Applicant Name: ?????
Application Receipt Date: 071219 Prior Review: Prior Review Date: NA
I. Applicant Request: Upgrade Reason Change RE Code Change
Issues: See DD Form 293 and attached documents submitted by the applicant.
II. Were Proper Discharge and Separation Authority procedures followed?
Tender Offer: NA
See Attachments: Legal Medical Minority Opinion Exhibits
III. Discharge Under Review
Unit CDR Recommended Discharge: Date: 030630
Discharge Received: Date: 030715 Chapter: 5-17 AR: 635-200
Reason: Physical Condition, Not A Disability RE: SPD: JFV Unit/Location: 120th AG Bn, Fort Jackson, SC
Time Lost: None
Article 15s (Charges/Dates/Punishment): None
Courts-Martial (Charges/Dates/Punishment): None
Counseling Records Available: Yes No
IV. Soldiers Overall Record
Age at current enlistment: 23
Current ENL Date: 030115 Current ENL Term: 2 Years ?????
Current ENL Service: 00 Yrs, 06Mos, 01Days ?????
Total Service: 00 Yrs, 06Mos, 01Days ?????
Previous Discharges: None
Highest Grade: E-1 Performance Ratings Available: Yes No
MOS: None GT: 114 EDU: HS Grad Overseas: None Combat: None
Decorations/Awards: None
V. Post-Discharge Activity
City, State: Magnolia, TX
Post Service Accomplishments: None Listed
VI. Facts, Circumstances, and Legal Basis for Separation
a. Facts and Circumstances:
Evidence of record shows that on 30 June 2003, the unit commander notified the applicant of initiation of separation action under the provisions of AR 635-200, Chapter 5, Paragraph 5-17, Other Designated Physical or Mental Conditions, by reason of being treated extensively for medial malleolar stress fractures; however, the prognosis and recovery time would unreasonably interfere with her ability to successful ship to training, with service uncharacterized. She was advised of her rights. The applicant waived legal counsel and did not submit a statement in her own behalf. The unit commander subsequently recommended separation from the service and waiver of further rehabilitative efforts. The intermediate commander reviewed the proposed discharge action and recommended approval of the separation action with an uncharacterized discharge. On 8 July 2003, the separation authority waived further rehabilitative efforts and directed that the applicant be discharged with service uncharacterized.
b. Legal Basis for Separation:
Army Regulation 635-200 provides the basic authority for the separation of enlisted personnel. Paragraph 5-17 provides that a Soldier may be separated for other physical or mental conditions not amounting to a disability under Army Regulation 635-40, that interferes with assignment to or performance of duty. The regulation requires that the condition interferes with the Soldiers ability to perform duty, and requires that the diagnosis be so severe that the Soldiers ability to function in the military environment is significantly impaired. Army policy states that the service of personnel separated under this paragraph will be characterized as honorable, general, under honorable conditions, or uncharacterized if in entry-level status. A general, under honorable conditions discharge is normally inappropriate for individuals separated under the provisions of Chapter 5-17.
c. Response to Issues, Recommendation and Rationale:
After a careful review of all the applicants military records during the period of enlistment under review, the issue and documents she submitted, the analyst recommends that relief be denied in this case. The evidence of record shows that the applicant was being treated extensively for medial malleolar stress fractures; and recovery time would unreasonably interfere with her ability to successful ship to training. The applicants service was uncharacterized because she was in an entry-level status. A Soldier is in entry-level status (ELS) for the first 180 days of continuous active duty. The purpose of the entry-level status is to provide the Soldier a probationary period. Army Regulation 635-200 also provides, except in cases of serious misconduct, that a Soldiers service will be uncharacterized when her separation is initiated while the Soldier is in entry level status. An honorable discharge is not authorized under ELS conditions. Further, for Soldiers in entry-level status, a fully honorable discharge may be granted only in cases which are clearly warranted by unusual circumstances involving outstanding personal conduct and/or performance of duty. The analyst determined that no such unusual circumstances were present in the applicants record and his service did not warrant an honorable discharge. Furthermore, the analyst noted the applicant's issue, however, this is not an adverse separation action and denotes only that the individual had less than 180 days on active duty. In view of the foregoing, the analyst determined that the reason for discharge and the characterization of service were both proper and equitable and recommends to the board to deny relief.
VII. Summary of Army Discharge Review Board Hearing
Type of Hearing: Date: 22 October 2008 Location: Washington, DC
Did the Applicant Testify? Yes No
Counsel: NA
Witnesses/Observers: NA
Exhibits Submitted: NA
VIII. Board Discussion, Determination, and Recommendation
After carefully examining the applicants record of service during the period of enlistment under review and considering the analysts recommendation and rationale, the Board determined that the discharge was both proper and equitable and voted to deny relief.
IX. Board Decision
XI. Certification Signature
Board Vote: Approval Authority:
Character - Change 0 No change 5
Reason - Change 0 No change 5
(Board member names available upon request)
Colonel, U.S. Army
President, Army Discharge Review Board
Issue a new DD Form 214
Change Characterization to:
Change Reason to: No Change
Other: NA
RE Code:
Grade Restoration: No Yes Grade: None
Case Number AR20080000622
Page 1 of 3 pages
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The intermediate commander reviewed the proposed discharge action and recommended approval of the separation action with a general, under honorable conditions discharge. On 6 July 2007, the separation authority directed that the applicant be discharged with a characterization of service of general, under honorable conditions. Board Action Directed President, Army Discharge Review Board Issue a new DD Form 214 Change Characterization to: Change Reason to: No Change Other: NA RE Code: Grade...
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Paragraph 5-17 specifically provides that a soldier may be separated for other physical or mental conditions not amounting to a disability under Army Regulation 635-40, which interferes with assignment to or performance of duty. Board Action Directed No Change Issue a new DD Form 214 Change Characterization to: Change Reason to: NA Other: NA RE Code: Grade Restoration: No Yes Grade: None XI. Certification Signature and Date Approval Authority: MARK E. COLLINS Colonel, U.S. Army President,...
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Applicant Name: ????? A general, under honorable conditions discharge is normally inappropriate for individuals separated under the provisions of Chapter 5-17. c. Response to Issues, Recommendation and Rationale: After a careful review of all the applicants military records during the period of enlistment under review, the issues and documents he submitted, the analyst found no mitigating factors that would merit an upgrade of the applicant's discharge. Board Action Directed President,...
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Facts, Circumstances, and Legal Basis for Separation a. On 4 March 2006, the unit commander notified the applicant of initiation of separation action under the provisions of Chapter 5, Paragraph 5-17, AR 635-200, by reason of other designated physical or mental conditions (diagnosed by a psychiatrist with a depressive disorder, not otherwise specified and recurrent occupational problem), with a general, under honorable conditions characterization of service. Board Discussion,...
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Applicant Name: ????? The applicants service was uncharacterized because she was in an entry-level status. Board Action Directed President, Army Discharge Review Board Issue a new DD Form 214 Change Characterization to: Change Reason to: NA Other: NA RE Code: Grade Restoration: No Yes Grade: NA ARMY DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD - CASE REPORT AND DIRECTIVE Case Number AR20080013546 ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 of 3 pages