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NAVY | BCNR | CY1998 | 05613-98
Original file (05613-98.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied
D E P A R T M E N T  O F  T H E  N A V Y  


WASHINGTON DC  20370-5100 

Docket No:  5613-98 
11 August  1999 

Dear  Ma- 

By  order filed 20 July  1998, Number  97-499C, the United  States Court of  Federal Claims has 
directed reconsideration of  your  previous case before this Board, docket number 361-98, 
which  was denied on  18 June  1998.  The court required that the Board  "...perform  a 
comparative review of  [your] military record  against the sample cases of  selected 
contemporaries retained by  the F Y  [Fiscal  Year] 1996 and  F Y  1997 Lieutenant Colonel 
Selection Boards. " 

A three-member panel of  the Board  for Correction of  Naval  Records,  sitting in executive 
session, reconsidered your case on  11 August  1999.  Your  allegations of  error and  injustice 
were reviewed in accordance with  administrative regulations and procedures applicable to the 
proceedings of  this Board.  Documentary material considered by  the Board consisted of  the 
court's order,  the Board's  files on  your prior cases (docket numbers 6848-95 and  361-98), 
your  naval record and applicable statutes, regulations and policies.  In addition, the Board 
considered the advisory opinion from the Headquarters Marine Corps Officer  Assignment 
Branch,  Personnel Management Division (MMOA-4), dated  10 August  1998, a copy of  which 
is attached, and the Master Brief  Sheets, providrd by  MMOA-4, of officers considered by  the 
FY  1996 and  1997 Lieutenant Colonel Selection Boards (five selectees and  five nonselectees 
from each promotion board).  They also considered your counsel's electronic mail 
transmission dated  6 August  1999, stating that  he had  nothing  further to  submit. 

After careful and  conscientious consideration of  the entire record, the Board  found that the 
evidence submitted was insufficient to establish  the existence of  probable material error or 

Particularly in  light of  the comments contained  in  the advisory opinion  from MMOA-4 and 
the Master Brief Sheets provided, the Board  found  it unlikely  that you  would  have been 
selected by  either the FY  1996 or FY  1997 promotion  selection board,  had  the two removed 
fitness reports been  removed  before the promotion  boards considered you. 

Since the Board  found  your FY  1996 and  1997 failures should stand, and  they  further found 
that the fitness reports at issue were removed  before the FY  1998 selection board convened in 
November  1996, they  had  no basis to remove your FY  1998 failure. 

As  the Board  found insufficient grounds to  strike any of  your  failures of  selection to 
lieutenant colonel, they  had  no  basis to  recommend  your consideration by  a special selection 
board  or  to  set aside your  involuntary retirement on  1 June  1997. 

In  view of  the above, the Board again voted  to deny relief.  The names and  votes of the 
members of  the panel will be  furnished upon  request. 

It is regretted  that the circumstances of  your  case are such that  favorable action cannot be 
taken.  You  are entitled to have the Board  reconsider its decision upon  submission of  new  and 
material evidence or other matter  not previously considered by  the Board.  In  this regard, it is 
important to keep in  mind  that a presumption of  regularity attaches to all official records. 
Consequently, when  applying for a correction of  an  official naval  record, the burden is on  the 
applicant to demonstrate the existence of  probable material error or injustice. 



Copy to: 
Charles W.  Gittins, Esq. 




WASHINGTON,  DC 20380-1775 

MMOA- 4 
10 Aug  98 







( a )  MMER Reauest for Advisorv O ~ i n i o n  in the case of 

of 29 Jul 98 

1.  In our opinion, the original MMOA-4 Advisory Opinion remains 

2.  Per the reference, we reviewed Major 
third time.  His record was compared to 
non-selects retained from the FY96 and FY97 USMC Lieutenant 
Colonel Selection Boards. 

record for a 

3.  In our opinion, even with the petitioned reports expunged from 
the record prior to the FY96 and FY97 boards, Major- 
record is not competitive with the sampling of records.  The 
records-of those selects retained were clearly superior to Major 


record while the records of a majority of 

non-selects were of superior quality.  Specifically, his 
performance as a major was clearly below that of all the records 
reviewed by this office. 


would not have been selected even  with  t h e  

4.  In summary, after a review of the selectees and non-selects 
retained by the FY96 and FY97 boards, we believe that Major 

c o n t e s t e d   f i t n e s s   r e p o r t s   removed  from the record.  Therefore, we 
believe our original MMOA-4 Advisory Opinion remains valid. 

Officer Assignment Branch 
Personnel Management Division 


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