ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000928
It states that the SPD code "JPC" is the appropriate code to assign to Soldiers separated under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200, chapter 9 by reason of drug rehabilitation failure. Records show the applicant was 21 years, 4 months, and 18 days of age at the time of his counseling for missing his ASAP appointment and being designated as drug rehabilitation failure. There is no evidence that indicates the applicant was any less mature than other Soldiers of the same age who...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000929
COUNSEL'S REQUEST, STATEMENT AND EVIDENCE: Counsel did not provide additional evidence or an argument. On 14 February 1975, his commander recommended that he be separated from the service under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200 (Personnel Separations), paragraph 13-5a, for unfitness. There is no indication the applicant applied to the Army Discharge Review Board for an upgrade of his discharge.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000930
The applicant requests, in effect, correction of his records to show entitlement to the Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) incentive offered at the time of his enlistment. The applicant states: * he fulfilled his part of the contract he completed with his unit at the time * although he did not have to extend his enlistment for Title 32, U.S. Code, Active Guard Reserve (AGR) orders, he continues to serve the time that he extended for * he was not alerted or counseled on the issue of...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000933
There are no general orders in the applicant's service personnel records that show he was awarded the Purple Heart. The applicant's request for award of the Purple Heart was carefully considered and it was determined there is insufficient evidence to support this request. _______ _ _x______ ___ CHAIRPERSON I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in this case.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000935
The applicant requests correction of his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) to show award of the Air Medal (24th Award). He was awarded the Vietnam Service Medal. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army records of the individual concerned be corrected by: * deleting award of the Vietnam Service Medal, Air Medal (18th Award), and Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm Unit Citation from his DD Form 214 for the period ending 30...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000936
Application for correction of military records (with supporting documents provided, if any). The applicant provides copies of his: * DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) * U.S. Passport (first two pages only) CONSIDERATION OF EVIDENCE: 1. All of the documents contained in the applicant's record which include his DOB list it as "17 July."
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000937
The applicant requests the records of his deceased father, a former service member (FSM), be corrected to show he was wounded in action and awarded the Purple Heart. The FSM's military records are not available to the Board for review. Regrettably, absent evidence which conclusively shows the FSM sustained wounds or injuries as a result of hostile action, that he was treated by medical personnel for those wounds or injuries, and that this treatment was made a matter of official record,...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000940
Application for correction of military records (with supporting documents provided, if any). The applicant requests correction of his DD Form 214 (Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge) to show his social security number (SSN) as "XXX-X2-XXXX" instead of "XXX-X0-XXXX." DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The applicant's SSN appears as "XXX-X2-XXXX" on his DD Form 398 that was completed upon his induction and on his DA Form 24.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000942
He was told he would be discharged under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-212 (Personnel Separations - Discharge - Unfitness and Unsuitability), with a general discharge. On 5 March 1971, he was discharged in pay grade E-1, under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200, chapter 10, in lieu of trial by a court-martial, with an under other than honorable characterization of service and issuance of an Undesirable Discharge Certificate. Contrary to his contention that nobody told him...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000944
On 30 November 1982, he consulted with legal counsel and voluntarily requested discharge for the good of the service under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200 (Personnel Separations - Enlisted Personnel), chapter 10 due to charges being preferred against him under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) which authorized the imposition of a bad conduct or dishonorable discharge. Although an honorable or general discharge is authorized, a UOTHC discharge is normally considered...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000945
IN THE CASE OF: BOARD DATE: 1 August 2013 DOCKET NUMBER: AR20130000945 THE BOARD CONSIDERED THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCE: 1. Application for correction of military records (with supporting documents provided, if any). The applicant requests correction of his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) to show his date or birth (DOB) as 6 September 19XX vice 9 June 19XX.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000947
The applicant requests relief from the 6-year barring statute and payment of his full retired pay entitlements effective the date he was placed on the Retired List (1 October 1999). The letter provided by the applicant from the FLARNG, dated 12 December 2012, indicates the applicant was one of many who were notified in 2011 of an error in their military pay accounts and they were not receiving full relief of monies owed due to DFAS imposing the 6-year barring statute. As a result, the...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000955
