DOCKET NUMBER: BC-2012-01923
He be allowed to transfer his Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to his
He was not informed of the requirement to request his transfer of
Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits to his dependents prior to retiring.
The applicant does not provide any supporting documentation.
His complete submission is at Exhibit A.
The applicant retired from the Air National Guard in the grade of
lieutenant colonel (0-5) on 7 Sep 06.
The remaining relevant facts pertaining to this application are
contained in the letter prepared by the appropriate office of the
National Guard Bureau, which is at Exhibit B.
NGB/A1Y recommends denial. Post 9/11 GI Bill, Chapter 33, became
effective 1 Aug 09 based on Post 9/11 Veteran Education Act of
2008. The Public Law states in part, that “an individual may
transfer such entitlement only while serving as a member of the
Armed Forces when the transfer is executed.” In this case, the
Post 9/11 GI Bill had not yet been established prior to the
applicant retiring in 2006.
The NGB/A1Y complete evaluation is at Exhibit B.
A copy of the Air Force evaluation was forwarded to the applicant
on 5 Nov 12 for review and comment within 30 days. As of this
date, this office has received no response.
1. The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing
law or regulations.
2. The application was not timely filed; however, it is in the
interest of justice to excuse the failure to timely file.
3. Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to
demonstrate the existence of error or injustice. We took notice
of the applicant's complete submission in judging the merits of
the case; however, we agree with the opinion and recommendation
of the National Guard Bureau office of primary responsibility and
adopt their rationale as the basis for our conclusion that the
applicant has not been the victim of an error or injustice.
Therefore, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, we find no
basis to recommend granting the relief sought in this
The applicant be notified that the evidence presented did not
demonstrate the existence of material error or injustice; that
the application was denied without a personal appearance; and
that the application will only be reconsidered upon the
submission of newly discovered relevant evidence not considered
with this application.
The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket
Number BC-2012-01923 in Executive Session on 8 Jan 13, under the
provisions of AFI 36-2603:
, Panel Chair
, Member
, Member
The following documentary evidence for Docket Number BC-2012-01923
was considered:
Exhibit A. DD Form 149, dated 30 Apr 12, w/atchs.
Exhibit B. Letter, NGB/A1Y, dated 4 Oct 12.
Exhibit C. Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 5 Nov 12.
Panel Chair
AF | BCMR | CY2012 | BC-2012-03206
He would have transferred his benefits had he been informed. The remaining relevant facts pertaining to this application are contained in the letter prepared by the appropriate office of the Air Force which is at Exhibit C. ________________________________________________________________ AIR FORCE EVALUATION: NGB/A1Y recommends denial, indicating the Post-9/11 GI Bill, Chapter 33 became effective 1 Aug 09. ________________________________________________________________ The following...
AF | BCMR | CY2013 | BC 2012 05310
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: BC-2012-05310 COUNSEL: NONE XXXXXXX HEARING DESIRED: NO ________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: He be allowed to transfer his Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to his dependents. At the time of his separation, he only had 14 years satisfactory service towards retirement. We took notice of the applicant's complete submission in judging the...
AF | BCMR | CY2012 | BC-2012-03630
The applicant's complete submission is at Exhibit A. A1Y states that the applicant did not transfer his Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefits to his dependents prior to his retirement as defined in Public Law No 110-252, nor follow the instructions given by his Force Support Squadron (FSS) for retirement out-processing. We took notice of the applicants complete submission in judging the merits of the case; however, we agree with the opinion and recommendation of the Air Force office of...
AF | BCMR | CY2013 | BC-2012-01346
The complete NGB/A1PS evaluation is at Exhibit C. ________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT'S REVIEW OF AIR FORCE EVALUATION: In an undated letter the applicant responds that he is submitting the letter to provide further explanation of his request to accomplish the Post 9/11 TEB. We note the Air Force office of primary responsibility recommends approval if the Board finds an injustice. However, based on the applicant's complete submission, we find no...
AF | BCMR | CY2014 | BC 2014 02569
APPLICANT CONTENDS THAT: Prior to his retirement in Sept 09 he submitted a request online through his personnel office to transfer his Post 9/11-GI Bill Education Benefits to his children. The applicant states, that the OPR is correct in that he was briefed on the Post 9/11-GI Bill and the process to transfer his educational benefits. THE BOARD RECOMMENDS THAT: The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force relating to APPLICANT, be corrected to show that on 1 Sep 09, he...
AF | BCMR | CY2012 | BC-2012-03249
He does not know what office notifies retiring military personnel of the option to transfer educational benefits and is not sure when the educational benefits began. The remaining relevant facts pertaining to this application are contained in the letter prepared by the appropriate office of the Air Force, which is at Exhibit B. Exhibit C. Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 9 Nov 12.
AF | BCMR | CY2012 | BC-2012-01457
________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT CONTENDS THAT: He attempted to transfer his benefits to both of his sons before he retired. We note the Air Force office of primary responsibility recommends approval if the Board finds an injustice. ___________________________________________________________________ THE BOARD DETERMINES THAT: The applicant be notified that the evidence presented did not demonstrate the existence of material error or injustice; that...
AF | BCMR | CY2012 | BC-2012-00913
________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT CONTENDS THAT: The Post 9/11 GI Bill Transfer of Education Benefits (TEB) was not conveyed in a timely manner before his retirement date. However, based on the applicant's complete submission and his available military records, we find no evidence of an error or injustice. ________________________________________________________________ THE BOARD DETERMINES THAT: The applicant be notified that the evidence presented...
AF | BCMR | CY2012 | BC-2012-04634
________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT CONTENDS THAT: He was not provided guidance or advice regarding the need to adjust or transfer his Post-9/11 GI Bill entitlement prior to his retirement. To date, a response has not been received (Exhibit C). ________________________________________________________________ THE BOARD RECOMMENDS THAT: The pertinent military records of the Department of the Air Force relating to APPLICANT be corrected to show that he...
AF | BCMR | CY2013 | BC 2013 01282
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS AIR FORCE BOARD FOR CORRECTION OF MILITARY RECORDS IN THE MATTER OF: DOCKET NUMBER: BC-2013-01282 COUNSEL: NONE HEARING DESIRED: NO ________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT: She be allowed to transfer her Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to her dependent. However, the applicants request was for the TEB to her dependent. In this case, the applicant argues she was never briefed on the rules and regulations governing the...