Mr. Carl W. S. Chun | Director | |
Ms. Beverly A. Young | Analyst |
Mr. Arthur A. Omartian | Chairperson | |
Mr. Thomas B. Redfern | Member | |
Ms. Mae M. Bullock | Member |
APPLICANT REQUESTS: That his discharge with severance pay be changed to a medical retirement.
APPLICANT STATES: That in accordance with Army Regulation 635-40 and being a career soldier, he should have been medically retired. He states that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) granted him service connected disability compensation. He submitted a copy of his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) and a letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Winston-Salem Regional Office, dated 6 December 2002.
EVIDENCE OF RECORD: The applicant's military records show:
The applicant enlisted in the Regular Army on 15 January 1993.
In June 2002, the applicant was referred to a medical evaluation board (MEB) because of his inability to perform his military duties as a 54B (chemical operations specialist) due to lower back pain. The applicant was evaluated for a chief complaint of degenerative disk disease in his lower back with constant pain and occasional bowel and bladder problems. He was diagnosed with chronic low back pain with lumbar degenerative disk disease and L2-3 disk extrusion. The MEB found him unfit for duty and recommended referral to a physical evaluation board (PEB). On 27 June 2002, the applicant agreed with the findings and recommendation.
On 3 July 2002, an informal PEB found the applicant unfit for military service due to chronic low back pain with a history of a military motor vehicle accident in the line of duty (LOD) under Department of Veterans Affairs Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) codes 5299 and 5295 at a 10 percent disability rating. The PEB recommended that the applicant be separated from the service without disability benefits. The applicant concurred and waived a formal hearing of his case.
On 23 July 2002, the VA awarded the applicant a 20 percent disability rating for urge incontinence and a 10 percent rating for degenerative disc disease, lumbar spine effective 6 November 2002.
On 26 July 2002, the PEB findings were administratively corrected to show entitlement to severance pay.
On 5 November 2002, the applicant was discharged, with severance pay, for disability.
Army Regulation 635-40 governs the evaluation of physical fitness of soldiers who may be unfit to perform their military duties because of physical disability. The unfitness is of such a degree that a soldier is unable to perform the duties of his office, grade, rank or rating in such a way as to reasonably fulfill the purposes of his employment on active duty. It states that there is no legal requirement in arriving at the rated degree of incapacity to rate a physical condition which is not in itself considered disqualifying for military service when a soldier is found unfit because of another condition that is disqualifying. Only the unfitting conditions or defects and those which contribute to unfitness will be considered in arriving at the rated degree of incapacity warranting retirement or separation for disability.
The VASRD is the standard under which percentage rating decisions are to be made for disabled military personnel. The VASRD is primarily used as a guide for evaluating disabilities resulting from all types of diseases and injuries encountered as a result of, or incident to, military service. Unlike the VA, the Army must first determine whether or not a soldier is fit to reasonably perform the duties of his office, grade, rank or rating. Once a soldier is determined to be physically unfit for further military service, percentage ratings are applied to the unfitting conditions from the VASRD. These percentages are applied based on the severity of the condition.
Title 38, U. S. Code, sections 310 and 331, permits the VA to award compensation for a medical condition which was incurred in or aggravated by active military service. The VA, however, is not required by law to determine medical unfitness for further military service.
Title 10, U.S. Code, section 1203, provides for the physical disability separation of a member who has less than 20 years service and a disability rate at less than 30 percent.
DISCUSSION: Considering all the evidence, allegations, and information presented by the applicant, together with the evidence of record, applicable law and regulations, it is concluded:
1. In order to justify correction of a military record the applicant must show to the satisfaction of the Board, or it must otherwise satisfactorily appear, that the record is in error or unjust. The applicant has failed to submit evidence that would satisfy this requirement.
2. An informal PEB found the applicant unfit for military service for chronic low back pain at a 10 percent disability rating. As a result, he was discharged from active duty due to physical disability with entitlement to severance pay.
3. The applicant applied to the VA for service connected compensation and was awarded a 30 percent combined disability rating (20 percent for urge incontinence and 10 percent for degenerative disc disease).
4. The rating action by the VA does not necessarily demonstrate an error or injustice in the Army rating. The VA, in accordance with its own policies and regulations, awards compensation solely on the basis that a medical condition exists and that said medical condition reduces or impairs the social or industrial adaptability of the individual concerned. Consequently, due to the two concepts involved, an individual’s medical condition, although not considered medically unfitting for military service at the time of processing for separation, discharge or retirement, may be sufficient to qualify the individual for VA benefits based on an evaluation by that agency.
