeant per SO P-052, Hq 1st
Combat Support Group, Langley AFB, Virginia, dated 1 Mar  88,  with  a
date of rank (DOR) and effective date of 1 Mar 88.   Consequently,  he
was ineligible for promotion consideration to  chief  master  sergeant
for the 89S9 cycle as it required a DOR of 1 Mar 87 or earlier  to  be

Regarding the Airman Performance Report (APR) scoring,  the  applicant
requested and the Board granted removal of  the  APR  for  the  period
16 Jun  87  through  30 Oct  87  because  he  believed  it  would   be
detrimental to his career.   It  was  replaced  with  an  AF  Form  77
(Supplemental Evaluation Sheet) to show that he was not rated for that
period.  The removal of this APR did not affect the weighted score  he
received for APRs.  He received the maximum 135.00 points after it was
removed.  DPPPWB cannot speak for  the  board  members  who  evaluated
applicant’s record during the supplemental process with regard to  how
the removal of the APR influenced their assessment of his potential to
serve  in  the  grade  of  chief  master  sergeant.   Regardless,  the
applicant was provided supplemental promotion consideration  based  on
his request to have the Board void the APR, and not selected.  Neither
the Central Evaluation Board  nor  the  Supplemental  Promotion  Board
assigned a score for a specific performance report.  Their  assessment
of his potential to serve  in  the  higher  grade  was  based  on  the
complete record using the “whole person” concept rather than  specific
elements of that record.  The applicant alleges that a low APR  rating
receives a low score and no APR receives no score, which is incorrect.
 Again, the entire record is evaluated  to  determine  his  potential.
The applicant has stated that he believes the promotion board complied
with procedures, evaluated each set of records,  were  impartial,  and
followed the regulation, which DPPPWB agrees.  Consequently, there  is
no basis for an automatic promotion to chief master sergeant  for  any
cycle, particularly cycle 89S9 as applicant was ineligible because  of
insufficient time-in-grade (TIG) (see Exhibit L).



Applicant reviewed the Air Force evaluation and  provided  a  two-page
response, with attachment (see Exhibit N).



Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to  demonstrate  the
existence of probable error or injustice warranting  direct  promotion
to the grade of  chief  master  sergeant  for  promotion  cycle  89S9.
Applicant’s contentions are duly noted; however, we do not find  these
uncorroborated  assertions,  in  and   by   themselves,   sufficiently
persuasive  to  override  the  rationale  provided   by   the   Chief,
Inquiries/AFBCMR Section, in his letter dated 8 Oct 98.  The applicant
was provided supplemental promotion consideration based on his request
to have the Board void the APR closing 30 Oct  87  and  not  selected.
The Chief states that there is no basis for an automatic promotion  to
the grade of chief master sergeant for any cycle,  particularly  cycle
89S9, since the applicant was ineligible because of insufficient  TIG.
In view of the foregoing, we agree with the recommendation of the  Air
Force and adopt the rationale expressed as the basis for our  decision
that the applicant has failed  to  sustain  his  burden  that  he  has
suffered either an error or  an  injustice.   Therefore,  we  find  no
compelling basis to recommend granting the relief sought.



The  applicant  be  notified  that  the  evidence  presented  did  not
demonstrate the existence of probable  material  error  or  injustice;
that the application was denied without  a  personal  appearance;  and
that the application will only be reconsidered upon the submission  of
newly  discovered  relevant  evidence   not   considered   with   this


The following members of the  Board  considered  this  application  in
Executive Session on 18 May 1999, under the provisions  of  Air  Force
Instruction 36-2603:

                  Ms. Martha Maust, Panel Chair
                  Mr. David W. Mulgrew, Member
                  Mr. Robert D. Stuart, Member

The following documentary evidence was considered:

     Exhibit I.  ROP, dated 9 Jan 92.
     Exhibit J.  Addendum to ROP, dated 4 Jan 96.
     Exhibit K.  Letter fr applicant, dated 31 Jul 98, w/atchs.
     Exhibit L.  Letter, AFPC/DPPPWB, dated 8 Oct 98.
     Exhibit M.  Letter, AFBCMR, dated 26 Oct 98.
     Exhibit N.  Letter fr applicant, dated 19 Feb 99, w/atch.

                                   MARTHA MAUST
                                   Panel Chair

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