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NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 08238-01
Original file (08238-01.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved



WASHINGTON DC 20370-5100

I>ockct  No: X238-01
29 November 200 1

Peti timer,
record be

Petitioner ’s

Docket No: 8238-O 1



That Petitioner ‘s naval record
1 May 200 1 is in




corrcctetl,  where  


to show that the enlistment of


That a copy of this Report of


Proceedings  be  

filed in Petitioner

’s naval record.


Pursuant to Section

Records (32 Code of Federal Regulations,
present  at the Board ’s review   and 
record of the Board


delilmxtions, and that  
’s proceedings in the above entitled matter.

of the   revised Procedures


of‘ the   Board for Correction of Naval

Section 723.6(c)) it is certified that quorum was

tlic foregoing is a true and



Acting Recorder


Pursuant to the delegation
_ 5
of the   Board  for Correction  
723.6(e)) and having assured
foregoing corrective action,
the Board. on behalf of the




01‘ authority set out in Section


6(e) of the revised Procedures

01‘ Naval  

kcor~ls  (32  


ot‘ Federal Regulations, Section

compliance  with its provisions,

it is hereby announced that the


the authority of

  reference (a), has been approved by

01‘ the Navy.

29 November 200 I


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