NAVY | DRB | 2002_Navy | ND02-01096
PART III – RATIONALE FOR DECISION AND PERTINENT REGULATION/LAW Discussion The Applicant was discharged, in absentia, on 950221 under other than honorable conditions for misconduct due to commission of a serious offense (A). The official record notes he was charged with murder by civilian authorities, a serious offense for which a punitive discharge and a life sentence is authorized. Evidence of continuing educational pursuits, a positive employment record, documentation of community...
NAVY | DRB | 2003_Navy | ND03-00034
I believe that my discharge, and its characterization, was based upon administrative expedience and my limited time aboard, rather than my potential for further service to the Navy. At this time, the applicant has not provided sufficient documentation for the Board to consider. The Applicant remains eligible for a personal appearance hearing, provided an application is received, at the NDRB, within 15 years from the date of discharge.
NAVY | DRB | 2003_Navy | ND03-01242
The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. In the acknowledgement letter, the Applicant was informed that the Naval Discharge Review Board (NDRB) first conducts a documentary review prior to any personal appearance hearing, also advised that the Naval Discharge Review Board (NDRB) does not travel, all hearing are held in the Washington National Capital Region. The Applicant’s conduct, which forms the primary basis for...
NAVY | DRB | 2002_Navy | ND02-00582
ND02-00582 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 020402, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. It is recommended that ENFR H_ (Applicant) receive a General discharge. 940420: BUPERS directed the Applicant's discharge under other than honorable conditions by reason of misconduct due to the commission of a serious offense.
NAVY | DRB | 2004_Navy | ND04-01053
The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. The Applicant requests a documentary record discharge review. I am unable to due so due to the type of discharge and reentry code I was given at the time of discharge.
NAVY | DRB | 2003_Navy | ND03-00273
ND03-00273 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 20021205, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable or general/under honorable conditions. CA action 010730: Sentence approved and ordered executed.010724: Applicant to confinement. The Applicant remains eligible for a personal appearance hearing, provided an application is received, at the NDRB, within 15 years from the date of discharge.
NAVY | DRB | 2000_Navy | ND00-00502
PART I - APPLICANT’S ISSUES AND DOCUMENTATION To the review board, I appreciate your time for considering my request for a review. Charge II: violation of the UCMJ, Article 87: Specification: Missed ship's movement through neglect on 25Jan93.
NAVY | DRB | 2003_Navy | ND03-01396
The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to general/under honorable conditions. After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, no impropriety or inequity in the characterization of the Applicant’s service was discovered by the NDRB. No indication of appeal in the record.911223: Applicant notified of intended recommendation for discharge under other than honorable...
NAVY | DRB | 2004_Navy | ND04-01252
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD (NDRB) DISCHARGE REVIEWDECISIONAL DOCUMENT ex-UTCN, USN Docket No. ND04-01252 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review was received on 20040806. The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to general/under honorable conditions.
NAVY | DRB | 2002_Navy | ND02-01076
ND02-01076 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 020725, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to general (under honorable conditions). I recommend that ENFR [Applicant] be separated from the naval service with an Other Than Honorable discharge." Navy Instructions specifically state that a Sailor will be separated from military service if warranted on the basis of unsatisfactory performance or misconduct regardless of the...