Application for correction of military records (with supporting documents provided, if any). The applicant requests correction of his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) to show his deployment to Kuwait in 2003 and his medals and combat patch. Kuwait is an authorized AOE.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000958
The applicant requests correction of his DD Form 214 (Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge) for the period ending 11 December 1966 to show award of the Air Medal and Army Commendation Medal and his service in Korea. However, the applicant's service in Korea qualifies him for award of the Korea Defense Service Medal and correction of his DD Form 214 to show this award. The applicant was awarded the Vietnam Service Medal.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000961
He provides an ARCOM Certificate and Citation, dated 19 January 1971, showing he was awarded the ARCOM with 1st Oak Leaf Cluster for meritorious service while assigned to USAREC during the period April 1970 to January 1971. An oak leaf cluster is awarded to denote the second and succeeding awards of certain decorations, among which is the ARCOM. _____________X____________ CHAIRPERSON I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000965
The applicant requests an upgrade of his under other than honorable conditions discharge. On 20 May 1971, court-martial charges were preferred against him for being AWOL from 16 December 1970 to 18 May 1971. The DD Form 214 he was issued shows he was discharged under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200, chapter 10, for the good of the service in lieu of trial by a court-martial with an Undesirable Discharge Certificate.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000968
Counsel requests: * the applicant be granted additional constructive credit based on her civilian experience as a dentist * the applicant's entry grade of captain (CPT)/O-3 be adjusted to major (MAJ)/O-4 * the applicant receive all back pay and allowances for adjustment of her entry grade to MAJ/O-4 2. c. according to documents provided, the applicant correctly received 7 years of constructive credit upon her entry into the Reserve (4 years for dental degree plus 3 years for professional...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000971
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000973
On 3 November 2011, the applicant was notified that he had been selected for attendance at the Sergeants Major Academy by the Fiscal Year 2011 Sergeants Major Training Selection Board; however, because his personnel record contained derogatory information, his record would be reviewed by a standby advisory board (STAB) to determine if he should be removed from that list. The Board denied the request for removal of the GOMOR in its entirety and the removal of the relief for cause NCOER. ...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000979
This provision of law also allows the Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR) to excuse an applicant's failure to timely file within the 3-year statute of limitations if the ABCMR determines it would be in the interest of justice to do so. The evidence of record shows the applicant recorded his SSN as "XXX-XX-7164" when he enlisted in the USAR and RA in 1984 and this SSN was used exclusively during his military service. His DD Form 214 shows this SSN when he was discharged in 1986.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000980
The applicant requests payment of an annual Health Professions Officer Incentive Pay (HPOIP) from 4 May 2012 through 30 September 2012. She submitted an HPOIP agreement on 10 October 2012 for the period 1 October 2012 through 30 September 2013. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army records of the individual concerned be corrected by: * showing she timely entered into an HPOIP contract for the period covering 4 May 2012 through 30 September 2012 in a timely...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000982
On 15 December 2011 orders were published by the TXARNG promoting him to the rank of colonel effective 15 December 2011. On 23 October 2012, Special Orders Number 378 AR issued by the NGB granted the applicant Federal Recognition in the rank of colonel effective 28 August 2012. Officials at the NGB opined that at the time the TXARNG promoted the applicant to the rank of colonel on 15 December 2011, the state was over its limit of colonel/O6 authorizations and the request for Federal...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000984
The applicant states: a. There is no evidence of record that shows while serving on active duty he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or any disorder/illness that prevented him from performing his assigned duties, rendered him unfit for duty, or would have required referral to a medical evaluation board (MEB) or a physical evaluation board (PEB). He further stated: a.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000985
On 26 July 2012, the board recommended the applicant be separated for failure to meet medical procurement standards. Army regulations provide that prior to discharge or release from active duty, individuals will be assigned RE codes based on their service records or the reason for discharge. Records show an EPSBD was convened within the applicant's first 2 months of active duty and found his condition was medically disqualifying under procurement medical fitness standards.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000987
The applicant, the father of a former service member (FSM), requests correction of his son's DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) to show award of the Combat Infantryman Badge and two awards of the Army Achievement Medal. A review of the FSM's military records located in the integrated Personnel Electronic Records Management System failed to reveal orders for award of the Combat Infantryman Badge or any awards of Army Achievement Medal. The available evidence...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000988
