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ARMY | DRB | CY2004 | AR2004099935
Original file (AR2004099935.doc) Auto-classification: Denied

                         PART II - APPLICATION DATA

      (Note: Part I deleted under the Privacy Act on Reading Room copy)

1.  Character of Discharge:  General, Under Honorable Conditions

2.  Date of discharge (or REFRAD):  010429

3.  Authority for separation:

      a.  Regulation:  Chapter 15, Paragraph 15-3A, AR 635-200

      b.  Reason:  Homosexual Act

4.  Prior review(s):  NONE

                         PART III - SERVICE HISTORY

                 SECTION A - Period of Service Under Review

1.    Service data:                              2.  Awards and
    a.  Period entered for:  4 Years               OSR
    b.  Entry date:  990908
    c.  Age:  20 Years   DOB:  780927

    d.  Educational level:  HS Grad

    e.  Aptitude area score:
          GT:  103                               3.  Highest grade
    f.  Length of Service:                         E3
          1 Year  7 Month(s)  22 Day(s)

                                               4.  Performance evaluations:


                         PART III - SERVICE HISTORY
           SECTION A - Period of Service Under Review - Continued

5.  Periods of unauthorized absence:  NONE

    Status       Inclusive dates

      Mil conf

      Civil conf


6.  Nonjudicial punishment:  NONE

      Date  Offense(s)

7.  Court-Martial data:  NONE

      a.  SCM:
            Date   Offense(s)

      b.  SPCM:
            Date   Offense(s)

      c.  GCM:
            Date   Offense(s)

8.    Remarks:  The official record contains a CID Report of Investigation
                 dated 001101.

                       SECTION B - Prior Service Data

Other discharge(s):

      Service    From  To    Type Discharge

                         PART IV - PREHEARING REVIEW

                       SECTION A-ANALYST’S ASSESSMENT
l.  Facts and Circumstances:

      a.  Evidence of record shows that on 1 November 2000, CID Report of
Investigation (0047-00-CID738-64609-6C1), Camp Howze Branch Office, U.S.
Army Criminal Investigation Command, Unit 15163, APO AP 96251, established
probable cause to believe the applicant committed the offense of indecent
assault when he fondled a PFC’s penis and buttocks, then kissed and licked
his lower back.  On 6 March 2001, the unit commander notified the applicant
of initiation of separation action under the provisions of Chapter 15,
Paragraph 15-3a, AR 635-200, by reason of a homosexual act, with a general,
under honorable conditions discharge.  He was advised of his rights.  The
applicant consulted with legal counsel, was advised of the impact of the
discharge action, waived his right to an administrative separation board,
and did not submit a statement in his own behalf.  The unit commander
subsequently recommended separation from the service.  On 14 March 2001,
the intermediate commander reviewed the proposed discharge action and
recommended approval of the separation action with a general, under
honorable conditions discharge.  On 19 March 2001, the separation authority
directed that the applicant be discharged with a general, under honorable
conditions discharge.

      b.  On 29 April 2001, the applicant was discharged.  At the time of
discharge, the applicant had completed 1 year, 7 months, and 22 days of
active military service in the period under review.

2.  Legal/Regulatory Basis for Separation Action:  Army Regulation 635-200
sets forth the basic authority for the separation of enlisted personnel.
Chapter 15 of that regulation states that active homosexuality is
incompatible with military service and provides, in pertinent part, for the
separation of members who actively engage in homosexual conduct or who, by
their statements, demonstrate a tendency to engage in homosexual conduct.
Army regulation states that when the sole basis for separation is
homosexuality, a discharge under other than honorable conditions may be
issued only if such characterization is warranted in accordance with
chapter 3, section III, and if there is a finding that during the current
term of service the soldier attempted, solicited, or committed a homosexual
act by using force, coercion or intimidation; with a person under 16 years
of age; with a subordinate in circumstances that violate customary military
superior subordinate relationships; openly in public view; for
compensation; aboard a military vessel or aircraft; or in another location
subject to military control if the conduct had, or was likely to have had,
an adverse impact on discipline, good order, or morale due to the close
proximity of other soldiers of the Armed Forces.  In all other cases, the
type of discharge will reflect the character of the soldier’s overall
record of service.  If in an entry level status the characterization will
be uncharacterized.


