ARMY | DRB | CY2004 | AR2004104169
SECTION B - Prior Service Data NONE Other discharge(s): Service From To Type Discharge PART IV - PREHEARING REVIEW SECTION A-ANALYST’S ASSESSMENT l. Facts and Circumstances: a. Minority views: NONE PART VII - BOARD ACTION SECTION B - Verification and Authentication Case report reviewed and verified Ms. McKim-Spilker Case Reviewing Official PART VIII - DIRECTIVE/CERTIFICATION SECTION A - DIRECTIVE TO: ARBA Support Division-St Louis Date: 8 October 2004 The Army Discharge Review Board,...
ARMY | DRB | CY2003 | AR2003091995
SECTION B - Prior Service Data NONE Other discharge(s): Service From To Type Discharge PART IV - PREHEARING REVIEW SECTION A-ANALYST’S ASSESSMENT l. Facts and Circumstances: a. ( X ) Change reason and authority for discharge to Misconduct, Chapter 14, AR 635-200. SECTION B - CERTIFICATION Approval Authority: ROBERT L. HOUSE Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board Official: MARY E. SHAW Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Chief, Secretary Recorder EXHIBITS: A - Application for...
ARMY | DRB | CY1999 | 1999016014
Prior review(s): NONE PART III - SERVICE HISTORY SECTION A - Period of Service Under Review 1. PART VII - BOARD ACTIONSECTION B - Verification and Authentication Case report reviewed and verified MR. RON WILLIAMS Case Reviewing Official PART VIII - DIRECTIVE/CERTIFICATIONSECTION A - DIRECTIVE NONE SECTION B - CERTIFICATION Approval Authority:THOMAS J. ALLEN Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C - Other B - Material...
ARMY | DRB | CY1999 | 1999016147
PART VII - BOARD ACTIONSECTION B - Verification and Authentication Case report reviewed and verified MR. RON WILLIAMS Case Reviewing Official PART VIII - DIRECTIVE/CERTIFICATIONSECTION A - DIRECTIVE NONE SECTION B - CERTIFICATION Approval Authority:THOMAS J. ALLEN Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C - Other B - Material submitted by applicant AR Number: 1999016147 INDEX NUMBERS: A9217 Date of Review: 990217...
ARMY | DRB | CY1999 | 1999024436
PART VII - BOARD ACTIONSECTION B - Verification and Authentication Case report reviewed and verified MR. RIVERA Case Reviewing Official PART VIII - DIRECTIVE/CERTIFICATIONSECTION A - DIRECTIVE NONE SECTION B - CERTIFICATION Approval Authority:THOMAS J. ALLEN Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C - Other B - Material submitted by applicant AR Number: 1999024436 INDEX NUMBERS: A9217 Date of Review: 990407 A9500 Character...
ARMY | DRB | CY1999 | 1999021318
PART VII - BOARD ACTIONSECTION B - Verification and Authentication Case report reviewed and verified MR. RIVERA Case Reviewing Official PART VIII - DIRECTIVE/CERTIFICATIONSECTION A - DIRECTIVE NONE SECTION B - CERTIFICATION Approval Authority:THOMAS J. ALLEN Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C - Other B - Material submitted by applicant AR Number: 1999021318 INDEX NUMBERS: A9217 Date of Review: 990324 A9500 Character...
ARMY | DRB | CY1999 | 1999027476
Prior review(s): NONE PART III - SERVICE HISTORY SECTION A - Period of Service Under Review 1. PART VII - BOARD ACTIONSECTION B - Verification and Authentication Case report reviewed and verified MRS. WADE Case Reviewing Official PART VIII - DIRECTIVE/CERTIFICATIONSECTION A - DIRECTIVE NONE SECTION B - CERTIFICATION Approval Authority:THOMAS J. ALLEN Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C - Other B - Material submitted...
ARMY | DRB | CY2001 | 2001058792
The evidence of record available to the Board shows that the applicant was discharged from the Army National Guard under the provisions of Chapter 13, AR 135-178 & paragraph 1-26k, by reason of unsatisfactory participation with a character of service of general, under honorable conditions. The Board, being convinced that the reason for discharge and the characterization of service were both proper and equitable, voted to deny relief.3. EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C -...
ARMY | DRB | CY1999 | 1999021588
On 24 October 1984, the applicant was discharged with a general, under honorable conditions discharge, under the provisions of Chapter l3, AR 635-200, by reason of unsatisfactory performance. EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C - Other B - Material submitted by applicant AR Number: 1999021588 INDEX NUMBERS: A9218 Date of Review: 990310 A0100 Character of Service: GD A9500 Date of Discharge: 841024 Authority: AR 635-200 C13 Reason: A4900 Results of Board...
ARMY | DRB | CY2000 | 2000037772
PART VII - BOARD ACTIONSECTION B - Verification and Authentication Case report reviewed and verified MRS. WADE Case Reviewing Official PART VIII - DIRECTIVE/CERTIFICATIONSECTION A - DIRECTIVE NONE SECTION B - CERTIFICATION Approval Authority:THOMAS J. ALLEN Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board EXHIBITS: A - Application for review of discharge C - Other B - Material submitted by applicant AR Number: 2000037772 INDEX NUMBERS: A9217 Date of Review: 000315 A0100 Character...