BOARD DATE: 26 February 2014
DOCKET NUMBER: AR20130010623
1. Application for correction of military records (with supporting documents provided, if any).
2. Military Personnel Records and advisory opinions (if any).
1. The applicant requests an upgrade of his general discharge.
2. The applicant states:
* he does not believe his discharge is an error or unjust
* drugs were found in his system
* he is asking for mercy
3. The applicant provides no additional documentary evidence.
1. Title 10, U.S. Code, section 1552(b), provides that applications for correction of military records must be filed within 3 years after discovery of the alleged error or injustice. This provision of law also allows the Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR) to excuse an applicant's failure to timely file within the 3-year statute of limitations if the ABCMR determines it would be in the interest of justice to do so. While it appears the applicant did not file within the time frame provided in the statute of limitations, the ABCMR has elected to conduct a substantive review of this case and, only to the extent relief, if any, is granted, has determined it is in the interest of justice to excuse the applicant's failure to timely file. In all other respects, there are insufficient bases to waive the statute of limitations for timely filing.
2. The applicant enlisted in the Regular Army on 10 April 1979 for a period of
3 years. He completed his training and was awarded military occupational specialty 12F (engineer tracked vehicle crewman). On 5 May 1982, he was honorably discharged for immediate reenlistment. He reenlisted on 6 May 1982 for a period of 6 years. He attained the rank of sergeant on 6 August 1982.
3. On 2 April 1986, he was convicted by a summary court-martial of using marijuana. His sentence included a reduction to specialist four, forfeiture of $634.00 pay per month for 1 month, and restriction for 45 days.
4. On 8 May 1986, he was notified of his pending separation action under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200 (Personnel Separations - Enlisted Personnel), paragraph 14-12c, for misconduct (abuse of illegal drugs). The unit commander cited the applicant's summary court-martial for using marijuana.
5. He consulted with counsel, waived consideration of his case by an administrative board, and acknowledged that he might encounter substantial prejudice in civilian life if he were issued a general discharge. He elected not to submit a statement in his behalf.
6. The separation authority approved the recommendation for discharge and directed the issuance of a general discharge.
7. On 19 June 1986, he was discharged under honorable conditions (general) under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200, paragraph 14-12c, for misconduct (drug abuse). He completed a total of 7 years, 2 months, and 10 days of creditable active service.
8. There is no indication in the available records that the applicant applied to the Army Discharge Review Board for a discharge upgrade within its 15-year statute of limitations.
9. Army Regulation 635-200 sets forth the basic authority for the separation of enlisted personnel from active duty.
a. Chapter 14 establishes policy and prescribes procedures for separating members for misconduct. Specific categories include minor disciplinary infractions, a pattern of misconduct, and commission of a serious offense. The regulation states that abuse of illegal drugs is serious misconduct. The issuance of a discharge under other than honorable conditions is normally considered appropriate.
b. Paragraph 3-7a provides that an honorable discharge is a separation with honor and entitles the recipient to benefits provided by law. The honorable characterization is appropriate when the quality of the member's service generally has met the standards of acceptable conduct and performance of duty for Army personnel or is otherwise so meritorious that any other characterization would be clearly inappropriate.
1. The applicant's administrative separation was accomplished in compliance with applicable regulations with no indication of procedural errors which would have jeopardized his rights. He had an opportunity to submit a statement wherein he could have voiced any concerns; however, he elected not to do so.
2. The type of discharge directed and the reasons were appropriate considering all the facts of the case.
3. His record of service included one summary court-martial for using marijuana. As a result, his quality of service did not meet the standards of acceptable conduct and performance of duty for Army personnel. Therefore, the applicant's record of service is insufficiently meritorious to warrant an honorable discharge.
4. In view of the foregoing, there is no basis for granting the applicant an honorable discharge.
________ ________ ________ GRANT FULL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT PARTIAL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT FORMAL HEARING
__x__ ___x_____ ___x_____ DENY APPLICATION
The evidence presented does not demonstrate the existence of a probable error or injustice. Therefore, the Board determined that the overall merits of this case are insufficient as a basis for correction of the records of the individual concerned.
I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in this case.
ABCMR Record of Proceedings (cont) AR20130010623
ABCMR Record of Proceedings (cont) AR20130010623
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On 11 March 1986, the applicant was discharged from active duty in pay grade E-1 under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200, paragraph 14-12c, for misconduct for abuse of illegal drugs. Army Regulation 635-200, paragraph 3-7b, also provided that a general discharge was a separation from the Army under honorable conditions. The board recommended he be separated under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200, paragraph 14-12c(2), for misconduct for abuse of illegal drugs and issued an...
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ARMY | BCMR | CY2008 | 20080019895
On 3 December 1986, the applicants immediate commander notified the applicant of his intent to initiate separation action against her in accordance with paragraph 14-12(c) of Army Regulation 635-200 (Personnel Separations Enlisted Personnel), for misconduct, abuse of illegal drugs. On 3 December 1986, the applicants immediate commander initiated separation action against her in accordance with paragraph 14-12c of Army Regulation 635-200 for misconduct, commission of a serious offense. ...
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APPLICANT REQUESTS: That his general discharge be upgraded to honorable. The Board reviewed the applicant’s record of service and determined that his quality of service did not meet the standards of acceptable conduct and performance of duty for Army personnel. Carl W. S. Chun Director, Army Board for Correction of Military RecordsINDEXCASE IDAR2001060343SUFFIXRECONDATE BOARDED20011023TYPE OF DISCHARGE(GD)DATE OF DISCHARGE19860725DISCHARGE AUTHORITYAR 635-200 Chapter 14DISCHARGE...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2011 | 20110003384
On 17 April 1985, his immediate commander notified him of his intent to initiate separation action against him in accordance with chapter 14 of Army Regulation 635-200 (Personnel Separations Enlisted Personnel) for misconduct - abuse of illegal drugs. On 7 January 1986, his immediate commander initiated separation action against him in accordance with chapter 14 of Army Regulation 635-200 for misconduct. On 5 March 1986, the separation authority approved the applicant's discharge under...
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The applicant requests that his general discharge be upgraded to an honorable discharge. He was charged with wrongfully using marijuana between 24 March and 2 April 1985. There is no evidence indicating he was any less mature than other Soldiers of the same age who successfully completed their military service obligations.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2008 | 20080011781
Counsel contends that the applicant subsequently retained the services of a North Carolina attorney to assist him in filing a request for reconsideration based on new evidence (that both urine specimens were collected on 12 August 1985 rather than on two separate dates as discussed by the ABCMR). On 24 October 1985, the applicant was notified of his pending separation under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200, chapter 14, for misconduct (drug abuse). Evidence of record shows the...
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The separation authority approved the recommendation for discharge (misconduct - abuse of illegal drugs) and directed the issuance of a general discharge. However, the separation authority could direct a general discharge if such was merited by the member's overall record. _______ _ x_______ ___ CHAIRPERSON I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in this case.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2008 | 20080005847
Accordingly, the applicant was discharged on 10 February 1987 with a general discharge under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200, chapter 14, paragraph 14-12c, for misconduct (abuse of illegal drugs). Army Regulation 635-200 sets forth the basic authority for the separation of enlisted personnel from active duty. _________xxxx__________ CHAIRPERSON I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in...
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On 12 May 1986, the separation authority approved the applicant's discharge under the provisions of Army Regulation 635-200, paragraph 14-12c, for misconduct abuse of illegal drugs and directed the issuance of a General Discharge Certificate. At the time of the applicant's separation, an honorable or general discharge was authorized. Although he requested to appear before a board of officers, a member who has less than 6 years of military service is not entitled to a board.