Case heard at Washington, D.C.
Advise applicant of the decision of the Board, the right to a personal appearance withlwithout counsel, and the right to
submit an application to the AFBCMR.
AFHQ FORM 0-2077, JAN 00
Previous edition will be used
ANDREWS AFB,MD 10161-7002
AF | PDBR | CY2013 | PD2013 01304
Theratingsfortheunfittinglowbackandright knee conditions are addressed below; and, no additional conditions are within the DoDI SUBJECT: Department of Defense Physical Disability Board of Review Recommendation for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, AR20140007238 (PD201301304) I have reviewed the enclosed Department of Defense Physical Disability Board of Review (DoD PDBR) recommendation and record of proceedings pertaining to the subject individual.
AF | PDBR | CY2012 | PD2012 00812
The PEB combined the bilateral knee condition as a single unfitting condition, coded analogouslyto5003andratedat10%. TheBoard mustapplyseparate codes andratingsinits recommendations if compensable ratings for each condition are achieved IAW applicable VASRDsections. TheBoardnotedtheclinicexaminationof2007,5 years after separation, recorded full ROM bilaterally, a normal gait and no evidence of instability.
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2006-00362
On 3 Nuv 9 2 , you were i n v i o l a t i o n of AFR 35-10. r e c e i v e d a L e t t e r of C o u n s e l i n g on 6 Nov 92 (Tab 1 - 1 0 ) . You must consult legal counsel before making a daei~ion to waive any of your rights. 23 Aug 9 1 , LOR/UIF; 2 J u l 92, MFR: 22 Sep 9 2 , LOC; 6 Oct 9 2 , LOC; 13 Gct 9 2 , LOR; 16 Oct 9 2 , LOC; 28 Oct 92, LOR/UIF/Control Roster; 2 Nov 9 2 , LOR; 4 Nov 92, MFR; 6 Nov 9 2 , LOC; 12 Nov 92, LOR 2 .
AF | DRB | CY2002 | FD2002-0103
HKARMG DATE 26 Jul 02 I I &;heard CASENUMBER E1)2002-0103 I at Washington, D.C. 3 4 LETTER OF NOTIFICATlOi'i BRIEF OF PERSONNEL FILE COUNSEL'S RELEASE TO THE BOARD mDIT1ON.U EXHIBITS SUBMITTED AT T I h B OF PERSONL PSPE.4R4WCE I I TAPE RECORDING OF PERSONAL APPERAXCE HEARING Advise applicant of the decision of the Board, the right to a personal appearance withlwithout counsel, and the right to submit an application to the AFBCMR SAWMIBR ......................... 550 C STREET WEST, SUITE...
AF | DRB | CY2004 | FD2003-00429
APPLICATION FOR REVIEW OF DISCHARGE LETTER OF NOTIFICATION BRIEF OF PERSONNEL FILE COUNSEL'S RELEASE TO THE BOARD PERSONAL APPEARANCE TAPE RECORDING OF PERSONAL APPERANCE HEARING DA'IE CASE NUMBER Case heard at Washington, D.C Advise applicant of the decision of the Board, the right to a personal appearance withlwithout counsel, and the right to submit an application to the AFBCMR I I TO: ,. - -- DATE: 014412004' : , - '. ., S T C R L ~ ~ R I trv IVF ~ I R r l R FORCI D I S C I l A Y G F R...
AF | DRB | CY2004 | FD2004-00287
AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD HEARING RECORD X ,. ::>::' I 1 APPLICATION FOR REVIEW OF DISCHARGE LETTER OF XOTIFICATION COUNSEL'S RELEASE TO THE BOARD PERSONAI. q ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Advise applicant of the decision of the Board, the right to a personal appearance withiwithout counsel, and the right to submit an application to the AFBCMR.
The appropriate Air Force office evaluated applicant’s request and provided advisory opinions to the Board recommending the application be denied (Exhibit C). Available Master Personnel Records C. Advisory Opinions D. SAF/MIBR Ltr Forwarding Advisory Opinions E. Applicant’s Response D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E A I R F O R C E H E A D Q U A R T E R S AIR FORCE P E R S O N N E L C E N T E R R A N D O L P H AIR FORCE B A S E TEXAS AUG 3 11998 MEMORANDUM FOR AFBCMR FROM: HQ AFPCDPPRS 550 C...
AF | DRB | CY2006 | FD2004-00052
AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD HEARING RECORD NAME OF SERVICE MEMBER (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE INITIAL) .--------------------. If she can provide additional documented information to substantiate an issue, the applicant should consider exercising her right to make a personal appearance before the Board. Attachment: Examiner's Brief DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD ANDREWS AFB, MD (Former AB) (HGH SRA) 1.
AF | DRB | CY2002 | FD2002-0074
X RECORD REVIEW I MEMBERS SITTING I . HON , , ;.. ;. I OOTHC vot".olrTq.E ,,, "*,e,,5-:;.q.
AF | DRB | CY2007 | FD2005-00416
AIR FORCE DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD HEARING RECORD NAME OF SERVICE MEMBER (1,AST. The records also show that the member was offered an administrative discharge board but waived his right to a hearing. Article 15, dated 14 Jan 05 w/ attachments