NAVY | DRB | 2007_Navy | ND0700092
Separation Authority (date):COMCRUDESGRU (19990128)Reason for discharge directed: - Characterization directed: Date Applicant Discharged: 19990129 Additional DocumentsSubmitted by Applicant and Considered By BoardTotal Number of Pages: 4 Related to Period of Service Under Review: From Serviceand/or Medical Record:Other Records: Related to Other Period(s) of Service: From Service and/or Medical Record: Other Records: Related to Post-Service Period: Employment:Finances: Health/Medical...
NAVY | DRB | 2006_Navy | ND0600906
The Applicant requests the Discharge Characterization of Service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. There is credible evidence in the record that the Applicant used illegal drugs, a violation of Article 112a of the UCMJ. You may view DoD Instruction 1332.28 and other Decisional Documents by going online at “ ” .The names and votes of the members of the Board are recorded on the original of this document and may be obtained from the service...
NAVY | DRB | 2004_Navy | ND04-00685
PART I - APPLICANT’S ISSUES AND DOCUMENTATION The FSM, based on submittal of the application, request a records review for an upgrade of the current Other Than Honorable discharge, making no specific complaints of improprieties, nor requests of equitable relief. You may view DoD Directive 1332.28 and other Decisional Documents by going online at “ ” .The names, and votes of the members of the Board are recorded on the original of this document and may be obtained...
NAVY | DRB | 2005_Navy | ND0500319
PART I - APPLICANT’S ISSUES AND DOCUMENTATION The Applicant contends that his discharge is inequitable because his misconduct was a result of his fear of flying. The names, and votes of the members of the Board are recorded on the original of this document and may be obtained from the service records by writing to:Secretary of the Navy Council of Review Boards
NAVY | DRB | 2005_Navy | ND0501057
971028: An Administrative Discharge Board, based upon a preponderance of the evidence and by unanimous vote, found that the Applicant had not committed misconduct due to drug abuse and found that the Applicant had committed misconduct due to commission of a serious offense, that such misconduct warranted separation, and recommended general (under honorable conditions) discharge, suspended for 12 months.980123: Applicant to unauthorized absence at 0645 on 980123.980128: Drug and Alcohol Abuse...
NAVY | DRB | 2005_Navy | ND0500739
The Applicant requests the Discharge Characterization of Service received at the time of discharge be changed to general (under honorable conditions). As of this time, the Applicant has not provided any post-service documentation for the Board to consider. The names, and votes of the members of the Board are recorded on the original of this document and may be obtained from the service records by writing to:Secretary of the Navy Council of Review Boards
NAVY | DRB | 2001_Navy | ND01-01140
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD (NDRB) DISCHARGE REVIEWDECISIONAL DOCUMENT ex-AMSAN, USN Docket No. Documentation In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the applicant, was considered:Copy of DD Form 214 Five pages from applicant's service record PART II - SUMMARY OF SERVICE Prior Service (component, dates of service, type of discharge): Active: None Inactive: USNR (DEP) 900427 - 900711 COG Period of Service Under Review...
NAVY | DRB | 2005_Navy | ND0500468
The NDRB also advised that the Board first conducts a documentary review prior to any personal appearance hearing. Drug abuse is inconsistent with Naval standards and service member should be discharged with an other than honorable discharge with a reenlistment code of RE-4.040622: Commander, Carrier Group FIVE authorized the Applicant's discharge under other than honorable conditions by reason of misconduct due to drug abuse (use). You may view DoD Directive 1332.28 and other Decisional...
NAVY | DRB | 2001_Navy | ND01-00180
Documentation In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the applicant, was considered:Character Reference ltr from J_ R_, Constable, dtd Nov 1, 2000 PART II - SUMMARY OF SERVICE Prior Service (component, dates of service, type of discharge): Active: None Inactive: None Period of Service Under Review :Date of Enlistment: 910228 Date of Discharge: 930111 Length of Service (years, months, days):Active: 01 04 08 Inactive: 00 06 05 MSSR (Applicant)...
NAVY | DRB | 2005_Navy | ND0501337
ND05-01337 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review was received on 20050808. The Applicant requests the Discharge Characterization of Service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. Documentation In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the Applicant, was considered:Applicant’s DD Form 214 Character/Job Reference ltr from D_ D. B_, Senior Vice President, Mobile Sheet Metal, dtd June 23, 2005 PART II -...