5. Although the applicant contends that he should have been medically retired, he has provided no evidence which shows that his disability processing was in error or unjust, that his diagnoses were incorrect, or that the decisions of the PEB were in error. The VA granted him the same 10 percent disability rating for his back condition as did the Army. While the VA may have determined his urge incontinence impaired his social adaptability, it appears this condition did not make him unfit for military service. Therefore, the Board has determined that the applicant's discharge by reason of physical disability with entitlement to severance pay was proper and correct at the time and there is no basis to change his discharge to a medical retirement.
6. In view of the foregoing, there is no basis for granting the applicant's request.
DETERMINATION: The applicant has failed to submit sufficient relevant evidence to demonstrate the existence of probable error or injustice.
________ ________ ________ GRANT
________ ________ ________ GRANT FORMAL HEARING
________ ________ ________ DENY APPLICATION
CASE ID | AR2003085619 |
DATE BOARDED | 20030807 |
ISSUES 1. | 144.0000 |
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ARMY | BCMR | CY2005 | 20050000108C070206
The formal PEB rated this condition as 10 percent disabling. Even if the applicant’s urinary incontinence did fail medical retention standards, without evidence that he could not perform his duties due to that condition it would not be considered physically unfitting. In addition, the applicant has not submitted any evidence or argument which would lead the Board to believe that a reconvened formal PEB would have determined that the applicant was physically unfit due to urinary incontinence.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130015891
A DA Form 199 (PEB Proceedings) shows, on 31 July 1998, an informal PEB reviewed the applicant's MEB proceedings, along with her medical records, and found her physically unfit due to chronic low back pain and s/p lumbar discectomy, L5-S1 left. Upon review of the applicant's MEB proceedings, along with her medical records, the PEB found the applicant medically unfit due to chronic low back pain and status post lumbar discectomy (L5-S1 left). Except for the rated conditions, there is no...
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5292 Spine, limitation of motion of, lumbar In the matter of bilateral lower extremity radiculopathies associated with the unfitting lumbar spine condition, the Board unanimously agrees that it cannot recommend additional ratings for peripheral nerve impairment.There were no other conditions within the Board’s scope of review for consideration. RECOMMENDATION : The Board, therefore, recommends that there be no recharacterization of the CI’s disability and separation determination, as follows:
AF | PDBR | CY2009 | PD2009-00553
The case was referred to the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB), he was determined unfit for continued Naval service, and separated at 20% disability using the Veterans Affairs Schedule for Ratings Disabilities (VASRD) and applicable Navy/Marine Corps and Department of Defense regulations in effect at that time. The most complete examination available for review is the Physical Medicine Consult from 20021009 which clearly stated the pain was intermittent. The Board also considered the...
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The applicant requests, in effect, correction of his records to: * show he was medically retired instead of honorably discharged with entitlement to severance pay * award him a 10 percent (%) service-connected disability for left knee pain * award him a 10% service-connected disability for right knee pain * award him a 30% service-connected disability for adjustment disorder with anxiety 2. He provided VA rating decision, dated 2 July 2012, which shows the VA awarded him a service-connected...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2004 | 040008277C070208
Congress established the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) as the standard under which percentage rating decisions are to be made for disabled military personnel. The medical evidence of record supports the determination that the applicant's unfitting condition was properly diagnosed and rated at the time of his discharge. The applicant was discharged because of his physical disability, mechanical low back pain, and received a 10 percent disability rating.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2011 | 20110019864
Consequently, due to the two concepts involved, an individual's medical condition, although not considered physically unfit for military service at the time of processing for separation, discharge or retirement, may be sufficient to qualify the individual for VA benefits based on an evaluation by that agency. The available evidence shows he was medically unfit and evaluated by a PEB. Regardless of the percentage of disability awarded by the VA, an award of a VA rating does not establish...
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The applicant requests physical disability retirement with a disability rating of 100 percent. A 30 August 1999 report of medical examination depicts the applicant's various medical conditions, to include bilateral weakness in arms/forearms, degenerative joint disease to his back, knees, and ankles, and bilateral ankle pain. The applicant had pain to his back, knee, right ankle, and left wrist, as a result of his various injuries; consequently, the PEB determined that he be rated as 20...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130002675
e. A DA Form 199 (PEB Proceedings) that shows on 25 May 2004 an informal PEB reviewed the applicant's DD Form 2808, dated 21 April 2004, along with his medical records and found him physically unfit due to bilateral knee pain with a history of separate injuries to both knees and degenerative arthritis. The applicant contends his records should be corrected to show he was retired due to physical disability because the MEB and PEB only considered his bilateral knee pain and failed to consider...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2012 | 20120021545
The applicant provides copies of his: * Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) proceedings * Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) proceedings * VA rating decision CONSIDERATION OF EVIDENCE: 1. The evidence of record shows the PEB considered the applicant's entire case file, including the LOD finding and his MEB proceedings. Records show that after the applicant's PEB findings and recommendations were approved, and the PEBLO provided the applicant information about applying for VA compensation.