CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 001
Coast Guard policy prescribes no higher than a General, Under Honorable Conditions character of service for individuals separated as a result of violating the Coast Guard’s drug policy. Therefore, the Board recommends the use of SPD code JKM to accurately categorize this as an act of misconduct not otherwise listed by the JKK SPD code. Additionally, the Board notes that the DD-214 issued ‘General’ for the Character of Service.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 002
Pursuant to policy, the applicant was recommended for Discharge due to a drug incident. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. Per post policy noted in ALCOAST 562/08, a General discharge is no longer considered an official character of service.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 003
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014-003 CURRENT DD-214 Honorable, None Stated, JDA, Fraudulent Entry into Military Service, RE4 RELIEF REQUESTED | Change Narrative Reason (NR) for Separation BY DRB Reasons CORRECTIONS TIS Policy Implications O yrs, 5 months, 16 days None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Fraudulent Entry Into Military Service in 2012 due to physical ailments that limited the ability to perform the basic shipboard tasks. Based on the...
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 004
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Misconduct due to Involvement with drugs in 2011. The applicant admitted to the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) in the Fall of 2010 to using marijuana on different occasions. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 005
The applicant’s complete Personnel Data Record and Separation Package were available for the Board to review. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. tn reviewing discharges, the Board presumes regularity in the conduct of governmental affairs unless there is substantial credible evidence (to include evidence submitted by the Applicant) to rebut the presumption.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 007
Therefore, the applicant failed to meet the documented future conditions of employment, which upholds the Narrative Reason as issued. No relief. The Board has no issues with equity or propriety in this case.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 009
The applicant received an RE-4 code that bars her from future reentry into military service. A recommendation of an RE-3H is the appropriate reenlistment code to indicate that her request to voluntary separate was due to family hardship. An RE3 reentry code is not an affirmative recommendation for reenlistment, rather it represents that the applicant is not recommended for reenlistment due to a disqualifying factor.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 010
The applicant’s command determined this to be a drug incident. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. Coast Guard policy prescribes no higher than a General, Under Honorable Conditions character of service for individuals separated as a result of violating the Coast Guard’s drug policy.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 011
Pursuant to policy, the applicant was processed for Discharge due to a drug incident. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. Coast Guard policy prescribes no higher than a General, Under Honorable Conditions character of service for individuals separated as a result of violating the Coast Guard’s drug policy.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 012
The Board notes the admission of the illegal use of Testosterone along with the inability to provide said prescription meets the equity and propriety standards for the HKK SPD code. The applicant was notified of the intent to discharge, and the applicant was advised of the rights to an attorney and to make a statement. Coast Guard policy prescribes no higher than a General, Under Honorable Conditions character of service for individuals separated as a result of violating the Coast Guard’s...
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 014
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014-014 RE-3G, Adjustment Disorder, SPD code and Sep Auth amended. None 0 yrs, 11 months, 23 days | Policy Implications | None Policy Implications None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Personality Disorder in September 2000. In accordance with (post-policy) ALCOAST 252/09, the Board endorses a change to SPD code JFY, Narrative Reason of Adjustment Disorder, and a Re-entry code of RE-3G.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 016
CORRECTIONS TIS 3 yrs, 3 months, 6 days Policy Implications _| None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Unsuitability due to Alcohol Rehabilitation Failure in the summer of 2006. On the equity standard, the board referred to ALCOAST 125/10, to make a recommendation on the Narrative Reason (NR) for his separation. The Board notes most or all separations occurring after said ALCOAST to present, only issue a JPD (SPD) code when the member is unable to complete outpatient...
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 017
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014-017 Under Honorable Conditions, |-B-17 COMDTINST M1000.4 [-B-17 COMDTINST M1000.4 Honorable None None TIS Policy Implications 4 yrs, | month, 8 days None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Misconduct due to Commission of a Serious Offense in 2012. The actions that led to the Discharge included Adultery with an officer’s wife, sending racially offensive texts to the other parent of their children (also a CG mbr), attempting to...
