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AF | BCMR | CY2012 | BC-2012-01266
Original file (BC-2012-01266.pdf) Auto-classification: Approved


DOCKET NUMBER:  BC-2012-01266 

His fitness assessment test, dated 7 January 2012, be removed from 
the Air Force Fitness Management System (AFFMS). 
While  taking  the  cardio  portion  of  the  fitness  assessment,  he 
experienced  back  pain.    He  believed  the  pain  was  from  a  pre-
existing injury.  His first sergeant asked the test administrator 
if he should stop the run and was told it was in his best interest 
to  finish  the  run.    He  did  not  pass  the  run  portion  of  the 
After the assessment, his doctor diagnosed him with another back 
strain.    He  underwent  rehabilitation  on  his  back  until  he  was 
cleared on 3 March 2012.  He was able to complete another fitness 
assessment with waivers on 20 January 2012 and achieved a passing 
In support of his request, the applicant provides letters from his 
commander and first sergeant and excerpts of his medical records. 
 The  applicant’s  complete  submission,  with  attachments,  is  at 
Exhibit A. 
The  applicant  is  currently  serving  in  the  Air  Force  Reserves  in 
the grade of senior master sergeant.   
AFPC/DPSIM  recommends  denial.    Per  their  request,  the  applicant 
provided a working copy of the AF Form 422, dated 20 January 2012 
indicating no running.  His record does not contain an AF Form 108 


showing he had a preexisting condition that hindered his ability 
to achieve a passing fitness score. 
The complete DPSIM evaluation, with attachments, is at Exhibit B. 
A  copy  of  the  Air  Force  evaluation  was  forwarded  to  the 
applicant on 26 July 2012 for review and comment within 30 days.  
As  of  this  date,  this  office  has  received  no  response 
(Exhibit C). 
1.  The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by existing 
law or regulations. 
2.  The application was timely filed. 
3.  Sufficient relevant evidence has been presented to demonstrate 
the  existence  of  an  error  or  injustice  to  warrant  relief.    We 
thoroughly considered the applicant’s complete submission and the 
Air Force office of primary responsibility’s recommendation not to 
remove  the  fitness  assessment  score.    However,  we  believe  the 
applicant has established that he aggravated a preexisting injury 
while  performing  the  cardio  component  of  the  assessment.   
Additionally,  we  find  there  was  a  clear  error  when  the  test 
administrator  advised  the  applicant  to  complete  the  fitness 
assessment after being informed of the injury.  Therefore, in the 
interest  of  justice,  we  recommend  the  records  be  corrected  as 
indicated below. 
The  pertinent  military  records  of  the  Department  of  the  Air 
Force  relating  to  APPLICANT,  be  corrected  to  show  that  the 
fitness  assessment  score  dated  7  January  2012,  be  removed  from 
the Air Force Fitness Management System.  
The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket Number 
BC-2012-01266  in  Executive  Session  on  16  October  2012  under  the 
provisions of AFI 36-2603: 

  Panel Chair 




All  members  voted  to  correct  the  record,  as  recommended.  The 
following documentary evidence pertaining to AFBCMR Docket Number 
BC-2012-01266 was considered: 
    Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 7 Mar 12, w/atchs. 
    Exhibit B.  Letter, AFPC/DPSIM, dated 19 Jun 12, w/atchs. 
    Exhibit C.  Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 26 Jul 12. 
                                   Panel Chair 



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