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AF | BCMR | CY2007 | BC-2007-02373
Original file (BC-2007-02373.doc) Auto-classification: Denied

                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

            INDEX CODE:  107.00






He be awarded the Bronze Star Medal (BSM).



His WD AGO 53-55,  Enlisted  Record  and  Report  of  Separation  –
Honorable Discharge, dated 8 Dec 45, did not reflect award  of  the

In support of his appeal, applicant submitted a news clip from 1944-
1945 timeframe from the Norwich Bulletin, Norwich, CT.

Applicant’s complete submission, with attachment, is at Exhibit A.



Applicant’s  records  were  destroyed  by  fire  at  the   National
Personnel Record Center; therefore the  following  information  has
been extracted from the documents provided by the applicant.  Based
on available evidence, the applicant was inducted in the  Army  Air
Forces on 15 Mar 43.  His highest  grade  held  was  private  first
class.  He served as a military policeman.

On  8  Dec  45,  applicant  was  honorably  discharged  under   the
provisions  of  AR  615-365  with  a  reason  for   separation   of
convenience of the government.   He  was  credited  with  2  years,
8 months, and 24 days of active duty  service,  including  1  year,
9 months, and 17 days of foreign service.  He was awarded the  Good
Conduct Medal, European African  Middle  Eastern  Theater  Campaign
Ribbon, and the Victory Medal.

The Bronze Star Medal, authorized by Executive Order  No.  9419  on
4 Feb 44, is awarded to a person in  any  branch  of  the  military
service who, while serving in any capacity with the Armed Forces of
the United States on or after 7 Dec 41,  shall  have  distinguished
himself by  heroic  or  meritorious  achievement  or  service,  not
involving  participation  in  aerial  flight,  in  connection  with
military operations against an armed enemy.

The award recognizes acts of heroism performed in ground combat  if
they are of lesser degree than that required for the  Silver  Star.
It also recognizes single acts of merit and meritorious service  if
the achievement or service is of a lesser degree than  that  deemed
worthy of the Legion of Merit; but  such  service  must  have  been
accomplished with distinction.

Army personnel who, as members of the Armed Forces  of  the  United
States between 7 Dec 41, and 2 Sep  45,  were  awarded  the  Combat
Infantryman's Badge or Medical Badge for exemplary conduct may upon
application receive the Bronze Star Medal. Although these World War
II badges were not authorized for award until after July  1,  1943,
those whose meritorious achievements in combat before that date can
be confirmed in writing may also be eligible for  the  Bronze  Star



1.  The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided  by  existing
law or regulations.

2.  The application was not timely filed; however,  it  is  in  the
interest of justice to excuse the failure to timely file.

3.  Insufficient  relevant   evidence   has   been   presented   to
demonstrate the existence of error or injustice.   Based  upon  the
presumption of regularity in the conduct  of  governmental  affairs
and without evidence to the  contrary,  we  must  assume  that  the
applicant's decorations were awarded  properly  and  in  compliance
with appropriate directives.  Therefore,  based  on  the  available
evidence of record, we  find  no  basis  upon  which  to  favorably
consider this application.



The applicant be notified  that  the  evidence  presented  did  not
demonstrate the existence of material error or injustice; that  the
application was denied without a personal appearance; and that  the
application will only be reconsidered upon the submission of  newly
discovered relevant evidence not considered with this application.


The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket  Number
BC-2007-02373 in Executive Session on 27 September 2007, under  the
provisions of AFI 36-2603:

      Mr. Michael J. Maglio, Panel Chair
      Mr. Wallace F. Beard Jr., Member
      Ms. Karen A. Holloman, Member

The following documentary evidence was considered:

    Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 9 Mar 07, w/atch.
    Exhibit B.  Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
    Exhibit C.  Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 13 Aug 07.

                                   MICHAEL J. MAGLIO
                                   Panel Chair

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