BOARD DATE: 18 January 2012
DOCKET NUMBER: AR20110015502
1. Application for correction of military records (with supporting documents provided, if any).
2. Military Personnel Records and advisory opinions (if any).
1. The applicant requests payment of a $5,000.00 enlistment bonus in accordance with the terms of his enlistment contract.
2. The applicant states he was never paid and he had 6 years to submit a claim according to the Barring Act of 1940.
3. The applicant provides:
* self-authored statements
* recruit printout
* DA Form 3286-64 (Statement for Enlistment U.S. Army Army/Unit/ Command/Area Enlistment Program)
* DA Form 3286-59 (Statement for Enlistment U.S. Army Enlistment Program U.S. Army Delayed Enlistment Program)
* U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) Form 1127-R-E (Supplement to DA Form 3286-67, Statement for Enlistment (or Appointment) Army Policy)
* DD Form 2366 (Montgomery GI Bill Act of 1964)
* Statement of Understanding Army Policy USAREC Addendum to DD Form 1966 Series
* Statement for Enlistment or Appointment Concealment of Information
* Statement of Understanding Prohibitive Activities Between Recruiting Personnel and Delayed Entry Program (DEP) and Delayed Training Program Members
* DD Form 827 (Application for Arrears in Pay)
* Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) letter
* House Resolution 8150
* Title 31, U.S. Code, section 3702
1. Title 10, U.S. Code, section 1552(b), provides that applications for correction of military records must be filed within 3 years after discovery of the alleged error or injustice. This provision of law also allows the Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR) to excuse an applicant's failure to timely file within the 3-year statute of limitations if the ABCMR determines it would be in the interest of justice to do so. While it appears the applicant did not file within the time frame provided in the statute of limitations, the ABCMR has elected to conduct a substantive review of this case and, only to the extent relief, if any, is granted, has determined it is in the interest of justice to excuse the applicant's failure to timely file. In all other respects, there are insufficient bases to waive the statute of limitations for timely filing.
2. The applicant enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve DEP on 22 June 2001. He was discharged from the DEP and enlisted in the Regular Army (RA) on 12 July 2001.
3. A DA Form 3286-59 (completed when he enlisted shows he enlisted for 3 years, training in MOS 13B, and an enlistment bonus in the amount of $5,000.00.
4. After completing initial entry training, he was awarded military occupational specialty (MOS) 13B (Cannon Crewman) and his record shows he served in that MOS throughout his service in the RA. He was released from active duty on 11 July 2004 after completing 3 years of active military service.
5. On 19 May 2011, the applicant submitted a claim to DFAS for payment of the enlistment bonus.
6. On 9 July 2011, DFAS returned the applicant's claim and cited the Barring Act of 1940 prevented payment of such a claim. The applicant was advised to appeal to the ABCMR.
7. On 19 September 2011, the Chief, Incentives and Budget Branch, Enlisted Accessions Division, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, provided an advisory opinion. The advisory official confirmed the applicant was to be paid a $5,000.00 enlistment bonus and stated a review of the available records did not show the bonus had been paid. He recommended granting relief and paying the enlistment bonus.
8. The applicant was provided a copy of the advisory opinion for his comment. He did not respond.
1. The applicant's request for payment of a $5,000.00 enlistment bonus was carefully considered and determined to have merit.
2. The available documentation shows he enlisted for 3 years, completed training in MOS 13B, and signed a contract for a $5,000.00 enlistment bonus. He fulfilled the terms of his enlistment contract, but he was not paid the bonus he was entitled to for reasons that are unclear in the record.
3. In view of the foregoing, he should be paid his $5,000.00 enlistment bonus.
___X____ ___X___ ___X____ GRANT FULL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT PARTIAL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT FORMAL HEARING
________ ________ ________ DENY APPLICATION
The Board determined the evidence presented is sufficient to warrant a recommendation for relief. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army records of the individual concerned be corrected by showing he was eligible for payment of the $5,000.00 enlistment bonus and he
applied for payment of that bonus in a timely manner and by paying him the $5,000.00 enlistment bonus.
I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in this case.
