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AF | BCMR | CY2006 | BC-2006-02761
Original file (BC-2006-02761.doc) Auto-classification: Denied


            INDEX CODE:  112.02
            COUNSEL:  None
            HEARING DESIRED:  NO




Her rank upon accession  be  corrected  to  reflect  E-3  rather  than  E-2.


When she enlisted on active duty on 25 Oct 02 she should  have  enlisted  as
an E-3 rather than an E-2 since she had 1 year and 1 month  of  active  duty

In support of her request, the applicant provided a copy of  her  enlistment
contract and a statement of service.

The applicant's complete submission, with attachments, is at Exhibit A.


The applicant enlisted into the Guam Air National Guard on  23  Aug  00  and
was discharged on 15 Nov 01.  She served 1 year and 1 month active  service.

The applicant  entered active duty Regular Air Force (RegAF) on  25  Oct  02
as an E-2.


AFPC/DPPAES recommends denial. The applicant was classified as  a  non-prior
service enlistee and did not have 24 months or  more  total  active  federal
military service (TAFMS) required for the rank of E-3  upon  her  accession.
DPPAES states that according to  AFI 36-2604, Service  Dates  and  Dates  of
Rank (DOR), section B, paragraph 8.1, “Airmen in  the  following  categories
receive a DOR equal to their date of enlistment  in  the  RegAF:   Non-prior
service enlistees (members  who  have  less  than  24  months  total  active
federal service).”   Furthermore,  section  B,  paragraph  8.2  states,  “if
enlistment grade was not held in a regular component, DOR will be  equal  to
the date of enlistment.”  Denial recommendation is based on  the  fact  that
the applicant did not have the required time to adjust  the  DOR.  She  only
had 1 year and 1 month TAFMS.

Examiner’s  Note:   DOR  establishes  the  starting  point   for   computing
promotion eligibility. The applicant’s  DOR  was  computed  based  on  prior
active service and the governing instruction, AFI 36-2604.

The AFPC/DPPAES complete evaluation, with attachments is at Exhibit C.


A copy of the Air Force evaluation was forwarded to the applicant on 20  Oct
06 for review and comment within 30 days.  As of this date, this office  has
received no response.


1.  The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided  by  existing  law  or

2.  Insufficient relevant evidence has been  presented  to  demonstrate  the
existence of  error  or  injustice.   After  careful  consideration  of  the
applicant’s request and  the  available  evidence  of  record,  we  are  not
persuaded that a favorable  consideration  of  the  applicant’s  request  is
appropriate.  The evidence of record indicates the applicant  accumulated  1
year and 1 month TAFMS through her service in the  Air  National  Guard  and
did not accumulate the required 24 months TAFMS required to  enlist  in  the
Regular Air Force in the grade of E-3.   Therefore,  we  find  no  basis  to
grant the requested  relief  sought  by  the  applicant.   Accordingly,  the
applicant’s request is not favorably considered.


The applicant be notified that the evidence presented  did  not  demonstrate
the existence of probable material error or injustice; that the  application
was denied without a personal appearance;  and  that  the  application  will
only be reconsidered  upon  the  submission  of  newly  discovered  relevant
evidence not considered with this application.

The following members of the Board considered  Docket  Number  BC-2006-02761
in Executive Session on 5 Dec 06, under the provisions of AFI 36-2603:

            Mr. Michael V. Barbino, Panel Chair
            Ms. Rene M. Collier, Member
            Ms. Glenda H. Scheiner, Member

The following documentary evidence pertaining to Docket Number BC-2006-
02761 was considered:

      Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 6 Sep 06.
            Exhibit B.  Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
            Exhibit C.  Letter, AFPC/DPPAES, dated 11 Oct 06.
            Exhibit D.  Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 27 Oct 06.

                                   MICHAEL V. BARBINO
                                   Panel Chair

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