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NAVY | DRB | 2000_Navy | ND00-00003
Original file (ND00-00003.rtf) Auto-classification: Denied


ex-SR, USN
Docket No. ND00-00003

Applicant’s Request

The application for discharge review, received 990930, requested that the characterization of service on the discharge be changed to honorable. The applicant requested a documentary record discharge review. The applicant did not list any representative on the DD Form 293.


A documentary discharge review was conducted in Washington, D.C. on 000606. After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, NDRB discerned no impropriety or inequity in the characterization of the applicant’s service. The Board’s vote was unanimous that the character of the discharge shall not change. The discharge shall remain: UNDER HONORABLE CONDITIONS (GENERAL)/Misconduct - Pattern of misconduct, authority: NAVMILPERSMAN, Article 3630600.


Issues (verbatim)

1. My discharge was inequitable because it was based on one isolated incident in 46 months of service with no other adverse action. Due to my discharge I have not been incarcerate for any reason. For this I would like to have my discharge upgraded to an honorable.


In addition to the service record, the following additional documentation, submitted by the applicant, was considered:



Prior Service (component, dates of service, type of discharge):

         Active: None
         Inactive: USNR (DEP)     830425 - 840102  COG

Period of Service Under Review :

Date of Enlistment: 840103               Date of Discharge: 861107

Length of Service (years, months, days):

         Active: 02 10 05
         Inactive: None

Age at Entry: 21                          Years Contracted: 4

Education Level: 12                        AFQT: 38

Highest Rate: YNSN

Final Enlisted Performance Evaluation Averages (number of marks):

Performance: 2.80 (3)    Behavior: 2.93 (3)                OTA: 3.07

Military Decorations: None

Unit/Campaign/Service Awards: None

Days of Unauthorized Absence: None

Character, Narrative Reason, and Authority of Discharge (at time of issuance):

UNDER HONORABLE CONDITIONS (GENERAL)/Misconduct - Pattern of misconduct, authority: NAVMILPERSMAN, Article 3630600.

Chronological Listing of Significant Service Events :

860623:  NJP for violation of UCMJ, Article 86: Unauthorized absence on 0630-0700, 16Jun86 (30 minutes), violation of UCMJ Article 92: Failure to obey a lawful order by not having ID card on her person on 17Jun86.
         Award: Restriction for 14 days, reduction to YNSA. No indication of appeal in the record.

860716:  NJP for violation of UCMJ, Article 86: Unauthorized absence 2400, 2Jul86 until 0530, 2Jul86, violation of UCMJ Article 134: Break restriction on 2Jul86.
         Award: Extra duty for 45 days, reduction to YNSR. Reduction suspended for 6 months. No indication of appeal in the record.

860717:  Retention Warning from Helicopter Combat Support Squadron THREE: Advised of deficiency (Misconduct and unauthorized absence.), notified of corrective actions and assistance available, advised of consequences of further deficiencies, and issued discharge warning.

860728:  Applicant unauthorized absence 0700-1000, 28Jul86 (3 hours).

860811:  Vacated suspended reduction to YNSR awarded at CO's NJP dated 16Jun86.

860811:  NJP for violation of UCMJ, Article 86: Unauthorized absence from 0700-0855, 5Aug86.

         Award: Restriction for 30 days. No indication of appeal in the record.

860828:  [Helicopter Combat Support Squadron THREE] notified applicant of intended recommendation for discharge under other than honorable conditions by reason of misconduct due to a pattern of misconduct and misconduct due to commission of a serious offense.

860818:  Applicant advised of her rights and having consulted with counsel certified under UCMJ Article 27B, elected to appear before an Administrative Discharge Board.

860819:  An Administrative Discharge Board, based upon a preponderance of the evidence and by unanimous vote, found that the applicant had committed misconduct due to a pattern of misconduct and misconduct due to commission of a serious offense, that the misconduct warranted separation, and recommended discharge under other than honorable conditions.

860930:  Commanding officer recommended discharge under other than honorable conditions by reason of misconduct due to a pattern of misconduct and misconduct due to commission of a serious offense.

861029:  CNMPC directed the applicant's discharge under honorable conditions (general) by reason of misconduct due to a pattern of misconduct.



The applicant was discharged on 861107 under honorable conditions (general) for misconduct due to a pattern of misconduct (A and B). The Board presumed regularity in the conduct of governmental affairs (C). After a thorough review of the records, supporting documents, facts, and circumstances unique to this case, the Board found that the discharge was proper and equitable (D and E).

In response to applicant’s issue 1, the Board found that the applicant’s discharge was not based on one “isolated incident”. The Board found that the applicant received three separate NJP’s over a three month period for four instances of unauthorized absence. To permit relief, an error or injustice must be found to have existed during the period of enlistment under review. There was nothing in the records, nor did the applicant provide any documentation, to indicate there existed an error of fact, law, procedure, or discretion at the time of discharge. There was no rights violation and no basis for relief.

Pertinent Regulation/Law (at time of discharge)

A. Naval Military Personnel Manual, (NAVPERS 15560A, Change 4/86, effective

B. Under the Manual for Courts-Martial, a punitive discharge is authorized for violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 92, for failure to obey a lawful order, if adjudged at a Special or General Court-Martial.

C. Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5420.174C of 22 August 1984 (Manual for Discharge Review, 1984), enclosure (1), Chapter 2, AUTHORITY/POLICY FOR DEPARTMENTAL DISCHARGE REVIEW.

D. Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5420.174C of 22 August 1984 (Manual for Discharge Review, 1984), enclosure (1), Chapter 9, paragraph 9.2, PROPRIETY OF THE DISCHARGE.

E. Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5420.174C of 22 August 1984 (Manual for Discharge Review, 1984), enclosure (1), Chapter 9, paragraph 9.3, EQUITY OF THE DISCHARGE.


If you believe that the decision in your case is unclear, not responsive to the issues you raised, or does not otherwise comport with the decisional document requirements of DoD Directive 1332.28, you may submit a complaint in accordance with Enclosure (5) of that Directive. You should read Enclosure (5) of the Directive before submitting such a complaint. The complaint procedure does not permit a challenge of the merits of the decision; it is designed solely to ensure that the decisional documents meet applicable requirements for clarity and responsiveness. You may view DoD Directive 1332.28 and other Decisional Documents by going online at “ ”.

The names, and votes of the members of the Board are recorded on the original of this document and may be obtained from the service records by writing to:

                  Naval Council of Personnel Boards
                  Attn: Naval Discharge Review Board
                  720 Kennon Street SE Rm 309
                  Washington Navy Yard DC 20374-5023      

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