QEC I I 1998
1. Correction of his Officer Selection Brief (OSB) to reflect
the correct duty organization, command level, and academic
2. A new Promotion Recommendation Form ( P R F ) be prepared with a
Definitely Promote (DP) recommendation.
3. Direct promotion to the grade of lieutenant colonel with a
date of rank (DOR) as if he had been selected for promotion by
the Calendar Year (CY95) Central Lieutenant Colonel Board.
Or, in the alternative, correction of his OSB to reflect the
correct duty organization, command level, and academic education;
his PRF be changed to a DP recommendation; and, that he be
granted a Special Selection Board (SSB).
His OSB for the CY95 board stated that his duty title was "Staff
Judge Advocate" and that the organization was a "RES READINESS
SQD" while the unit he served was the 43gth Airlift Wing. The
OSB did not reflect his Army Reserve service from May 1979 to Aug
1983 despite the fact that a decoration from that time period was
included in the package presented to the board. The OSB failed
to show his LL.M degree in Environmental Law from e
University which he received in 1993 despite thg fact
s shown on the preliminary brief that he was given to
review. He also contends that he did not receive a copy of his
PRF 30 days prior to the board, as required by AFR 35-10,
paragraph 4-9.
If he had known he did not receive a DP
recommendation, he could have exercised his right to send a
letter to the board.
AFBCMR 97-01621
In support of his appeal, applicant provided a six-page
(OERs) /Officer Performance Reports (OPRs) , a copy of his prior
AFBCMR appeal, and other documentation relating to his appeal.
Applicant's complete submission is attached at Exhibit A.
The applicant is Total Active Federal Military Service Date
(TAFMSD) is 8 Oct 83.
He is currently serving on extended
active duty in the grade of major, effective, and with a date of
rank (DOR) of 1 May 90..
The Personnel Data System (PDS) reflects the applicant's OER/OPR
profile since 1984 as follows:
7 Apr 84
7 Oct 84
7 Apr 85
9 Dec 85
9 Jun 86
5 Jun 87
17 Feb 88
17 Feb 89
17 Feb 90
16 Feb 91
14 Jun 92
14 Jun 93
14 May 94
14 May 95
14 May 96
10 May 97
Meets Standards
Meets Standards
Meets Standards
Meets Standards
Meets Standards
Meets Standards
Meets Standards
Meets Standards
Meets Standards
- _
AFBCMR Memorandum 95-02564, dated 22 Nov 96, directed the 5 Jul
94 entry under the Assignment History Section of the applicant's
CY94A OSB be corrected to read "W/Bff under the ?CMD LVL" and
''43gth Airlift Wing" under "Organization" and the entry IfSQff that
follows the organizational title should read "Wing." The Air
Force indicated that this correction was made in the PDS by the
office responsible for updating duty history; however, the
correction was directed a f t e r the CY95B board so the original
information was still included on the CY95B OSB for the 5 Jul 94
assignment history entry. The Air Force further indicates that
to compound the situation, the applicant had additional updates
to his assignment history prior to the CY95B board.
(22 Oct 94 and 31 Jan 95) also reflect 'TMD LVL" as
"AFR, If "Organization" as "Reserve Readiness Mobility Sq" (22 Oct
94 entry and "Reserve Spt Sq" (31 Jan 95) entry.
AFBCMR 97-0 1 62 1
The AFBCMR granted the applicant a SSB by the CY94A lieutenant
colonel board based on the information contained on the CY94A
OSB. The SSB convened on 2 Jun 97; however, the applicant was
nonselected for promotion to lieutenant colonel.
Applicant has four promotion nonselections by the CY94A (11 Oct
9 4 ) , CY95B (27 Nov 9 5 ) , the CY97B ( 2 Jun 97) and the CY97E (8 Dec
9 7 ) lieutenant colonel boards.
