D3ZKET NUMBER: 98-01145
Her disability rating of 40% he increased by adding brain tumor
to her basic seizure disorder.
The Medical Board Report (AF ? o z x 618) found generalized seizures
as the reason for retirement. She Delieves it should also list
the iesiDn/tumor that was menyioned on the supporting document
(Standard Form 502) as a cause f c r these seizures. The lesion
h a s subsequently been surgically removed and has caused other
I;i scpport of her request, -,k?-z applicant subrn-ts copies of
medical reports from
AFE and letters from her neurologist
and neurosurgeon (Exhibit A).
L - + L u g ~ ~ t
- P
t h e Feguiar Air Force on
Applicant's military personnel recozds reflect that she enl,sted
1986. ShiJ was releaseu
i i i
Trrorr~ active duty in t h e qr-ade 3 r staff sergeant 'E-5) cn 6 Nay
1396 f o r n h y s i c a l disability a n d her name was placed OR the
Temporary Disability Retlrement List (TDRL) , with a compensable
rating of 40%, effective 7 May 1996.
Subsequen: to her TDRL
evaluation by the IPEB on 30 September 1997, the applicant's name
was removed from the TDRL or? 24 November 1997, and she was
permanently retired w i t h a corrpensable rating of 40%. She was
zredited with a total of 9 years, 6 months and 11 days of active
?he Lreievant facts pertaining to this application are contained
ir, the letters prepared by the appropriate offices of the Air
Force. Accordingly, there 1s no need to recite these facts in
this Record of Proceedings.
Fcrther research with the Department of Veteran' s AdIninistratlori
reveals that the applicant was gr6nted a 20% disability ratin9
lor a seizure disorder.
The AFBCMR Chief Medical Consultant reviewed this application and
is of the opinion that no change In the records is warranted and
the application should be d e n i m . The AFBCMR Medical Consultant
stated that the applicant sufferec a generalized grandma1 seizure
on December 15, 1995, and - ~ z s caluated, findin? an zrea ~t
abnormality on her brain s c a n s / Y R I s . Treatment w i t h Dilantin was
xitiated, and she suffered no furcher seizures. Close follow-up
by neurology with MRIs did not disclose changes in the brain
abnormality over time, and varicus etiologies of the mass were
considered. The decision was rrLa+ zs observe her Iurther and, in
the meantime, she underwent Medical Evaluation Boaid and Physical
Evaluatian Board processing and was placed on the Temporary
T O R L ) on 9 May 1996 w i t h
Disability Retirement List
campensade rating of 110%.
2 g n t e e n months -ater, a TDRI,
evaluatim was accomplished and permanent disability retiremert
hTas recommended and approved. During this time, her follow-up
had not disclosed changes in t n e brain findings, however, in
early 1998, an MR!
disclosec some alterations that prompted
neurosurgical intervention when malignancy of the mass was
in some impairment of her
\ i i s i o n and because of the nzitare of the lesion, fuitner treatment
is now mderway.
Because cf The new findj ngs, the applicant
seek:s aaditlonal compensatim IS! her disabiliry ret irerrient award.
The AFBCMR Medical Consultant inaicated that once an individual
has been declared u n f i :, the Sezi-ize Secretaries are required q
lsw to rate t h e condition basec upon the degree of disability at
the time of permanent dlsposition and not on futiire events. NG
change in di s a b i i i t y
ratings can occur af-er permanent
disposition, even though the condition may became better OL
w c r s e .
However, Title 38, :Si“ authorizes the Department o+
TJewrens Affairs i DVA,
tc increase or decrease> compensation
ratings based upon tne indiviciual’s condition at the time of
f u t x e evaluations and the appXcant’s recoiirse tc tnis
entitlement is available. The AFRCMR Medical Consultant stated
the fact that the lesion that was responsible for her seizure
disorder was not definitively identified earlier ir, the course of
her disease was in keeping with proper medical principles and her
stated desire to not proceed with an earlier biopsy as notea in a
clinical entry, dated 15 July 1997, on one of h e r follow-up
vislts (Exhibit C).