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 019
ge ? The applicant’s command followed proper procedure by providing the notification for Discharge due to commission of a serious offense. Also of note, the application enclosed a 2010 memo to discharge that reads a ‘General’ discharge.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 021
The applicant was issued with an entry level separation due to the inability to adapt during the first 180 days of service. The 3L is defined as ‘Entry Level Separation, must have waiver to reenlist’. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 024
Upon notification of the command’s intent to discharge the applicant, the applicant made a statement and objected to discharge. Despite the pattern of indebtedness, the Board finds that the applicant’s Narrative Reason for Separation of Misconduct is not properly aligned with separations stemming from financial irresponsibility. Discharge: No change 25.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 025
In the Fall of 2011, the applicant was counseled on having an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate who was also married. The Board does note that a General Discharge was issued in Block 24 of the applicant’s DD-214. Per previous policy issued in ALCOAST 562/08, a General discharge is no longer considered an official character of service.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 027
Pursuant to policy, the applicant he was recommended for Discharge due to a drug incident. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. Coast Guard policy prescribes no higher than a General, Under Honorable Conditions character of service for individuals separated as a result of violating the Coast Guard’s drug policy.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 028
The applicant was issued an entry level separation due to the inability to adapt during the first 180 days of service. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. An RE3 reentry code is not an affirmative recommendation for reenlistment, rather it represents that the applicant is not recommended for reenlistment due to a disqualifying factor.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 029
In 2010, the applicant pled ‘no contest’ in a civilian court to third degree assault consummated by Battery. The Board has no issues with the discharge issued. The local command, intermediate level Commander, and EPM all endorsed the punishment rendered and the subsequent separation.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 031
The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. Coast Guard policy prescribes no higher than a General, Under Honorable Conditions character of service for individuals separated as a result of violating the Coast Guard’s drug policy. The General, Under Honorable Conditions discharge is equitable.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 032
The NJP results specify that the spouse had suffered a fractured nose and received stitches. The separation package does show an Honorable recommendation from the Sector, but this is due to the pattern of misconduct vice the voluntary plea on the application and supporting statements. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 033
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014-033 NAME E3 CURRENT DD-214 Under Honorable Conditions, CGPSC-EPM, JKQ, Misconduct, RE4 RELIEF REQUESTED | Honorable RELIEF GRANTED Honorable, JND SPD code, Separation for Miscellaneous/General Reasons BY DRB ADMIN None CORRECTIONS TIS 2 yrs, 3 months, 6 days Policy Implications __| None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Misconduct due to Commission of a Serious Offense in 2013. The command recommended the applicant for an...
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 038
With regard to the Narrative Reason for Separation, the applicant had previously been to outpatient treatment in 2009 for a self-referral. On the equity standard, the board referred to ALCOAST 125/10 to make a recommendation on the Narrative Reason (NR) for his separation. Final Adjudication by Assistant Commandant For Human Resources: Partial relief is granted based on post-policy issued in ALCOAST 125/10: Separation Authority: COMDTINST M1000.4, ART 1.B.15 SPD code: JND Narrative Reason...
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 040
The applicant made false official statements to the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS). The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. The applicant was given due process and spoke with an attorney on accepting a more favorable character of service in lieu of a Summary Court-Martial punishment and a subsequent separation.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 043
The applicant began an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate at a smaller unit of less than 65 personnel. Due to this being 2 NJP’s within 24 months, the command began processing the applicant for Discharge for a Pattern of Misconduct. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 046
The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. Coast Guard policy prescribes no higher than a General, Under Honorable Conditions character of service for individuals separated as a result of violating the Coast Guard’s drug policy. The General, Under Honorable Conditions discharge is equitable.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 047
The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. The Board endorses an administrative change to amend the Character of Service to Under Honorable Conditions based on the issuance of ALCOAST 562/08. Coast Guard policy prescribes no higher than a General Discharge, with an Under Honorable Conditions character of service for individuals separated as a result of violating the Coast Guard’s drug policy.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 048
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014-048 CURRENT DD-214 Honorable, COMDTINST M1000.4, 1.B.12, JFV, Condition, not a disability, RE3G RE3G BY DRB CORRECTIONS TIS 0 yrs, 9 months, 0 days Policy Implications _| None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Condition, Not A Disability in 2012. The command processed the Discharge paperwork and it was effective after 9 months service. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 052
After arriving at boot camp, the applicant was unable to meet the training requirements set forth by Training Center Cape May in the first week. The standard correspondence was presented to the applicant (when they are being processed for separation) for a lack of meeting the minimum training requirements. Any entry level separation with under 180 days of service will result in a Uncharacterized ‘character of service on their DDForm 214.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 053
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014-053 TIS 0 yrs, 0 months, 25 days Policy Implications None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Entry Level Performance And Conduct. After arriving at boot camp, the applicant was unable to meet the training requirements set forth by Training Center Cape May. Any entry level separation with under 180 days of service will result in a Uncharacterized ‘character of service.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 059
Without this information and based on the limited data available, the applicant’s record may better support an adjustment disorder. The Board endorses a change to that the applicant’s narrative reason for discharge to “Adjustment Disorder” with SPD code “JFY”. Discharge Honorable 27.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 063
The Boards endorses that the Character of Service be amended to Under Honorable Conditions as authorized by: Personnel Service Center, Enlisted Personnel Management. Coast Guard policy prescribes no higher than a General Discharge, Under Honorable Conditions character of service for individuals separated as a result of violating the Coast Guard’s drug policy. The General, Under Honorable Conditions discharge is equitable.