USMC | DRB | 2011_Marine | MD1101989
Based on the Applicant’s less than 180 days of service, the NDRB determined Uncharacterized (Entry Level Separation) is the appropriate characterization of service.Summary: After a thorough review of the available evidence, to include the Applicant’s summary of service, record entries, and discharge process, the Board found Therefore, the awarded characterization of service shall and the narrative reason for separation shall remain .The Applicant remains eligible for a personal appearance...
USMC | DRB | 2012_Marine | MD1201651
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYNAVAL DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD (NDRB) DISCHARGE REVIEW DECISIONAL DOCUMENTApplicant’s Issues 1. Relief granted.Summary: After a thorough review of the available evidence, to include the Applicant’s summary of service, record entries, and discharge process, the Board found the discharge was proper and equitable at the time of discharge.However, based on changes to Department of Defense policy, the awarded characterization of service shall , the narrative reason for...
USMC | DRB | 2015_Marine | MD1500324
Narrative Reason for Separation: In accordance with the 20 September 2011 Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) memorandum regarding the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law, service discharge review boards should normally grant requests to change the narrative reason for discharge wherein Homosexual Conduct was the only basis for discharge. ” Additional Reviews : After a document review has been conducted, former members are eligible for a personal appearance hearing,...
USMC | DRB | 2013_Marine | MD1301306
Subsequently, an administrative board voted 3-0 that the preponderance of the evidence supported the Applicant’s Homosexual Admission and recommended she be separated with an Uncharacterized characterization. Given the lack of any misconduct or derogatory counseling entries in the Applicant’s service record and her being notified solely for separation due to homosexual admission, the NDRB determined that the relief, as requested, is warranted. ” Additional Reviews : After a document review...
USMC | DRB | 2012_Marine | MD1201436
There is no indication in the evidence of record or in the documentation submitted by the Applicant that the Applicant was recommended for or processed for a medical board by proper authority. Given the detailed documents of record, including the commanding officer’s preliminary inquiry and his statement in the administrative separation endorsement, the NDRB determined the Applicant’s separation by reason of Homosexual Admission in accordance with paragraph 6207 of the MARCORSEPMAN was...
USMC | DRB | 2013_Marine | MD1301312
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYNAVAL DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD (NDRB) DISCHARGE REVIEW DECISIONAL DOCUMENTApplicant’s Issues 1. The Applicant’s record of service included no 6105 counseling warnings and no misconduct resulting in nonjudicial punishment or court-martial.Based on the Applicant’s diagnosis of having a Personality Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified with Avoidant Features, command administratively processed for separation. ” Additional Reviews : After a document review has been conducted,...
NAVY | DRB | 2015_Navy | ND1500852
Additionally, effective 6 February 2015, the NDRB is authorized to change a NDRB Applicant’s Reenlistment Code if related to an accompanying change in discharge characterization or narrative, but this authority is strictly limited to those cases where an applicant’s narrative reason or characterization of discharge is changed and that change warrants revision of the previously issued reenlistment code. The NDRB also considered that while the Applicant was processed for personality disorder,...
NAVY | DRB | 2014_Navy | ND1400086
There is no indication in the evidence of record or in the documentation submitted by the Applicant that the Applicant was recommended for or processed for a medical board for PTSD by proper authority. The NDRB determined his discharge for Personality Disorder was proper, and no other narrative reason for separation more clearly describes why the Applicant was discharged. ” Additional Reviews : After a document review has been conducted, former members are eligible for a personal...
NAVY | DRB | 2013_Navy | ND1300751
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYNAVAL DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD (NDRB) DISCHARGE REVIEW DECISIONAL DOCUMENTApplicant’s Issues 1.The Applicant seeks a change to his RE-code.2. Representation: By a vote of the Characterization shall .By a vote of the Narrative Reason shall .Discussion The NDRB, under its responsibility to examine the propriety and equity of an Applicant’s discharge, is authorized to change the character of service and the reason for discharge if such change is warranted.In reviewing...
USMC | DRB | 2012_Marine | MD1200089
Types of Documents Submitted/reviewedRelated to Military Service: DD 214:Service/Medical Record:Other Records: Related to Post-Service Period: Employment: Finances: Education/Training: Health/Medical Records: Rehabilitation/Treatment: Criminal Records: Personal Documentation: Community Service: References: Department of VA letter: Other Documentation: Additional Statements:From Applicant: From/To Representation:From/ToCongress member: DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYNAVAL DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD...