Applicant Name: ?????
Application Receipt Date: 2009/12/04 Prior Review: Prior Review Date: 081121, denied.
I. Applicant Request: Upgrade Reason Change RE Code Change
Issues: The applicant states that he would like to be given a second chance so that he can prove that he can be a good soldier. He asks for an uncharacterized discharge and a change to his reentry code. He understands that his actions were wrong, however, he wants to make it right.
II. Were Proper Discharge and Separation Authority procedures followed?
Tender Offer: NA
See Attachments: Legal Medical Minority Opinion Exhibits
III. Discharge Under Review
Unit CDR Recommended Discharge: Date: Not in File (NIF)
Discharge Received: Date: 071217 Chapter: 10 AR: 635-200
Reason: In Lieu of Trial by Court-Martial RE: SPD: KFS Unit/Location: B Trp 3-2 Cavalry Sqdn, Vilseck, Germany
Time Lost: 271 days, AWOL (061117-070816), surrendered
Article 15s (Charges/Dates/Punishment): None
Courts-Martial (Charges/Dates/Punishment): None
Counseling Records Available: Yes No
IV. Soldiers Overall Record
Age at current enlistment: 19
Current ENL Date: 050908 Current ENL Term: 4 Years ?????
Current ENL Service: 01 Yrs, 06Mos, 10Days Includes 102 days of excess leave (070907-071217)
Total Service: 01 Yrs, 06Mos, 10Days ?????
Previous Discharges: None
Highest Grade: E-3 Performance Ratings Available: Yes No
MOS: 11B10/Infantryman GT: 101 EDU: GED Overseas: None Combat: None
Decorations/Awards: NDSM, ASR
V. Post-Discharge Activity
City, State: Tacoma, WA
Post Service Accomplishments: None listed
VI. Facts, Circumstances, and Legal Basis for Separation
a. Facts and Circumstances:
The applicants record is void of the specific facts and circumstances concerning the events that led to the discharge from the Army. However, the record does contain a properly constituted DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), which was not authenticated by the applicants signature. The DD Form 214 indicates that the applicant was discharged under the provisions of Chapter 10, AR 635-200, for the good of the Service in lieu of trial by court-martial with a characterization of service of under other than honorable conditions. Furthermore, the DD Form 214 shows a Separation Code of KFS (i.e., for the good of the Service-in lieu of trial by court-martial) with a reentry eligibility (RE) code of "4."
b. Legal Basis for Separation:
Army Regulation 635-200 sets forth the basic authority for the separation of enlisted personnel. Chapter 10 of that regulation provides, in pertinent part, that a member who has committed an offense or offenses for which the authorized punishment includes a punitive discharge may submit a request for a discharge for the good of the Service in lieu of trial by court-martial. The request may be submitted at any time after charges have been preferred and must include the individuals admission of guilt. Army policy states that although an honorable or general, under honorable conditions discharge is authorized, a discharge under other than honorable conditions is normally considered appropriate.
c. Response to Issues, Recommendation and Rationale:
After a careful review of all the applicants military records and the issue submitted with the application, the analyst found no mitigating factors that would merit an upgrade of the applicant's discharge. The applicants record is void of facts and circumstances concerning the events that led to a discharge from the Army. The analyst noted that the applicants record contains a properly constituted DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, which was not authenticated by the applicant. This document identifies the reason and characterization of the discharge and the analyst presumed government regularity in the discharge process.
The available evidence of record shows the applicant was discharged under the provisions of Chapter 10, AR 635-200, for the good of the service in lieu of trial by court-martial. In connection with such a discharge, the applicant was charged with the commission of an offense punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) with a punitive discharge. Procedurally, the applicant was required to consult with defense counsel and to voluntarily, and in writing, request separation from the Army in lieu of trial by court-martial. In doing so, the applicant admitted guilt to the stipulated or lesser included offenses under the UCMJ. In the absence of information to the contrary, the analyst was satisfied that all requirements of law and regulation were met and the rights of the applicant were fully protected throughout the separation process. It also noted that the characterization of service for this type of discharge is normally under other than honorable conditions and that the applicant would have been aware of that prior to requesting discharge.
Furthermore, at the time of discharge the applicant was appropriately assigned a reentry eligibility (RE) code of 4. An RE code of 4 cannot be waived and the applicant is no longer eligible for reenlistment.
Therefore, the analyst determined that the reason for discharge and the characterization of service were both proper and equitable and recommends to the Board to deny relief.
VII. Summary of Army Discharge Review Board Hearing
Type of Hearing: Date: 26 February 2010 Location: Dallas, Texas
Did the Applicant Testify? Yes No
Counsel: Yes
Texas Veterans Commission
4500 S. Lancaster Rd.
Dallas, TX 75216
Witnesses/Observers: None
Exhibits Submitted: None
VIII. Board Discussion, Determination, and Recommendation
After carefully examining the applicant's record of service during the period of enlistment under review, hearing his testimony and considering the analyst's recommendation and rationale, the Board determined that the discharge was both proper and equitable and voted to deny relief.
IX. Board Decision
XI. Certification Signature
Board Vote: Approval Authority:
Character - Change 0 No change 5
Reason - Change 0 No change 5
(Board member names available upon request)
Colonel, U.S. Army
X. Board Action Directed President, Army Discharge Review Board
Issue a new DD Form 214
Change Characterization to:
Change Reason to: NA
Other: NA
RE Code:
Grade Restoration: No Yes Grade: NA
Case Number AR20090021166
Page 1 of 3 pages
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