The surgery resJ:i:ea
The Chief, Physical Disability Division, HQ AFPC/DPPD, stateu
that- a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) was convened at E g l i n A F B ,
Florida, on 30 January 1996, and referred to the Informal
Physical EvaliJation Board (IPER). On 14 February 1996, the IPEB
f o u n d the n?ember unfit for continued military service for a
diaqnosl s of “generalized seizure, etiology unknown” and
recommended she be placed on the Temporary Qisability Retirement
L-st (TDZL), w i t h a 40 percent disability rating. The applicant
a g r e e d with the findings and recommendations of the IPEE on
12 Narch 1996, and subsequently, officials within the Office of
53 8 - 0 11 4 5
the Secretary of the Air Force directed that the app;xar!t be
placed on the TDKL, with a 4@% disability raEing. While on the
the a
ant was scheduled for periodic physical
evaluation .*at
Based on the medical
evidence provided, the IPEB found her condition nad stabilized
and recommended thar she be removed from the TDRL and permanently
retired w i t h a 40% disability rating. The applizant concurred
w i t h the findings and recommendatisns of t h e I P E B on 2 0 October
1597, and the applicant was removed from the TDRL and permanently
retired effective 24 November ? 9 Y .
Following a thorough review of the AFBCMR case file, DPPD finds
n o error or injustice that would merit a change to the
applicant’ s record.
DPPD stated that the applicant has not
submitted any material or documentation to show that she was
inappropriately rated or processed under the provisions of
disability law and departmental policy at the time of her
disability retirement. DPPD recarmended the applicant’s request
be denied (Exhibit D) .
?he applicant reviewed the advisoz-1; opinions and indicated that
upon her retirement, she contimed to see the neurclogist ana the
neurosurgeons at
She was informed m a t because of
the deptn and location of the lesio:? it was too risky Lo perform
a biopsy unless there was a change. On 20 November 1997, she had
an M R I at a civilian facility and, on 21 November 1997, her
civilian neurologist recommer,ded surgery
25 November 1997, she saw the neurosurgeon at
and he
informed her that they would go in with the intent_ to remove as
much as possible and not solell. z. biopsy. He asked for O P , ~ more
N R I ir. February 1998 and surger?’ was scheduled for 6 April 1998.
k Grade 11 Astrocytoma was resecyed as a result of this surgery;
dnd she has been l e f t with e right visual field deficir,. Or,
2 : J u l y 1998, she completed s i x weeks of radiation Therapy at
Keesler A F B .
She was removed from TDRL on 24 November 1997, j--1st three days
after her civilian doctor discovered the change. There was not
enough time for the board to see the details in her case. But
the l e s i m was seen prior to her being permanent-1-y retired and
no: considered a cause of the seizure. The change fron lesion to
tumor occurred betweer, July 1997 and November 1997, while she was
FB fel: surgery was
sxill on TDRL.
important but it had to wait until both neurosurqeons would be
present - April 6 was the first, date available.
She requested a disability rating f o r the lesion itself, since
t h e doctors had informed her that it was a problem not related to
L h e seizure that she had (reference visit with Dr.
Chief, Neurology, on 16 January 1996, which occurred while still
en active duty). She is requesting it be looked at from tne
point of being a Grade I1 Astrocytoma unrelated to the seizure.
The neurosurgeon at
9 8 -- 0 11 4 5
A complete copy of this response is appended at Exhibit F.
1. The applicant has exhausted 211.1 remedies provided by existing
law or regulations.
2. The application was timely filed.
3. Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to
demonstrate the existence of probable error or injustice. In
this regard, we reviewed the applicant’s complete submission and
t h e evidence of record in judging the merits of :his case. In
our opinion, the applicant s disability case was properly
evaluated, appropriately rated and received full consideration
under the appropriate regulations.
All levels of review
considered the entire medical record in determining her unfitting
medical condition. Once an individual has been declared unfit,
the Service Secretaries are required, by law, to rate the
condition based upon the degree cf disability at the time of
permanent disposition and not on future events.
We are
unpersuaded by the evidence presented that, at the time permanent
disposition was made, the applicant’s medical condition was
misdiagnosed by Air Force medical personnel or that her case was
not processed properly. We therefore agree with the opinions and
recommendations of the respective Air Force offices and adopt
their rationale as the basis f o r concluding that the applicant
has not been the victim of an error or injustice. Accordingly,
we find no compelling basis to recommend favorable action on her
The applicant be notified that t h e evidence presented did not
demonstrate the existence of probable material error or
injustice; that the application was denied without a personal
appearance; and that the applicatl-on will only be reconsidered
upon the submission of newly discovered relevant evidence not
considered with this application.
The following members of the Hoard consi.dered this application in
Executive Session on 10 December 1998, under the provisions of
AFI 36-2603:
Mr. Henry C . Saunders, Panel Chair
Ms. Ann 1,. Heidig, Member
Ms. Sophie A. Clark, Member
The following documentary evidence was considered:
Exhibit A. DD F o r m 1 4 9 , dated 2 0 Apr 98, w/atchs.
