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NAVY | BCNR | CY2001 | 05291.01
Original file (05291.01.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied

B O A R D   F O R   C O R R E C T I O N   O F   N A V A L   R E C O R D S  

2  N A V Y   A N N E X  

W A S H I N G T O N   D C   2 0 3 7 0 - 5 1 0 0  

Docket No:  5291-01 
29 April  2002 

This is in  reference to  your application for correction of  your  naval  record  pursuant to the 
provisions of title  10 of  the United  States Code, section  1552. 

A  three-member panel  of  the Board  for Correction of  Naval  Records,  sitting in  executive 
session, considered your  application on  18 April  2002.  Your  allegations of  error and 
injustice were reviewed  in  accordance with  administrative regulations and  procedures 
applicable to  the proceedings of  this Board.  Documentary  material  considered by  the Board 
consisted of  your application, together  with  all  material  submitted in  support thereof, your 
naval  record  and  applicable statutes, regulations and  policies.  As  the Board  was  unable to 
obtain a copy of your health  record,  it review  was  limited  to  medical  record  entries contained 
in  your  Disability Evaluation  Proceedings. 

After careful and  conscientious consideration of  the entire record,  the Board  found that  the 
evidence submitted was  insufficient to establish the existence of  probable material  error or 
injustice.  In  this regard,  the Board  noted  that you  voiced  suicidal ideation on  several 
occasions in 2001, and  that entries to  that effect were made in records complrted by  an 
emergency room  physician and  a psychologist, both  of  whom  were qualified, and  indeed 
required,  to  make those entries.  Although  the Board  regrets that the suicidal ideation was 
apparently in  reaction  to  harassing  behavior by  members of  your command, the health  record 
entries are valid, and  there does not appear to  be any  basis for removing  them  from your 
record.  The Board  rejected  your contention  to  the effect that you  did  not  express suicidal 

In  view of  the foregoing, your application has  been  denied.  The names and  votes of  the 
members of  the panel  will  be  furnished  upon  request. 

It is regretted  that  the circumstances of  your case are such  that favorable action cannot be 
taken.  You  are entitled to  have the Board  reconsider its decision upon  submission of  new 
and  material evidence or other matter not  previously considered by  the Board.  In  this 

regard,  it is important  to  keep in  mind  that  a presumption of regularity attaches to all official 
records.  Consequently, when  applying for a correction of an  official naval  record, the 
burden  is on  the  applicant to  demonstrate the  existence of probable  material  error or 


Executive Director 


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