The applicant, the widow of a deceased former service member (FSM), requests the correction of the FSMs DD Form 214 (Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge) to show his service in Vietnam. The FSM's records show he was inducted into the Army of the United States on 30 March 1967. There is no evidence in the FSM's records that shows he ever served in Vietnam.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000989
The applicant provides copies of his: * DD Form 214 * Army Commendation Medal (First Oak Leaf Cluster) orders and citation * Air Medal orders and citation CONSIDERATION OF EVIDENCE: 1. Records show he also participated in three campaign periods during his service in the Vietnam. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army records of the individual concerned be corrected by: a. awarding him the Army Good Conduct Medal (1st Award) for the period 7 January 1969 to 6...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130000994
The applicant provides: * DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) * Orders D-03-917037, issued by the U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) Personnel Command, St. Louis, MO, dated 23 March 1999 * DA Form 2-1 (Personnel Qualification Record) CONSIDERATION OF EVIDENCE: 1. His record contains a DA Form 4187 (Personnel Action), dated 13 December 1996, wherein he requested to be separated for his own convenience under the provision of Army Regulation 635-200 (Personnel Separations...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001001
The applicant requests, in effect, correction of her DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), for the period ending 11 June 2004, to show her home of record (HOR) as an Alabama (AL) address instead of P.O. When her mobilization period ended, she was issued orders that released her from active duty on 11 June 2004 and listed the place she entered active duty as Columbus, GA, and her HOR as Fort Gordon, GA. Therefore, without evidence to the contrary, it is...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001002
His DA Form 20 (Enlisted Qualification Record) shows he served in the Republic of Vietnam from on or about 21 April 1967 through on or about 19 April 1968. Therefore, it would be appropriate to award him the Purple Heart and to correct his DD Form 214 to show this award. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army records of the individual concerned be corrected by: a. awarding him the Purple Heart for wounds sustained as a result of hostile action on 5 April 1968; b....
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001003
The applicant requests his pay entry basic date (PEBD) be corrected to 23 August 1976. The applicant states: * he wants his Reserve pay date corrected to reflect 23 August 1976 instead of 16 May 1978 * his Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) contract was for a term of 6 years, he spent 2 years in college and the rest of the time on active duty * this data does not reflect his true pay date * his Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI) payments are being taken out of his retired pay based...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001008
The applicant was serving on active duty in the Regular Army in the rank of 1SG/E-8 at the time of his application. The advisory official stated the applicant was reduced in rank from MSG to SFC on 30 November 2007 as a result of a summary court-martial. This resulted in his summary court-martial on 14 November 2007 and his reduction to SFC.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001009
The applicant's record contains a memorandum from his company commander, subject: Separation Under Army Regulation 635-200 (Active Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations), paragraph 5-17, Other Designated Physical or Mental Conditions, wherein his commander advised him that he was initiating action to separate him from the Army. Army Regulation 635-5 (Separation Documents) prescribes the separation documents prepared for Soldiers upon retirement, discharge, or release from active military...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001013
The available records do not contain a written agreement for an OAB. On 15 November 2012, the National Guard Bureau (NGB) disapproved the request for an ETP because the applicant failed to sign the OAB agreement. Since there is no evidence and the applicant did not provide any evidence of contracting for an OAB in the amount of $10,000.00, there is no basis for granting the applicant's request.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001014
On 9 January 1976, his unit commander initiated separation proceedings under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200 (Personnel Separations Enlisted Personnel), paragraph 5-37 (Expeditious Discharge Program), with a recommendation for a general discharge. The applicant was discharged with a general discharge on 30 January 1976. The applicant has not provided any evidence that he has been denied any benefit or consideration as a veteran based on the terminology utilized on his discharge...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001019
IN THE CASE OF: BOARD DATE: 25 July 2013 DOCKET NUMBER: AR20130001019 THE BOARD CONSIDERED THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCE: 1. The applicant requests correction of his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) to show award of the Bronze Star Medal. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army records of the individual concerned be corrected by adding the Bronze Star Medal to his DD Form 214.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001022
The applicant states, in effect, a. he left the Army before receiving all of his earned awards; b. he has a certificate for the Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM); and c. he believes he was awarded the Kuwait Liberation Medal (KLM), Korean Service Medal (KSM), Combat Action Badge (CAB), and additional individual and unit awards. Army Regulation 600-8-22 (Military Awards) prescribes the Army's awards policy. b. Paragraph 5-8 provides for award of the KSM and it states that the KSM is awarded...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001023
