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AF | BCMR | CY1998 | 9800244
Original file (9800244.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied



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DOCKET NUMBER:  98-00244'- 

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Applicant  requests that  he  be  promoted  to  his  previously  held 
rank of staff sergeant.  Applicant's submission is at Exhibit A. 

The  appropriate Air  Force  office  evaluated  applicant's request 
and provided  an advisory opinion to  the  Board  recommending the 
application  be  denied  (Exhibit C).  The  advisory  opinion  was 
forwarded to the applicant for review and response  (Exhibit D). 
Applicant's responses to the advisory opinion are at Exhibit E. 

After  careful  consideration  of  applicant's  request  and  the 
available evidence  of  record, we  find  insufficient evidence  of 
error or injustice to warrant corrective action.  The facts and 
opinions stated in the advisory opinions appear to be  based  on 
the evidence of record and have not been rebutted by applicant. 
Absent persuasive  evidence applicant was denied rights to which 
entitled,  appropriate  regulations  were  not  followed,  or 
appropriate  standards  were  not  applied,  we  find  no  basisc-to 
disturb the existing record. 

Accordingly, applicant's request is denied. 

The Board staff is directed to inform applicant of this decision. 
Applicant should also be informed that this decision is final and 
will only be  reconsidered upon the presentation of new relevant 
evidence  which  was  not  reasonably  available  at  the  time  the 
application was filed. 

Members  of  the  Board  Ms. 
Kauvar, and Ms. Patricia D. 
30  Jun  98  in  accordance 
Instruction 36-2603 and the 

Charlene  M.  Bradley,  Dr.  Gerald  B. 
Vestal considered this application on 
with  the  provisions  of  Air  Force 
governing statute, 1 0   U.S.C. 1552. 

Panel Chair 

Exhibits : 
A.  Applicant's DD Form 149 
B.  Available Master Personnel Records 
C.  Advisory Opinion 
D.  SAF/MIBR Ltr Forwarding Advisory Opinion 
E.  Applicant's Responses 



1 9 4 7  -  1 9 9 7  



3500 Fetchet Avenue 
Andrews AFB, MD  20762-5  57 

SUBJECT: Application for Correction of Military Records t 


The attached Application for Correction of Militap Records submitted by the 

applicant, a former member of the Missouri Air National Guard, is forwarded for 
your review and action. 

The applicant requests promotion to the previously held rank of Ssgt  (E-5). 
The applicant submitted a DD Form 149, dated 22 Jan 98, requesting a change to 
the applicant’s records. 

This Headquarters recommends denial of relief.  In accordance with ANGI 
36-2503 (Administrative Demotion of Airmen) a member may be demoted after six 
unexcused absences.  The commander may send the airman a certified ’ 
memorandum, return receipt requested, stressing the seriousness of the situation 
and advising that demotion action is being initiated.  The demotion is effective as 
soon as possible after the airman has been given the opportunity to exercise hs or 
her rights as defined in the memorandum advising of the intent to demote.  After 
the ninth unexcused absence, the commander may request the Adjutant General 
consider the involuntary separation of the member from the ANG of that state with 
concurrent discharge as a Reserve of the Air Force, IAW AFT  36-3209, *(Separation 
Procedures for Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Members). 

The applicant was notified on 23 Feb 97 by certified letter of the unexcused 

absences, with return receipt requested of the unexcused absences identified 

which was signed by the applicant.  The second notification letter was sent to the 

same mailing address indxating additional unexcused absences and the letter of 
notification of intent to demote.  This letter was returned unclaimed as shown in 
Applicant indicates that it was assumed that the applicant was serving in 

an inactive status.  The letter of notification of unexcused absences should have 
prompted the applicant that this was not the case.  Additionally, the second letter of 
notification whch was unclaimed, indicates that the applicant intentionally reheed 
to claim it since the applicant’s malling address has not changed as of this request 
. The applicant previously held the grade of 
for correction. of military records 




. . . . . . -  . . . -  . . 

SSgt and TSgt and should have been well aware of the applicant's responsibilities 
as a NCO in the United States Air Force and the Air Nation'd Guard. 

Questions should be directed to MSgt Gowdy, ANGMPPUA, DSN 278-7500, 

or E-mail:  tgowdy& 


Chief, Utilization 


3 . _ _ _  


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