Application Receipt Date: 070207
Prior Review Prior Review Date: None
I. Applicant Request
Request: Upgrade Reason Change RE Code Change
Issues: See DD Form 293
II. Were Proper Discharge and Separation Authority procedures followed?
Yes No Tender Offer:
See Attachments: Legal Medical Minority Opinion Exhibits
III. Original Character of Discharge
Unit CDR Recommended Discharge: Date: 060216
Discharge Received: Date: 060314
Chapter: 14 AR: 635-200
Reason: Misconduct (Drug Abuse)
Unit/Location: 416th Transportation Company, 260th Quartermaster Battalion,
Hunter Army Airfield, GA 31409
Time Lost: None
Article 15s (Charges/Dates/Punishment): 050326, Assaulted a SSG (050219),
disobeyed a lawful order from a SSG (050219), and wrongfully communicate a
threat to a SSG (050219), (Field Grade)
2nd Article 15, 051206, Wrongfully used marijuana on or about (051021 and
on or about 051031), (Field Grade)
Court-Martials (Charges/Dates/Punishment): None
Counseling Records Available: Yes No
IV. Soldier’s Overall Record
DOB: 800919
Current ENL Date: 040317 Current ENL Term: 4 Years
Current ENL Service: 1 Yrs, 11 Mos, 28 Days
Total Service: 1 Yrs, 11 Mos, 28 Days
Previous Discharges: None
Highest Grade: E2
Performance Ratings Available: Yes No
MOS: 88M10 Motor Transport Operator GT: 101 EDU: HS Grad Overseas:
Southwest Asia Combat: Iraq (041026-051004)
Decorations/Awards: NDSM, GWOTSM, ASR
V. Post-Discharge Activity
Home of Record: Chicago, IL 60612
Current Address: 116 Woodbine Drive
Raeford NC 28376
Post Service Accomplishments: None Listed
VI. Facts, Circumstances, and Legal Basis for Separation
a. Facts and Circumstances:
Evidence of record shows that on 13 February 2006, the unit commander
notified the applicant of initiation of separation action under the
provisions of Chapter 14, AR 635-200, by reason of misconduct—commission of
a serious offense (for disrespect toward an NCO and illegal use of
marijuana), with a general, under honorable conditions discharge. He was
advised of his rights. The applicant consulted with legal counsel, was
advised of the impact of the discharge action, voluntarily waived
consideration of his case by an administrative separation board contingent
upon him receiving a characterization of service no less favorable than a
general, under honorable conditions discharge and did not submit a
statement in his own behalf. The unit commander subsequently recommended
separation from the service and waiver of further rehabilitative efforts.
The intermediate commander reviewed the proposed discharge action and
recommended approval of the separation action with a general, under
honorable conditions discharge. On 3 March 2006, the separation authority
waived further rehabilitative efforts and directed that the applicant be
discharged with a characterization of service of general, under honorable
b. Legal Basis for Separation:
Army Regulation 635-200 sets forth the basic authority for the
separation of enlisted personnel. Chapter 14 establishes policy and
prescribes procedures for separating members for misconduct. Specific
categories include minor disciplinary infractions, a pattern of misconduct,
and commission of a serious offense, to include abuse of illegal drugs,
convictions by civil authorities and desertion or absence without leave.
Action will be taken to separate a member for misconduct when it is clearly
established that rehabilitation is impractical or unlikely to succeed.
Army policy states that an under other than honorable conditions discharge
is normally considered appropriate, but a general discharge under honorable
conditions or an honorable discharge may be granted.
c. Response to Issues, Recommendation and Rationale:
After a careful review of all the applicant’s military records, the
discharge is improper. The analyst noted that the unit commander used
“Board Procedures” when notifying the applicant that he was initiating
action to separate him under the provisions of Chapter 14, AR 635-200, by
reason of misconduct. By using “Board Procedures” the authority for
approval of the applicant’s separation rested with the General Court-
Martial Convening Authority. The evidence of record shows that someone
other than the General Court-Martial Convening Authority approved the
applicant’s discharge. In view of the foregoing, the discharge was
improper. Accordingly, full relief in the form of an upgrade of the
characterization of service to fully honorable and a change to the
narrative reason for separation to Secretarial Authority is recommended to
the Board. This action does not entail a change to the reentry eligibility
(RE) code; however, the Board can consider it.
VII. Summary of Army Discharge Review Board Hearing
Type of Hearing: Date: 10 September 2007
Location: Washington, DC
Did the Applicant Testify? Yes No
Counsel: NA
Witnesses/Observers: NA
Exhibits Submitted: NA
VIII. Board Decision
The discharge was: Proper Improper
Equitable Inequitable
The characterization of service was: Proper Improper
Equitable Inequitable
The narrative reasons were: Equitable Inequitable
DRB voting record: Change 5 No change 0 - Character
Change 0 No change 5 - Reason
(Board member names available upon
IX. Board Discussion, Determination, and Recommendation
After carefully examining the applicant’s record of service during the
period of enlistment under review and considering the analyst’s
recommendation and rationale, the Board determined that the discharge was
and is improper. Accordingly, the Board voted to grant full relief in the
form of an upgrade of the characterization of service to fully honorable.
