USMC | DRB | 2001_Marine | MD01-00695
MD01-00695 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 010420, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. Recommended loss of 5 pounds per month and a total of 30 pounds within 180 days.990615: Counseling: Applicant assigned to the Weight Control Program to correct deficiency of not meeting height/weight standards. PART III – RATIONALE FOR DECISION AND PERTINENT REGULATION/LAW Discussion The applicant was discharged on...
USMC | DRB | 2003_Marine | MD03-00535
MD03-00535 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review was received on 20030211. The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. Documentation Only the Applicant’s service and medical records were reviewed, as the Applicant did not provide additional documentation for the Board to consider.
USMC | DRB | 2003_Marine | MD03-00052
931115: Applicant has been determined to be overweight and was directed to meet the following weight reduction goal: 4 pounds per month. Specifically, failure to meet Marine Corps weight standards. [Failed to meet USMC weight standards on weight control extension and is therefore recommended for separation from the naval service.]
USMC | DRB | 2001_Marine | MD01-00313
The discharge shall remain: UNDER HONORABLE CONDITIONS (GENERAL)/Unsatisfactory Performance-Failure to conform to weight standards (administrative discharge board not required), authority: MARCORSEPMAN, Para 6206.1. Assistance/sources provided, but discharge warning issued.900214: Counseled for deficiencies in performance and conduct. PART III – RATIONALE FOR DECISION AND PERTINENT REGULATION/LAW Discussion The applicant was discharged on 920320 under honorable conditions (general) due to...
USMC | DRB | 1999_Marine | MD99-00524
941011: Counseled concerning deficiency (unsatisfactory progress while assigned to weight control program; overall poor attitude and lack of motivation/willingness to lose weight), advise of assistance available and corrective actions. PART III – RATIONALE FOR DECISION AND PERTINENT REGULATION/LAW Discussion The applicant was discharged on 950915 with a general (under honorable conditions) due to unsatisfactory performance due to weight control failure. After a thorough review of the...
USMC | DRB | 1999_Marine | MD99-00524 (1)
941011: Counseled concerning deficiency (unsatisfactory progress while assigned to weight control program; overall poor attitude and lack of motivation/willingness to lose weight), advise of assistance available and corrective actions. PART III – RATIONALE FOR DECISION AND PERTINENT REGULATION/LAW Discussion The applicant was discharged on 950915 with a general (under honorable conditions) due to unsatisfactory performance due to weight control failure. After a thorough review of the...
USMC | DRB | 2003_Marine | MD03-00017
MD03-00017 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 20021001, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. 990924: Credentialed Health Care Provider, NavHosp, Camp Lejeune, medical eval: Current HT – 70 inches, WT – 231 pounds, Body Fat – 27%. Advised of being overweight and in excess of allowable body fat standard.
NAVY | DRB | 2004 Marine | MD04-00597
Applicant ’s second assignment.020515: Counseled concerning deficiency, specifically, unsatisfactory performance while assigned to the Marine Corps weight control program as evidenced by continued weight gain and only minimal weight loss, failure to adhere to my diet and weight loss plan, advise of assistance available and corrective actions. After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, the Board found that the discharge was...
USMC | DRB | 2005_Marine | MD0501233
over maximum allowable weight and given a weight loss goal of 3 lbs. The Applicant’s conduct, which forms the primary basis for determining the character of his service, reflects his willful failure to meet the requirements of his contract with the Marine Corps and falls short of that required for an upgrade of his characterization of service. The Applicant further contends that after his brother’s death in November 1997, the Applicant became depressed and “failed to care about the Marine...
USMC | DRB | 2005_Marine | MD0501570
(“I [Applicant] further understand that I have been recommended for Administrative discharge due to failing the Marine Corps weight control program two times and being assigned for the third time.”) Applicant chooses not to make a statement.970312: Commanding Officer, Marine Air Control Squadron 2, notifies Applicant that he is assigned to the squadron Physical Training Platoon as a result of not being within Marine Corps height and weight standards. Weight: 237. Not due to pathological...