The Chief, Appeals & SSB Branch, AFPC/DPPPA, reviewed this
application and indicated that Air Force Manual (AFM) 36-2622,
Volume I, 1 Feb 96, paragraph,
states, in part, \\In
system changes can be made if the various source documents
reflect an error was made.“ The applicant is contesting the
validity of his unit of assignment, and he believes the OSB is
incorrect; however, there are no source documents to support his
Assignment information is based on unit manning
document authorizations and accurately reflects the unit of
assignment. While the applicant and the AFBCMR finds this to be
misleading, it is nonetheless correct. If the applicant believed
the assignment history to be misleading, he was entitled to write
a letter to the board president as instructions attached to the
Officer Preselection Brief (OPB) reflect.
DPPPA’ s records
indicate he did not avail himself of this entitlement. Further,
the 14 May 95 OPR that met the CY95B board clearly shows “951St
Reserve Support Squadron (AFRES) w i t h d u t y a t the 43gtn A i r l i f t
If the Board directs additional corrections to the
applicant‘s assignment history for the 22 Oct 94 and 31 Jan 95
entries, subsequent entries (which are made at base level) will
undoubtedly still reflect information from the unit manning
document and this could result in follow-on appeals on the part
of the applicant.
Regarding the PRF issue, while the applicant believes he did not
receive his PRF within the time limits outlined by regulation,
DPPPA must point out that AFR 36-10, paragraph 4-9a(6), states,
“The senior rater provides the ratee a copy of the PRF
approximately (emphasis added) 30 days before the central
selection board.” What the applicant does not say is what he did
to expedite receipt of his PRF. While they realize the applicant
did not entirely control the situation, he could have made
inquiries to let the senior rater know he was interested in
receiving the PRF as soon as possible, or he could possibly have
postponed his leave. The senior rater was not required to hand
deliver the PRF to the ratee, nor was he required to check the
ratee‘s leave schedule. Furthermore, while the applicant appears.
to be focusing on when he received his PRF, he does not provide
any evidence that the PRF is inaccurate as written.
AFBCMR 97-0 1 62 1
While the applicant contends his LL.M degree was missing from his
OSB even though it was listed correctly on the OPB, DPPPA found
that the applicant was only partially correct in his contention.
The OPB did not reflect the accurate information.
Had the
applicant been diligent in his perusal of the OPB, he could have
discovered this error and taken action to have it corrected prior
to the board.
Further, this issue did not surface in the
applicant's appeal of his nonselection by the CY94A board, nor
did he surface the issue prior to SSB consideration for the CY94A
board. Dp.FPA contends that the applicant had ample opportunity
to ensure the academic education was corrected prior to his
promotion considerations. Department of Defense (DOD) Directive
1320.11, paragraph D.3.r states, "A Special Selection Board shall
not, under Section 628(b) or 14502(b) of reference (b) [Title 10,
United States Code], consider any officer who might, by
maintaining reasonably careful records, have discovered and taken
steps to correct that error or omission on which the original
board based its decision against promotion."
The applicant's Army Reserve service from May 79 - Aug 93 is not
included in his duty history because it is not part of his Air
Force duty history (AFM 30-130, Chapter 18-18e).
information has never been included on any of the applicant's
OSBs, nor should it have been. Again, this is another issue the
applicant could have addressed in a letter to the board president
had he exercised this option.
Regarding the applicant's request for direct promotion to the
grade of lieutenant colonel, an officer may be qualified for
promotion, but, in the judgment of a selection board-vested with
discretionary authority to make the selections-he may not be the
best qualified of those available for the limited number of
promotion vacancies. Absent clear-cut evidence the applicant
would have been a selectee by the CY95B board, DPPPA believes a
duly constituted board, applying the complete promotion criteria,
is in the most advantageous position to render this vital
determination. The board's prerogative to do so should not be
usurped except under extraordinary circumstances. Further, to
grant a direct promotion would be unfair to all other officers
who have extremely competitive records and also did not get
promoted. DPPPA does not support direct promotion.