This action does not entail a change to the reentry eligibility (RE) code.
Case report reviewed and verified by: Mr. Ron Williams, Examiner
X. Board Action Directed
No Change
Issue a new DD Form 214
Change Characterization to:
Change Reason to: NA
Other: NA
RE Code:
Grade Restoration: No Yes Grade: NA
XI. Certification Signature and Date
Approval Authority:
Colonel, U.S. Army
President, Army Discharge Review Board
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
Chief, Secretary Recorder
ARMY | DRB | CY2007 | AR20070001878
Current ENL Service: 1 Yrs, 11 Mos, 28 Days ????? The intermediate commander reviewed the proposed discharge action and recommended approval of the separation action with a general, under honorable conditions discharge. Certification Signature and Date Approval Authority: MARK E. COLLINS Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board Official: CHRISTINE U. MARTINSON DATE: 21 September 2007 Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Chief, Secretary Recorder ARMY DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD - CASE...
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The intermediate commander reviewed the proposed discharge action and recommended approval of the separation action with a general, under honorable conditions discharge. Board Discussion, Determination, and Recommendation After carefully examining the applicants record of service during the period of enlistment under review and considering the analysts recommendation and rationale, the Board determined that the discharge was both proper and equitable, and voted to deny relief. ...
ARMY | DRB | CY2006 | AR20060012195
The applicant consulted with legal counsel, was advised of the impact of the discharge action, requested consideration of his case by an administrative separation board, and did not submit a statement in his own behalf. The intermediate commander reviewed the proposed discharge action and recommended approval of the separation action with an under other than honorable conditions discharge. The board recommended that the applicant be separated from the U.S. Army with a characterization of...
ARMY | DRB | CY2006 | AR20060009220
On 30 June 1994, the separation authority approved the discharge with an under other than honorable conditions discharge. c. Response to Issues, Recommendation and Rationale: After a careful review of all the applicants military records during the period of enlistment under review and the issue he submitted, the analyst recommends that the applicants characterization of service be upgraded to general, under honorable conditions. Board Action Directed No Change Issue a new DD Form...
ARMY | DRB | CY2006 | AR20060000121C080324
The entire chain of command recommended approval of the applicant's request for discharge in lieu of trial by court-martial with an other than honorable conditions discharge. On 9 August 2005, the separation authority approved the applicant's request for discharge in lieu of trial by court-martial and directed he be discharged from the Army with a characterization of service of under other than honorable conditions. c. Response to Issues, Recommendation and Rationale: After a careful...
ARMY | DRB | CY2006 | AR20060012075
Current ENL Service: 01 Yrs, 06Mos, 15Days ????? The intermediate commander reviewed the proposed discharge action and recommended approval of the separation action with a general, under honorable conditions discharge. Certification Signature and Date Approval Authority: MARK E. COLLINS Colonel, U.S. Army President, Army Discharge Review Board Official: CHRISTINE U. MARTINSON DATE: 20 September 2007 Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Chief, Secretary Recorder ARMY DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD - CASE...
ARMY | DRB | CY2006 | AR20060013548
Current ENL Service: 01 Yrs, 00Mos, 11Days (The applicant has a period of AWOL that is not shown on his DD Form 214 item 29, time lost, net active service this period of service is 1 year 0 months 11 days. The intermediate commander reviewed the proposed discharge action and recommended approval of the separation action with a general, under honorable conditions discharge. Board Discussion, Determination, and Recommendation After carefully examining the applicants record of service during...
ARMY | DRB | CY2006 | AR20060012032
Applicant Request Request: Upgrade Reason Change RE Code Change Issues: See DD Form 293 and attached documents. c. Response to Issues, Recommendation and Rationale: After a careful review of all the applicants military records during the period of enlistment under review, the issues and documents she submitted, the analyst recommends that the applicants characterization of service be upgraded to general, under honorable conditions. Certification Signature and Date Approval...
ARMY | DRB | CY2006 | AR20060009223
Current ENL Service: 02 Yrs, 05 Mos, 05 Days ????? The applicant consulted with legal counsel, was advised of the impact of the discharge action, and submitted a statement in his own behalf. The separation authority waived further rehabilitative efforts and directed that the applicant be discharged with a characterization of service of general, under honorable conditions.
ARMY | DRB | CY2006 | AR20060011497
Facts and Circumstances: Evidence of record shows that on 2 October 1998, the unit commander notified the applicant of initiation of separation action under the provisions of Chapter 14, AR 635-200, by reason of misconductpattern of misconduct (wrongful use of marijuana, failed to be at his appointed place of duty several times, made a false official statement, willfully disobeyed a lawful order, and in debt to AAFES), with an under other than honorable conditions discharge. The applicant...