NAVY | DRB | 1999_Navy | ND99-00604
After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, the Board found that the discharge was proper and equitable (D and E).The applicant introduced no decisional issues for consideration by the Board. The applicant did not provided any documentation of good character or conduct, which would warrant an upgrade to his discharge. He remains eligible for a personal appearance hearing, to discuss his post-service accomplishments, provided...
NAVY | DRB | 2002_Navy | ND02-00129
The Naval Discharge Review Board (NDRB) also advised that the board first conducts a documentary review prior to any personal appearance hearing. The discharge shall remain: UNDER OTHER THAN HONORABLE CONDITIONS/Misconduct – Drug abuse (Use), authority: NAVMILPERSMAN, Article 3630620. The applicant can provide additional documentation to support any claims of post-service accomplishments at that time.
NAVY | DRB | 1999_Navy | ND99-00340
The discharge shall remain: UNDER OTHER THAN HONORABLE CONDITIONS/Misconduct – commission of a serious offense, authority: NAVMILPERSMAN, Article 3630600. PART III – RATIONALE FOR DECISION AND PERTINENT REGULATION/LAW Discussion The applicant was discharged on 860212 under other than honorable conditions for misconduct due to commission of a serious offense (A). You may obtain a copy of DoD Directive 1332.28 by writing to: DA Military Review Boards Agency Management Information and Support...
NAVY | DRB | 2003_Navy | ND03-00485
PART III – RATIONALE FOR DECISION AND PERTINENT REGULATION/LAW Discussion The Applicant was discharged, in absentia, on 19990426 with a characterization of general (under honorable conditions) for misconduct due to civil conviction (A). The Applicant remains eligible for a personal appearance hearing, provided an application is received, at the NDRB, within 15 years from the date of discharge. You may view DoD Directive 1332.28 and other Decisional Documents by going online at “...
NAVY | DRB | 1999_Navy | ND99-00944
ND99-00944 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 990620, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. 900223: VA discharge instructions: Diagnoses: Alcohol dependence, depression, tension headaches.910520: Applicant returned from deserter status 1230, 20May91 (502 days/surrendered). 910606: Unauthorized absence from 2 January 1990 to 20 May 1991 will continue to be considered lost time for administrative...
NAVY | DRB | 2004_Navy | ND04-00496
The Applicant requests the characterization of service received at the time of discharge be changed to general/under honorable conditions. The Applicant requests a documentary record discharge review. Chronological Listing of Significant Service Events :030209: Applicant arrested by Gulf Breeze Police Department and charged with reckless driving, DUI and serious bodily injury to another, operate a vehicle while suspended/ cancelled/revoked with knowledge.030210: Applicant to unauthorized...
NAVY | DRB | 1999_Navy | ND99-01205
(EQUITY ISSUE) As the documentary evidence of record supports, this former member further opines that his post-service conduct has been sufficiently creditable to warrant the Board's clemency relief as authorized under provisions of SECNAVINST 5420.174C., enclosure (1), paragraph 9.3. Therefore, it is recommended that AR (applicant) be separated from the naval service with an other than honorable discharge by reason of misconduct, in absentia.870722: Applicant declared a deserter. It is...
NAVY | DRB | 2001_Navy | ND01-01016
ND01-01016 Applicant’s Request The application for discharge review, received 010731, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to general/under honorable conditions or entry level separation or uncharacterized. (Equity Issue) This former member further avers that his due process rights were not properly explained to him. Evidence of continuing educational pursuits, an employment record, documentation of community service, certification of non-involvement...
NAVY | DRB | 1999_Navy | ND99-01046
In the acknowledgement letter to the applicant, he was informed that the Naval Discharge Review Board (NDRB) first conducts a documentary review prior to any personal appearance hearing. Discharged in absentia, PART I - APPLICANT’S ISSUES AND DOCUMENTATION After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, the Board found that the discharge was proper and equitable (D and E).In response to the applicant’s issue 1, there is no law or...
NAVY | DRB | 2000_Navy | ND00-00392
PART I - APPLICANT’S ISSUES AND DOCUMENTATION 880525: Applicant to unauthorized absence 0600, 25May88.880527: CNMPC directed the applicant's discharge under other than honorable conditions by reason of misconduct due to a pattern of misconduct.880621: CNMPC authorized discharge of applicant without return to military control. PART III – RATIONALE FOR DECISION AND PERTINENT REGULATION/LAW Discussion The applicant was discharged on 880628 under other than honorable conditions for misconduct...