There is no evidence the applicant applied to the Army Discharge Review Board for an upgrade of his discharge within its 15-year statute of limitations. Based on his overall record, his service clearly did not meet the standards of acceptable conduct for Army personnel. _______ _ _X______ ___ CHAIRPERSON I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in this case.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001035
On 14 August 2012, this Board also determined there was no evidence of record or independent evidence submitted by the applicant that would support a conclusion that the applicant's award recommendation was not properly processed. Commanders at the time of the act, or shortly thereafter, determined the applicant's actions were so noteworthy as to warrant award of the Army Commendation Medal with "V" Device. However, the Army Decorations Board determined the degree of action and service...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001042
IN THE CASE OF: BOARD DATE: 15 October 2013 DOCKET NUMBER: AR20130001042 THE BOARD CONSIDERED THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCE: 1. On 20 April 2001, the applicant's unit commander initiated action to separate the applicant from the MIARNG under the provisions of Army Regulation 135-178 (ANRG and Army Reserve Enlisted Administrative Separations), paragraph 7-7, for Conviction by Civil Court, with a general discharge. He has provided insufficient argument to show his separation action was unjust and...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001045
As stated in the applicant's previous case, he was promoted in the ARNG and granted Federal recognition to the rank of MAJ with an effective date and a date of rank of 15 December 2006. In the previous Record of Proceedings, an advisory opinion was obtained from the Chief, Officer Promotions, HRC, who determined the applicant's ADOR of 2 April 2009 was the correct date. Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense, the date of rank of a Reserve commissioned officer (other than...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001046
In the Record of Proceedings (ROP), Discussions and Conclusions, paragraph 2, the Board states that "there is no evidence in the available record, nor has he submitted any evidence, showing he has yet been promoted or recommended for promotion to SSG even after the security clearance process was completed." Without the security clearance, the applicant was not promoted. Although in a previous advisory opinion an NGB official stated the applicant was granted a security clearance in February...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001047
The Board determined the unit member's and/or witness statements alone, absent any conclusive evidence to show he was wounded or injured as a result of hostile action, that he was treated for such wounds by medical personnel, and that his treatment was made a matter official record, were insufficient evidentiary bases to award him the PH and denied his request. Therefore, he should be awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in action on 2 April 1971 and his DD Form 214 for the period...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001048
The Board referred to Army Regulation 600-8-22 (Military Awards) stating that "the CIB is awarded to infantry officers and to enlisted and warrant officer persons who have an infantry military occupational specialty (MOS). As documented in his award of the Bronze Star Medal, in September, 1970, he was given the title of "Light Weapons Infantry Advisor" assigned to the 4th Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN). Army Regulation...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001049
THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST, STATEMENT, AND EVIDENCE: 1. The applicant provides: * National Guard Bureau (NGB) Form 23 (Army National Guard Retirement Credits Record) * Record of his military service, dated 14 February 1985 * Reassignment orders * Discharge orders * NGB Form 22 (Report of Separation and Record of Service) CONSIDERATION OF EVIDENCE: 1. There is no evidence which shows he completed 20 years of qualifying service for retired pay purposes.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001057
The applicant requests correction of his DD Form 214 (Armed forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge) to show award of the Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB). Army Regulation 600-8-22 (Military Awards) states the CIB is awarded to infantry officers and to enlisted and warrant officer persons who have an infantry military occupational specialty (MOS). _______ _ X ______ ___ CHAIRPERSON I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001060
The applicant requests an upgrade of his under other than honorable conditions discharge. Based on his record of indiscipline, the applicant's service clearly does not merit an upgrade to his discharge to either an honorable or a general discharge. __________X___________ CHAIRPERSON I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in this case.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001073
Counsel requests reconsideration of the previous Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR)) decision regarding the applicant's request for award of the Special Forces (SF) Tab and correction of his record to show he held military occupational specialty (MOS) 18B (SF Weapons Sergeant). A 12-page brief containing new arguments in support of the applicant's request for relief, in which he contends: (1) The Board misstated or misapplied the applicable regulation (Army Regulation...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001092
The applicant requests correction of his DD Form 214 (Report of Separation from Active Duty) to show he received a medical or honorable discharge. On 19 July 1974, as part of the enlistment process, the applicant completed a medical examination. If a Soldier is found unfit because of physical disability, this regulation provides for disposition of the Soldier according to applicable laws and regulations.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2013 | 20130001096
The applicant requests an upgrade of his discharge under other than honorable conditions (UOTHC) to honorable. On 13 March1979, the applicant was so discharged. Although an honorable or general discharge is authorized, a discharge UOTHC is normally considered appropriate.