USMC | DRB | 2001_Marine | MD01-00992
000825: Commanding officer recommended discharge under honorable conditions (general) for the convenience of the government due to a personality disorder, based upon a diagnosed personality disorder as evidenced by psychiatric. While the NDRB respects the fact that the applicant tried, his service is equitably characterized as being performed under other than honorable conditions. Relief is not warranted.The fact that the applicant was within three months of his EAS is only one of several...
USMC | DRB | 2000_Marine | MD00-00066
st Marine Expeditionary Brigade] directed the applicant's discharge under honorable conditions (general) for convenience of the government due to a personality disorder. Discussion The applicant was discharged on 921125 under honorable conditions (general) for convenience of the government due to a personality disorder (A and B). After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, the Board found that the discharge was not proper (D...
USMC | DRB | 1999_Marine | MD99-01222
921211: Counseled for deficiencies in performance and conduct. 930218: Applicant notified of intended recommendation for discharge under Honorable conditions (General) for the Convenience of the Government due to a Personality Disorder, based upon a diagnosed personality disorder as evidenced by psychiatric evaluation. The characterization of service should have been based on the applicant’s service record.
USMC | DRB | 2002_Marine | MD02-00372
MD02-00372 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 020211, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. “In light of recent events (i.e., 2 suicides and 2 suicide attempts in the 2d Marine Division and a suicide in the 2d Force Service Support Group), expediting this service member's separation package is recommended.”941129: Applicant notified of intended recommendation for discharge under honorable conditions (general)...
USMC | DRB | 2001_Marine | MD01-01000
MD01-01000 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 010727, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. However, he manifests a disorder of character and behavior that is of such severity to preclude adequate military service.001107: Applicant notified of intended recommendation for discharge with a General (under honorable conditions) for the convenience of the government due to a personality disorder, based upon a...
USMC | DRB | 2003_Marine | MD03-00674
The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. 020717: Commanding Officer recommended discharge under honorable conditions (general) for the convenience of the government due to a personality disorder, based upon a diagnosed personality disorder as evidenced by psychological evaluation. After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, the Board found that the...
USMC | DRB | 2000_Marine | MD00-00765
980722: Commanding officer recommended discharge under honorable conditions (general) for the convenience of the government due to a personality disorder, based upon a diagnosed personality disorder as evidenced by psychological evaluation. st Force Service Support Group] directed the applicant's discharge under honorable conditions (general) for convenience of the government due to a personality disorder. After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and...
USMC | DRB | 2003_Marine | MD03-01406
The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. Documentation In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the Applicant, was considered:Applicant’s DD Form 214 Promotion certificate Meritorious Mast PART II - SUMMARY OF SERVICE Prior Service (component, dates of service, type of discharge): Active: None Inactive: USMCR(J) 990826 - 000625 COG Period of Service Under Review :Date of...
USMC | DRB | 2001_Marine | MD01-00673
MD01-00673 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 010409, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. AXIS II: Personality Disorder NOS with Avoidant and Borderline features.991018: Applicant notified of intended recommendation for discharge under honorable conditions (general) for the convenience of the government due to a personality disorder, based upon a diagnosed personality disorder as evidenced by psychiatric...
USMC | DRB | 2003_Marine | MD03-01357
The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to honorable. 020311: Commanding Officer recommended discharge under honorable conditions (general) for the convenience of the government due to a personality disorder, based upon a diagnosed personality disorder as evidenced by psychiatric evaluation. After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, the Board found that the...