In summary, while it may be argued that, since the AFBCMR-
directed correction to the 5 Jul 94 assignment history entry was
not accomplished until after the CY95B board, then SSB by that
board is warranted, and DPPPA does not espouse that argument.
The applicant received SSB consideration by the CY94A board with
the corrected assignment history (his in-the-promotion zone ( I P Z )
consideration) and was nonselected. It would not follow that the
same correction would enhance his record sufficiently to warrant
promotion by the CY95B board (above-the-promotion zone ( A P Z ) ) .
A complete copy of the Air Force evaluation is attached at
Exhibit C.
AFBCMR 97-0 162 1
The Chief, Reports & Queries Team, AFPC/DPAISl, also reviewed
this application and indicated that assignment information is
based on unit manning document authorizations and accurately
reflect the unit of assign
the OPR states that the
applicant had duty at the
t Wing, the fact remains
eserve Readiness Mobility
that he was assigned to the
Squadron, which later became the
Reserve Support Squadron.
In addition, Block 9 (PAS
OPR assigns the applicant
the MAJCOM (major command) identity defined as OM for AF Reserve.
Thus, his duty command levels reads OM. DPAISl recommends denial
of applicant's request to change his duty history.
A complete copy of their evaluation is attached at Exhibit D.
Applicant reviewed the Air Force evaluations and provided a five-
page rebuttal.
Applicant's complete response, with attachments, is attached at
Exhibit F.
The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided-by existing
law or regulations.
2. The application was timely filed.
3. Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to
demonstrate the existence of probable error or injustice.
Applicant's contentions are duly noted. However, we do not find
these assertions, in and by themselves, sufficiently persuasive
to override the rationale provided by the Air Force. We note
that the applicant received SSB consideration by the CY94A board
with the corrected assignment history and was not selected for
promotion. We are not persuaded that the same correction would
enhance his record sufficiently to warrant promotion by the CY95B
board. Therefore, in the absence of clear-cut evidence that the
omission of this information was the basis for his nonselection,
we are in agreement with the comments of the Air Force and adopt
the rationale expressed as the basis for our decision that the
applicant has failed to sustain his burden that he has suffered
either an error or an injustice.
Therefore, we find no
compelling basis to recommend granting the relief sought. In
addition, we have no basis upon which to recommend that he be
directly promoted to the grade of lieutenant colonel.
AFBCMR 97-0 162 1
4. The documentation provided with this case was sufficient to
give the Board a clear understanding of the issues involved and a
personal appearance, with or without counsel, would not have
materially added to that understanding. Therefore, the request
for a hearing is not favorably considered.
The applicant be notified that the evidence presented did not
demonstrate the existence of probable material error or
injustice; that the application was denied without a personal
appearance; and that the application will only be reconsidered
evidence not
upon the
considered with this application.
submission of newly discovered relevant
The following members of the Board considered this application in
Executive Session on 30 September 1998, under the provisions of
Air Force Instruction 36-2603:
Mr. John C. Robuck, Panel Chair
Mr. Kenneth L. Reinertson, Member
Mr. Mike Novel, Member
Mrs. Joyce Earley, Examiner (without vote)
The following documentary evidence was considered:
Exhibit A.
Exhibit B.
Exhibit C.
Exhibit D.
Exhibit E.
Exhibit F.
DD Form 149, dated 22 May 97, w/atchs.
Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
Letter, AFPC/DPPPA, dated 25 Aug 97.
Letter, AFPC/DPAISl, dated 12 Ser, 9 7 -
Letter, AFBCMR, dated 2 2 Sep 97.
Letter fr applicant, dated 16 Oct 97,
I - . -
- -
Panel Chair
A complete copy of the Air Force evaluation is attached at Exhibit C. The Acting Chief, Appeals and SSB Branch, AFPC/DPPPA, reviewed the application and states that the OPB is sent to each eligible officer several months prior to a selection board. The letter forwarding each eligible officer their OPB specifically outlines each entry on the OPB and OSB and the appropriate offices of responsibility to contact to have this information corrected. They are not convinced these discrepancies...