Exhibit B. Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
Exhibit C. Letter, AFBCMR Medical Consultant, dated
Exhibit D . Letter, HQ A F P C / D P P D , dated 1 3 Jul 98.
Exhibit E. Letter, SAF/MIBR, dated 3 Aug 98.
Exhibit F . Letter from
18 Jun 98.
A complete copy of the evaluation is at Exhibit F , The Chief Medical Consultant, AFBCMR, review the application and states that records clearly show the applicant was fit for duty through all the years of his active duty service, and, while having some residual problems relating to his Korean War experiences, he was well and able zo perform his dEties up to the time of h i s retirement, He is being compensated appropriately by the DVA for his service-connected, but not unfitting,...
AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Jut 2 7 1998 IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 96-03264 COUNSEL: None HEARING DESIRED: Yes APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: The Existed Prior To Service (EPTS) designation the Informal Physical Evaluation Board (IPEB) gave her condition be removed and %how [her] allegations as stated in [her] letters of 28 May 96 and 20 Jun 96 as Age Discrimination and Harassment, not-- 'Insensitivity of your Commander.11' - APPLICANT CONTENDS...
AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS AUG 1 9 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 9 8 - 0 0 0 3 0 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: YES Applicant is the widow of a former service member who requests that the former service member's disability retired grade be changed from captain to major. AI1 promotions to the grade of major and above must be confirmed by the Senate before an officer can be promoted. requests that her FACTS: Applicant entered into the military...
Therefore, the applicant was issued a DD Form 214 for the 15-18 January 1991 period because it was in direct support of ODS/S. Since the injury she received while on active duty in 1991 caused her to be permanently retired for disability in 1995, she should have been placed on the TDRL in 1991 and not ordered to participate while disabled. 4 96-02626 A complete copy of the additional Air Force evaluation is at Exhibit H. APPLICANT'S REVIEW OF ADDITIONAL AIR FORCE EVALUATIONS: Applicant...
AF | PDBR | CY2012 | PD2012 01313
Sarcoidosis 2. A 10% disability rating was assigned based on the 9434 code and a“mild social and industrial impairment.”The CI appealed and both a FPEB and USAPDA affirmed the 10% disability rating.In December 2001, the VA determined that both sarcoidosis and depression had EPTS and neither had been aggravated by service. SUBJECT: Department of Defense Physical Disability Board of Review Recommendation for AR20130012146 (PD201201313)I have reviewed the enclosed Department of Defense...
On 31 October 1996, the Secretary of the Air Force agreed with the findings of the IPEB and directed the applicant's permanent retirement, with a 30 percent disability rating. AIR FORCE EVALUATION: The AFBCMR Medical Consultant stated that the applicant served his last five years of military service with a severe eating disorder that resulted in excessive weight loss and physical disability that was thoroughly evaluated at Wilford Hall Medical Center in 1994. Accordingly, we recommend that...
DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON, DC Office of the Assistant Secretary AFBCMR 98-00576 I , MEMORANDUM FOR THE CHIEF OF STAFF Under the authority of Section 1552, Title 10, United States Code and Air Force Instruction 36-2603, and having assured compliance with the provisions of the above regulation, the decision of the Air Force Board foz Correction of Military Records is announced, and it is directed that: tment of the Air The pertine be considered for Force relating t promotion to...
The appropriate Air Force offices evaluated applicant's request and provided advisory opinions to the Board recommending the application be denied (Exhibit C). At the time she was placed on TDRL, promotion testing was being conducted for the 96E6 cycle. Although she is requesting supplemental promotion consideration to TSgt for the 97E6 cycle, she was ineligible for consideration because she was not on active duty.
COUNSEL: None - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 97-00144 AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS mol a$& HEARING DESIRED: No APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: His reenlistment eligibility (RE) code be changed to one that will allow reenlistment in the Air Force Reserve. A complete copy of the Air Force evaluation is attached at Exhibit C. The AFBCMR Medical Consultant also evaluated this case and contends t h a t the evidence is inconclusive in supporting...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2009 | 20090002079
In summary, the applicant states: a. that in 1993 and 1994, while on active duty, he suffered a generalized seizure, two grand mal seizures, and two strokes with hemorrhage; b. that Army personnel initially dismissed his symptoms; c. that his family, including his brother who is a medical doctor, took him to private medical doctors who addressed his symptoms and had him transferred to Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC); d. that the supervising doctor at WRAMC was unable to diagnose the...