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NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 06422-01
Original file (06422-01.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied

B O A R D   F O R   C O R R E C T I O N   O F   N A V A L   R E C O R D S  

2  N A V Y   A N N E X  

W A S H I N G T O N   D C   2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  

Docket  No:  6422-01 
2 April  2002 

This is  in  reference to  your  application  for correction of  your  naval  record  pursuant to the 
provisions of  title  10 of  the  United  States Code,  section  1552.  You  requested  the 
modification and/or  deletion of  several entries  in  a report  of  psychiatric evaluation dated  16 
October  1962. 

A three-member panel  of  the  Board  for Correction of  Naval  Records,  sitting in  executive 
session, considered  your application  on  28  March  2002.  Your allegations of  error and 
injustice were  reviewed  in  accordance with  administrative regulations and  procedures 
applicable to the proceedings of  this  Board.  Documentary  material considered  by  the Board 
consisted of  your application, together  with  all  material  submitted in  support thereof,  your 
naval  record  and  applicable statutes, regulations and  policies. 

After careful and  conscientious consideration of the entire record,  the Board  found that the 
evidence submitted was  insufficient to  establish  the existence of  probable material error or 
injustice.  In  this  regard,  the  Board  noted  that  you  underwent psychiatric evaluation on  16 
October  1962.  You  were  found  to  have a severe schizoid personality.  You  were not 
considered psychotic at  that  time.  As  you  advised  the psychiatrist that  you  did  not  feel you 
had  any  problems  to work  on,  he  believed  that  you  lacked  the  motivation to benefit  from 
psychiatric care.  The  fact that  a psychiatrist who evaluated  yo11  about  six  months later,  in 
connection  with  your application  for entry into a  monastery, felt that your  thinking was  not 
psychotic, but  "very close to  psychosis", and  that  you  needed  psychiatric treatment,  was  not 
considered  probative of your  contention  that  the earlier  findings and  opinions are erroneous. 

In  view  of the foregoing, your  application  has  been  denied.  The names and  votes of  the 
members of the  panel  will  be  furnished  upon  request. 

It is regretted  that  the circumstances of  your case are such  that  favorable action cannot be 
L~~LLII. YOU are ~ i
its decisiurl  uyori  subrtlission of  new 
and  material evidence or other  matter  not  previously  considered  by  the Board.  In  this 

to  l i d w  the  h i r J  t c ~ ~ v ~ ~ s i ~ l ~ r  

i ~ i r l d  

regard,  it  is  important to  keep  in  mind  that  a presumption of  regularity attaches to all official 
records.  Consequently, when  applying for a correction of an  official naval  record,  the 
bur,tit,n is on  the applicant to  demonstrate the existence of  probable  material  error or 


Executive Director 


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