USMC | DRB | 2006_Marine | MD0600950
The Applicant requests the Discharge Characterization of Service received at the time of discharge be changed to general (under honorable conditions). PART III – RATIONALE FOR DECISION AND PERTINENT REGULATION/LAW Discussion The Applicant was discharged on 20050826 with a bad conduct discharge which was the sentence adjudged by a properly convened special court-martial. After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, the Board...
USMC | DRB | 2015_Marine | MD1500784
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYNAVAL DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD (NDRB) DISCHARGE REVIEW DECISIONAL DOCUMENTApplicant’s Issues 1. Based on the offense(s) committed by the Applicant, command administratively processed for separation. ” Additional Reviews : After a document review has been conducted, former members are eligible for a personal appearance hearing, provided the application is received at the NDRB within 15 years of the Applicant’s date of discharge.
USMC | DRB | 2007_Marine | MD0700068
After a thorough review of the Applicant’s record, issues submitted, and post service accomplishments, the Board determined that clemency was not warranted and that the sentence awarded the Applicant at his court-martial was appropriate for the offenses he committed.Issue 2 (Equity). DB035-94 Applicant Discharged: 19940404 Types of Documents Submitted by Applicant and Considered By BoardRelated to Military Service: Service and/or Medical Record:Other Records: Related to Post-Service Period:...
USMC | DRB | 2006_Marine | MD0600850
Documentation In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the Applicant, was considered:Applicant’s DD Form 214 (Service 2) (2)Letter from Applicant, dtd March 27, 2006 PART II - SUMMARY OF SERVICE Prior Service (component, dates of service, type of discharge): Inactive: USMCR (DEP) 19891219 - 19900204 COG Active: None Period of Service Under Review :Date of Enlistment: 19900205 Date of Discharge: 19960701 Length of Service (years, months,...
NAVY | DRB | 2005_Navy | ND0501012
Documentation In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the Applicant, was considered:DD Form 149 Employment Reference ltr, dtd April 22, 2005 Reference ltr from Pastor B_ R_, undated Police Record Check dtd April 26, 2005, unsigned, unsealed Applicant’s DD Form 214 PART II - SUMMARY OF SERVICE Prior Service (component, dates of service, type of discharge): Inactive: USNR (DEP) 19860331 – 19860803 COG Active: None Period of Service Under Review...
NAVY | DRB | 2012_Navy | ND1201455
With multiple serious UCMJ violations (Articles 92, 107, and 121) in less than 11 months of service, the Applicant met the requirements for administrative separation for Misconduct (Serious Offense) and warranted an Under Other Than Honorable Conditions characterization of service.Summary: After a thorough review of the available evidence, to include the Applicant’s summary of service, record entries, and discharge process, the Board found Therefore, the awarded characterization of service...
USMC | DRB | 2015_Marine | MD1500638
Summary: After a thorough review of the available evidence, to include the Applicant’s summary of service, record entries, and discharge process, the Board found Therefore, the awarded characterization of service shall remain UNDER OTHER THAN HONORABLE CONDITIONS and the narrative reason for separation shall remain MISCONDUCT. ” Additional Reviews : After a document review has been conducted, former members are eligible for a personal appearance hearing, provided the application is received...
USMC | DRB | 2005_Marine | MD0500957
What I did to cause me to receive a Bad Conduct discharge I truly with all my heart regret y action.Now that I have been released from the Military Appellate Leave Status an been given a new chance to start my career over I respectfully request that my Bad Conduct Discharge be changed to General/under Honorable condition. Documentation In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the Applicant, was considered:Applicant’s DD Form 214 (3) PART II -...
NAVY | DRB | 2014_Navy | ND1400026
Relief denied.Summary: After a thorough review of the available evidence, to include the Applicant’s summary of service, record entriesand discharge process, the Board found Therefore, the awarded characterization of service shall and the narrative reason for separation shall remain .The Applicant remains eligible for a personal appearance hearing for a period of fifteen years from the date of discharge. ” Additional Reviews : After a document review has been conducted, former members are...
NAVY | DRB | 2005_Navy | ND0500989
The Applicant requests that his characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. PART I - APPLICANT’S ISSUES AND DOCUMENTATION The names, and votes of the members of the Board are recorded on the original of this document and may be obtained from the service records by writing to:Secretary of the Navy Council of Review Boards