BOARD DATE: 21 April 2005
DOCKET NUMBER: AR20040004034
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the true and complete record
of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in
the case of the above-named individual.
| |Mr. Carl W. S. Chun | |Director |
| |Mrs. Nancy L. Amos | |Analyst |
The following members, a quorum, were present:
| |Mr. Fred N. Eichorn | |Chairperson |
| |Mr. Richard T. Dunbar | |Member |
| |Ms. Delia R. Trimble | |Member |
The Board considered the following evidence:
Exhibit A - Application for correction of military records.
Exhibit B - Military Personnel Records (including advisory opinion,
if any).
1. The applicant requests, in effect, that the records of her deceased
father, a former service member (FSM), be corrected to show he enrolled in
the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) for spouse coverage.
2. The applicant states that she believes the form was sent to the FSM
while he was deployed to Iraq during the first Gulf War and he was too busy
to return it.
3. The applicant provides a letter from the FSM written during the Gulf
War; the FSM's and her mother's marriage certificate; the FSM's death
certificate; and the birth certificates of herself and her brother.
Counsel makes no additional statement.
1. The FSM was born on 15 May 1947. After having had prior enlisted
service in the U. S. Marine Corps, the U. S. Army Reserve, and the Army
National Guard, he was commissioned in the Army National Guard on 23 July
1978. He and the applicant's mother married on 8 April 1986.
2. The FSM's notification of eligibility for retired pay at age 60 (his 20-
year letter) is dated 30 October 1996. Paragraph 4 of the letter informed
him he was entitled to participate in the RCSBP and that he had only 90
calendar days from the date he received the letter to submit his election.
3. The FSM was released from the U. S. Army Reserve Control Group
(Reinforcement) on 17 May 1999 and assigned to the Retired Reserve.
4. The FSM died on 7 March 2004 at age 56.
5. Public Law 95-397, the RCSBP, enacted 30 September 1978, provided a way
for those who had qualified for reserve retirement but were not yet age 60
to provide an annuity for their survivors should they die before reaching
age 60. Three options are available: (A) elect to decline enrollment and
choose at age 60 whether to start SBP participation; (B) elect that a
beneficiary receive an annuity if they die before age 60 but delay payment
of it until the date of the member’s 60th birthday; (C) elect that a
beneficiary receive an annuity immediately upon their death if before age
60. At the time, a member must have made the election within 90 days of
receiving the notification of eligibility to receive retired pay at age 60
or else wait until he/she applied for retired pay and elected to
participate in the standard SBP.
1. The evidence of record shows the FSM received his 20-year letter in
1996, not during the first Gulf War. It appears he failed to make an RCSBP
election at that time. His next opportunity to enroll would have been at
the time he turned age 60 and applied for retired pay. Unfortunately, he
died prior to reaching age 60.
2. Regrettably, there is insufficient evidence on which to grant the
applicant's request.
________ ________ ________ GRANT FULL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT PARTIAL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT FORMAL HEARING
__fne___ __rtd___ __drt___ DENY APPLICATION
The evidence presented does not demonstrate the existence of a probable
error or injustice. Therefore, the Board determined that the overall
merits of this case are insufficient as a basis for correction of the
records of the individual concerned.
__Fred N. Eichorn_____
|CASE ID |AR20040004034 |
|RECON | |
|DATE BOARDED |20050421 |
|ISSUES 1. |137.02 |
|2. | |
|3. | |
|4. | |
|5. | |
|6. | |
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Three options are available: (A) elect to decline enrollment and choose at age 60 whether to start RCSBP participation; (B) elect that a beneficiary receive an annuity if they die before age 60 but delay payment of it until the date of the member’s 60 th birthday; (C) elect that a beneficiary receive an annuity immediately upon their death if before age 60. The evidence of record confirms that the deceased FSM elected RCSBP coverage for his mother as an insurable interest in connection with...
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The applicant requests correction of military records as stated in the application to the Board and as restated herein. On 3 January 1979, the FSM signed a Statement of Intent election to enroll in the Reserve Component SBP (RCSBP) for option C, spouse coverage. DISCUSSION : Considering all the evidence, allegations, and information presented by the applicant, together with the evidence of record, applicable law and regulations, it is concluded:
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The applicant requests, in effect, that the records be corrected to show her mother applied for the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) annuity on her behalf in a timely manner. The applicant also provides a 2 August 2004 letter from the Oklahoma National Guard, Joint Force Headquarters; a 2 August 2004 letter addressed to the U. S. Army Reserve Personnel Command; a DD Form 1883 (Survivor Benefit Plan Election Certificate); a DD Form 1884 (Application for Annuity under the...
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John G. Heck | |Member | The Board considered the following evidence: Exhibit A - Application for correction of military records. The applicant provides an undated letter from the applicant's mother to the U. S. Army Reserve Personnel Command; a copy of his parents' marriage certificate; the FSM's death certificate; a 13 June 2002 letter from his mother's doctor; the FSM's retirement orders; an Annuity/Survivor Information form dated 27 May 1998; and the FSM's DD Form 1883. The concurrence...
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LaVerne M. Douglas | |Member | The Board considered the following evidence: Exhibit A - Application for correction of military records. The applicant provides a letter from her husband, the FSM's brother-in- law, dated 8 December 2004; a letter from Retina Associates of Northwest New Jersey dated 16 November 2004 stating the FSM's mother is legally blind; a bill from Comcast indicating the FSM resided with his mother; the FSM's Sergeant, E-5 promotion orders; the FSM's active duty orders;...
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The applicant requests, in effect, that her husband's records, a former service member (FSM) be corrected to show that he elected to change his Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) coverage from "Natural person with insurable interest-mother" to "Spouse only" coverage upon marriage. The applicant provided the following documentary evidence in support of her application: a. DD Form 1883, dated 19 July 1994; b. DD Form 214 (Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge); c....
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There is no indication in the FSM's service records that she made an election within 90 days of receiving her 20-year letter to enroll in the RCSBP. Public Law 95-397, the RCSBP, enacted 30 September 1978, provided a way for those who had qualified for reserve retirement and participation in SBP, but were not yet age 60, to provide an annuity for their survivors should they die before reaching age 60. The FSM's records do not indicate that she elected to participate in the RCSBP and the...
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The applicant requests that the records of her deceased spouse, a former service member (FSM), be corrected to show he applied for retired pay and enrolled in the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) for spouse coverage. The applicant states the FSM was not briefed when he retired from the U. S. Army Reserve. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by showing the FSM applied for retired pay on 1 September 1999, naming the applicant as his beneficiary for...
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It would be compassionate to correct his records to show that he elected to participate in the RCSBP for spouse only coverage, option B (since it was his intent to have the SBP coverage effective upon his reaching age 60), full base amount. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by showing the FSM elected to participate in the RCSBP on 1 March 1997 for spouse only coverage, option B, full base amount by completing and returning the DD Form 1883 to...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001056150C070420
The applicant requests, in effect, that the records of her deceased spouse, a former service member (FSM), be corrected to show he enrolled in the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP). While the Board cannot change the date of the FSM’s death, the Board concludes that it would be appropriate to correct his records to show that he enrolled in the RCSBP on 1 July 1979 for spouse coverage, full base amount, option C. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this...