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AF | BCMR | CY1997 | 9603735
Original file (9603735.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved


Office of the Assistant Secretary 

AFBCMR 96-03735 

DEC  0 2  1997 



Having  received  and  considered  the  recommendation  of  the  Air  Force  Board  for 
Correction of Military Records and under the authority of Section 1552, Title 10, United 
States Code (70A Stat 116), it is directed that: 

issued in conjunction with his Honorable Discharge on 14 October 1994, Gas “&-3K.” 

records of the Department of the Air Force relating to 
e corrected to show that his reenlistment eligibility ( 

Air Force Review Boards Agency 





DOCKET "IBER:  96-03735 


DEC  0 2  Fk%T 


His  reenlistment  eligibility  (RE)  code  be  changed  to  allow 
enlistment in the U. S. Naval Reserve-. 


He was a valuable member of the active duty military service and 
would like the opportunity to serve in the U. S. Naval Reserve. 
The Navy  recruiters have  asked him  to  submit  a  DD  Form  149 to 
have his RE code changed to a positive code. 

In  support  of  his  request,  applicant  submits  a  copy  of  his 
memorandum  to  the  U.  S. Naval  Reserve  Recruiting  Service.  He 
also submits documentation from his military records pertaining 
to  the  AFR  39-10  discharge  action  and  numerous  letters  of 
appreciation and recommendation. 

Applicant's submission is attached at Exhibit A. 


Applicant enlisted  in the Regular Air  Force on 23  January 1992 
for a period of four (4) years in the grade of airman  ( E - 2 ) .  
On  9 September 1994, applicant was notified of  his  commander's 
intent to recommend discharge action under the provisions of AFR 
39-10,  paragraph  5-26c,  Unsatisfactory  Performance,  with  an 
honorable  discharge.  The  reasons  for  the  action  were: 
Applicant  failed  his  end  of  course  examination  for AFSC  2S031 
with a  score of  43%, a passing  score being  6 5 % ,   the  results of 
which  were  received on  12 March  1993, for which  the  applicant 
received  verbal  counseling. 
(2) Applicant  failed  his  end  of 
course examination for Air Force Specialty Code  (AFSC) 2S031 with 
a score of  63%, a passing  score being  65%, the results of which 
were received on 25 June 1993, for which the applicant received 
verbal counseling. 

Subsequently the discharge action was found legally sufficient to 
support  a  finding that  applicant  was  subject  to  discharge  for 
unsatisfactory performance under AFR 39-10, specifically, failure 
to  progress  in  on-the- job  training. 
The  Discharge  Authority 
approved the discharge and directed that applicant be discharged 
with an honorable discharge without probation and rehabilitation. 
Applicant  was  honorably  discharged  on  14  October  1994,  in  the 
grade of  airman  first class, under the provisions of  AFR  39-10 
(Unsatisfactory Performance).  He served 2 years, 8 months and 22 
days  of  active  military  service. 
The  RE  code  issued  in 
conjunction with the discharge was "RE 2K. 


The Chief ,  skills Management  Branch, HQ AFPC/DPPAE, states that 
the  RE  code 2K  is used  to  indicate a  member has  been  formally 
notified  by  the  unit  commander  on  initiation  of  involuntary 
separation action.  The  applicant  was  notified  of  involuntary 
separation action on 9 September 1994. 
A copy of the Air Force evaluation is attached at Exhibit C .  


Applicant states, in summary, that his superiors fought for over 
a year to retain him on active duty.  He wants the opportunity to 
serve his country and all he asks is that the Board give his case 
as much consideration as possible. 
A copy of the applicant's response is attached at Exhibit E .  



The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing 
or regulations. 


The application was timely filed. 

Sufficient  relevant  evidence  has  been  Dresented  to 
demonstrate  the  existence  of  probable  error  or  injustice 
warranting  relief. 
At  the  outset,  after  reviewing  the 
applicant's DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge From 
Active Duty, the RE code assigned at the time of his separation 
was  RE  2K.  This  RE  code  reflects  that  a  member  ''Has been 
formally  notified  by  the  unit  commander  of  initiation  of 
involuntary separation action."  It appears that this RE code was 



entered  into  the  Personnel  Data  System  (PDS) at  the  time  the 
applicant's commander was  considering  discharge  action  against 
him.  However, the  RE  code  2K  is  not  assigned  at  the  time  a 
member  is separated and is incorrectly reflected on the DD Form 
214.  The correct RE code which should have been assigned at the 
time  of  applicant's  separation  was  RE  2C, 
which  reflects 
Tnvoluntarily  separated with  an  honorable  discharge; or entry 
level separation without  characterization of  service. 
code could have been administratively corrected. 

This RE  ' 

4.  After  reviewing  the  evidence  of  record  and  applicant's 
submission, we note that at the time of separation, members are 
furnished an RE code predicated upon the quality of their service 
and circumstances of their separation.  At the time an RE code is 
assigned, it reflects the Air Force position regarding whether or 
not or under what circumstances the individual should be allowed 
to reenlist.  We do believe that the-  RE code 2 C   would have been 
the correct code at the time of applicant's separation.  However, 
we note that for the period of time applicant served in an active 
status, the only reason for the discharge action was his failure 
to progress in on-the-job training in his AFSC.  Applicant states 
that he would  like the opportunity to serve in the U. S. Naval 
Reserve and the recruiters have asked him to request a correction 
of his records to reflect a positive RE code.  Although we do not 
believe  his  RE  code  should  be  changed  to  a  code  to  allow 
immediate reenlistment, we do believe  it  should be changed to a 
waiverable code and he should be given the opportunity to enlist 
in  another  service, predicated  on  the  needs  of  that  service. 
Therefore, we  recommend the applicant's records be  corrected to 
the extent indicated below. 

The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force 
relating to APPLICANT, be corrected to show that his reenlistment 
eligibility  (RE) code, issued in conjunction with his Honorable 
Discharge on 14 October 1994, was "RE-3K.I' 

The following members of the Board considered this application in 
Executive Session on 4 November 1997, under the provisions of AFI 
36-2603 : 

Mr. LeRoy T. Baseman, Panel Chairman 
Mr. David W. Mulgrew, Member 
Mr. Joseph G. Diamond, Member 

All  members voted  to correct  the  records, as recommended.  The 
following documentary evidence was considered: 


Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 17 Dec  96, w/atchs. 
Exhibit B. 
Applicant's Master Personnel Records. 
Exhibit  C.  Letter, HQ AFPC/DPPAE, dated  10 Jan 97. 
Exhibit  D.  Letter, AFBCMR, dated  3  Feb 97. 

Panel Chairman 


D E P A R T M E N T   O F   T H E  AIR  FORCE 

H E A D Q U A R T E R S  A I R   F O R C E   P E R S O N N E L  C E N T E R  

R A N D O L P H   A I R   F O R C E  B A S E  T E X A S  




550 C Street West, Ste 10 
Randolph AB TX 78 150-47 12 



(1 0  JAN 

1 9 4 7  -  1 9 9 7  


Review pf the applicant’s file revealed that his reenlistment eligibility (RE) code of 2K 

is correct.  BE code 2K is used to indicate a member has been formally notified by the unit 

commander on initiation of involuntary separation action.  The applicant was notified of 

involuntary separation action on 9 Sep 94. 


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