1.  Issue(s) of propriety and/or equity submitted by applicant or counsel.
    As stated on applicant’s DD Form 293.
2.  Exhibit(s) submitted:

      A-1:  DD Form 293, dated 031202, with one (1) enclosure.
      A-2:  Counsel Issues:  NONE
      B-l:  Other Documents: NONE


              SECTION C - Medical and/or Legal Advisory Opinion

Referred to ( ) Medical Advisor      ( ) Legal Advisor

      a.  Medical prehearing comments (if applicable):

      b.  Legal prehearing comments (if applicable):

                         PART V - SUMMARY OF HEARING

                      SECTION A-Attendees and exhibits

1.  Review/hearing information:

      a. Type requested:
         ( X ) Records review             (   ) Hearing

      b. Type Held:
         ( X )Records review              (   ) Hearing
                                          (   ) Tender Offer

      c. Review/hearing location and date:  Washington, D.C. on 25 August

      d. Appearance by:
         Applicant                 (   ) Yes   ( X ) No
         Counsel                   (   ) Yes   ( X ) No

      e.  Applicant testified:     (   ) Yes   ( X ) No

      f.  Counsel presentation:    (   ) Yes   ( X ) No

      g.  Witness(es) testified:   (   ) Yes   ( X ) No

2.  Exhibit(s) submitted at hearing:
                        PART VI - ISSUES AND FINDINGS

1.  a.  Applicant's issue(s) of propriety and/or equity:

          ( X )  Same as those listed on DD Form 293 and Part IV, Section A
              of this case report and directive.
          (   )  Revised issue(s) furnished in writing by applicant as
          (   )  Additional issue(s) identified during review/hearing as

      b.  Request:  ( X ) Recharacterization     ( X ) Change of Reason

2.  Finding(s), conclusion(s), and reason(s) for the Board's decision(s) on
issues of propriety and/or equity:

      a.  Propriety:   The applicant has not submitted an issue of
                   propriety and the ADRB has not otherwise relied upon an
                   issue of propriety to change the discharge.

      b.  Equity:      The parenthetical number(s) below correspond(s) to
                   the issue number(s) on the DD Form 293, or in Part VI,
                   Paragraph 1, above.

        (1)  The issue is rejected.  The Board carefully examined the
applicant’s record of service during the period of enlistment under review.
 There was a full consideration of all faithful and honorable service as
well as the infraction of discipline, the extent thereof, and the
seriousness of the offense.  The Board noted that that a CID investigation
determined that there was probable cause to believe the applicant committed
an indecent assault on his roommate.  Based upon this evidence, the
applicant’s command properly initiated discharge proceedings under the
provisions of Chapter 15, AR 635-200, by reason of a homosexual act.  The
Board determined that the applicant’s misconduct diminished the quality of
his service below that meriting a fully honorable discharge.  The Board
found no evidence of arbitrary or capricious actions by the command.  The
Board was satisfied that all requirements of law and regulation were met
and the rights of the applicant were fully protected throughout the
separation process.  The Board determined that the applicant was
appropriately assigned an RE code of 4, which indicates that the applicant
was separated from his last period of service with a disqualification which
cannot be waived and he is ineligible for reenlistment.   The Board, being
convinced that the reason for discharge and the characterization of service
were both proper and equitable, voted to deny relief.

3.  Response(s) to item(s) not addressed as decisional issue(s):  NONE

                           PART VII - BOARD ACTION
                   SECTION A - Conclusions/Decisions/Vote

1.    Board conclusion(s):

      The discharge was:

      ( X ) Proper.
      (   ) Improper as to characterization.  Change characterization to
      (   ) Improper as to reason.  Change reason to
                                   under                      .

      ( X ) Equitable.
      (   ) Inequitable as to characterization.  Change characterization to
      (   ) Inequitable as to reason.  Change reason to
            under                                 .
      (   ) Both proper and equitable, but characterization/reason for
           separation cited was an administrative/clerical error and should
           be changed to                      under

2.  Voting record:      Change   No Change
                  Reason       0         5
    Characterization       0         5

        The names and votes of the members of the Board are recorded in
Part IX of this document and can be obtained by writing to the address
below.  The request must contain the CASE NO. located in the upper right
corner of this document.

                  Department of the Army Review Boards Agency
                  ATTN:  Promulgation Team
                  1901 South Bell Street, 2nd Floor
                  Arlington, VA  22202-4508

3.  Minority views:  NONE
                           PART VII - BOARD ACTION
                 SECTION B - Verification and Authentication

Case report reviewed and verified

Ms. McKim-Spilker
Case Reviewing Official

                            SECTION A - DIRECTIVE


                          SECTION B - CERTIFICATION

Approval Authority:

Colonel, U.S. Army
President, Army Discharge
   Review Board


Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
Chief, Secretary Recorder

A - Application for review of discharge                  C - Other
B - Material submitted by applicant


AR Number:  2004099935                    INDEX NUMBERS:  A9455
Date of Review:  040825                                   A5909
Character of Service:  GD                                 A0113
Date of Discharge:  010429
Authority:  AR 635-200 C15
Reason:  A5900
Results of Board Action/
Vote/Affirmation:  NC 5-0 A

                           PART IX - VOTING RECORD

    Name                                   Reason          Characterization
                                           CHANGE   NC     HON  UHC   NC

    1. LTC PROCTOR, ESMERALDA G.  Mbr          X                 X       

    2.      Mbr          X                 X       

    3.      Mbr          X                 X       

    4.      Mbr          X                 X       

    5.      PO           X                 X       

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