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NAVY | BCNR | CY1999 | 00713-99
Original file (00713-99.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied
D E P A R T M E N T  O F  T H E  N A V Y  


WASHINGTON DC  20370-5100 

Docket No:  713-99 
13 April  1999 



This is in  reference to your application  for correction of  your naval  record pursuant to  the 
provisions of  title  10 of  the United  States Code, section  1552. 

A three-member panel of  the Board  for Correction of  Naval  Records, sitting in  executive 
session, considered  your application on  13 April  1999.  Your allegations of  error and  injustice 
were reviewed in  accordance with  administrative regulations and  procedures applicable to the 
proceedings of  this Board.  Documentary material considered by  the Board  consisted of  your 
application, together with all material submitted in  support thereof,  your naval record  and 
applicable statutes, regulations and policies.  In addition, the Board  considered the advisory 
opinion furnished by  MARINE CORPS RECRUITING CMD memorandum  1400/1 RE-21 of  24 
March  1999, a copy of  which is attached. 

After careful and conscientious consideration of  the entire record, the Board  found that the 
evidence submitted was insufficient to establish the existence of probable material error or 
injustice.  In  this connection, the Board  substantially concurred with  the comments contained in 
the advisory opinion.  Accordingly, your application has been  denied.  The names and votes of 
the members of  the panel will be furnished upon  request. 

It is regretted that the circumstances of  your case are such that favorable action cannot be taken. 
You  are entitled to have the Board  reconsider its decision upon  submission of  new  and  material 
evidence or other matter not previously considered by  the Board.  In  this regard,  it is important 
to keep in  mind  that a presumption of  regularity attaches to all official records.  Consequently, 
when  applying for a correction of  an  official naval record,  the burden  is on  the applicant to 
demonstrate the existence of  probable material error or injustice. 


Executive Director 



3 2 8 0 R U S S E L L R O A D  

QUANTlCO VA  2 2  134-5 103 



24 Mar 99 



Ref:  (a) BCNR Docket #713-99 

(b) MCO P1100.72 

1.  In response to reference (a), we have reviewed 
petition, OMPF, and the provisions of 

Based on our review, we recommend that his petition for date of 
rank adjustment be disapproved. 

2.  Table 4-2 Rule 6 of reference (b) states that you must have 
"attained a minimum grade point average of C+  (2.3 or better on a 
4.0 scale) . 
evidence of only 
having attained a 2.1 grade point average. 


By direction 


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