As to the 23 June 1997 duty history entry, the Air Force office of primary responsibility, HQ AFPC/DPPPA, stated that the applicant's letter to the P0597C board president, which explained his then current duty title, was in his Officer Selection Record (0%) when it was considered by the P0597C selection board. The applicant requests two corrections to his duty history. The applicant requests his duty history entry, effective 2 Oct 92, be updated to reflect “Chief, Commodities Section”...
On 30 Sep 98, the Board considered and denied applicant’s requests, concluding that since he received SSB consideration by the CY94A board with the corrected assignment history and was not selected for promotion, the Board was not persuaded that the same correction would enhance his record sufficiently to warrant promotion by the CY95B board. A complete copy of the ROP is attached at Exhibit H. On 27 Feb 99, the applicant requested reconsideration of his application and asks that his...
AF | BCMR | CY1999 | BC-1997-01621
On 30 Sep 98, the Board considered and denied applicant’s requests, concluding that since he received SSB consideration by the CY94A board with the corrected assignment history and was not selected for promotion, the Board was not persuaded that the same correction would enhance his record sufficiently to warrant promotion by the CY95B board. A complete copy of the ROP is attached at Exhibit H. On 27 Feb 99, the applicant requested reconsideration of his application and asks that his...
AF | BCMR | CY1999 | BC-1997-02055
_________________________________________________________________ AIR FORCE EVALUATION: The Report and Queries Section, AFPC/DPAIS1, indicated that a review of the applicant’s duty history revealed that the upgrade to “Chief, Electronic Combat Systems” was entered into the PDS with an effective date of 1 Aug 94. A complete copy of the DPAIS1 evaluation is at Exhibit C. The Selection Board Secretariat, AFPC/DPPB, reviewed this application and indicated that they disagreed with the...
_________________________________________________________________ AIR FORCE EVALUATION: The Report and Queries Section, AFPC/DPAIS1, indicated that a review of the applicant’s duty history revealed that the upgrade to “Chief, Electronic Combat Systems” was entered into the PDS with an effective date of 1 Aug 94. A complete copy of the DPAIS1 evaluation is at Exhibit C. The Selection Board Secretariat, AFPC/DPPB, reviewed this application and indicated that they disagreed with the...
AF | BCMR | CY1999 | BC-1997-02960
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 97-02960 (Case 2) INDEX CODE: 131.01 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: NO _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: He be considered for promotion to the grade of major by a Special Selection Board (SSB) for the CY94A (22 Aug 94) Major Board (P0494A), with a corrected officer selection record (OSR). As to the MSM, he feels the MSM should...
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: 97-02960 (Case 2) INDEX CODE: 131.01 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: NO _________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: He be considered for promotion to the grade of major by a Special Selection Board (SSB) for the CY94A (22 Aug 94) Major Board (P0494A), with a corrected officer selection record (OSR). As to the MSM, he feels the MSM should...
On the contrary, the issue here is whether any error has occurred within an internal Air Force promotion recommendation procedure (unlike Sanders, this applicant has not proven the existence of any error requiring correction) , wherein the final promotion recommendation (DP, Promote, Do Not Promote) cannot exist without the concurrence of the officers who authored and approved it. The attached reaccomplished PRF, reflecting a promotion recommendation of IIDefinitely Promote (DP) , be...
A copy of the Air Force evaluation is attached at Exhibit C. 2 , (PDS) ; however, they The Chief, BCMR and S S B Section, HQ AFPC/DPPPA, states that with regard to the duty title and assignment history effective date changes, AFPC/DPAIS1 made these corrections to the personnel data system support (DPPPA) do not These reconsideration for promotion on these issues. A complete copy of the Air Force evaluation is attached at Exhibit D. APPLICANT'S REVIEW OF AIR FORCE EVALUATION: Applicant...