ABCMR Record of Proceedings (cont) AR20110015502
ABCMR Record of Proceedings (cont) AR20110015502
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He further states, in effect, that his enlistment contract shows "ACF - $40,000", not "ACF & MGIB - $40,000." The applicant's service records contain a DA Form 3286-66 (Statement of Understanding, U.S. Army Incentive Enlistment Program), Annex D, dated 28 June 2000. There is insufficient evidence to show he was not advised that the $40,000.00 listed as his ACF benefit was the total combined amount of the MGIB and the ACF.
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A DD Form 1966 (Record of Military Processing - Armed Forces of the United States) completed when he enlisted shows in item 32a (Specific Option/Program Enlisted for) he enlisted for 3 years, training in MOS 19K, and an enlistment bonus in the amount of $4,000. The advisory official confirmed the applicant was to be paid a $4,000 enlistment bonus and stated a review of the available records did not show the bonus had been paid. The evidence of record supports the applicant's request to be...
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The applicant states: * she enlisted in the U.S. Army Delayed Entry Program (DEP) as a high school senior * both her Deferred Entry Bonus (DEB) and military occupational specialty (MOS) bonus were listed on her contract * only the MOS bonus specified a dollar amount ($10,000.00) * after graduation she reported for active duty * she has been trying since she enlisted to collect her early entry bonus in the amount of $8,000.00 3. The advisory opinion stated the applicant was requesting...
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This document shows, in pertinent part, that for a 4-year enlistment in MOS 63A, a $2,000.00 Enlistment Bonus was authorized. The evidence of record shows that, upon enlistment in the U.S. Army in MOS 63A for a period of 4 years, the applicant was granted a $6,000.00 Enlistment Bonus, which exceeded (by $4,000.00) the $2,000.00 Enlistment Bonus authorized by the Enlistment Bonus Program Changes message cited in the applicant's enlistment contract. The evidence of record shows that the...
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The applicant requests correction of his enlistment contract to show he is authorized an enlistment bonus. The applicant's DD Form 1966/3 indicated he was authorized a cash bonus of $3,000 per DA Message 120730Z November 1998. Based on the advisory opinion provided by the Chief of the Incentives and Budget Branch, Enlisted Accessions Division, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, there was a $3,000 seasonal bonus in effect on the date of the applicant's enlistment in November 1998 and...
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The applicant provides a copy of an Enlistment Reservation Sheet, undated; USAREC Form 1150-R-E (Statement of Understanding - Army Policy, USAREC Addendum to DD Form 1966 Series), dated 11 May 1999; DA Form 3286-59 (Statement for Enlistment, U.S. Army Enlistment Program, U.S. Army Delayed Enlistment Program), Annex A, dated 11 May 1999; DA Form 3286-67 (Statement of Understanding, Army Policy), Annex B, dated 11 May 1999; DA Form 3286-70 (Addendum to Statements for Enlistment,...
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The applicant's record contains a Statement For Enlistment United States Army Enlistment Program DA Form 3286, dated 16 May 2006, which shows in Item (1) that, upon enlistment into the Regular Army the applicant will be enlisted under the provisions of Army Regulation 601-210, program or programs as indicated below, and contains, in pertinent part, the entry 9A – United States Army Training Enlistment Program (UNCM) and 9C - United States Army Incentive Enlistment Program (US Army Seasonal...
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complete the required entries on the DD Form 1966; c.) if enlisting for the Loan Repayment Program, disenroll the applicant or Soldier from the GI Bill; and d.) verify that the applicant has qualifying loans if enlisting for the Loan Repayment Program. Broad discretion is available to this Board under Title 10, US Code, Section 1552, which includes the authority to amend the applicant’s DA Form 3286-66 to include the sentence, “If a student loan is accepted by the officials processing you...
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The applicant requests, in effect, that his records be corrected to show he is authorized the remaining $2,000.00 of his $9,000.00 cash bonus. The applicant's record contains a DA Form 3286-66 (Statement of Understanding - U.S. Army Incentive Enlistment Program), dated 22 January 2002, which shows in pertinent part, that the applicant enlisted for 4 years and for the U.S. Army Cash Bonus. The available evidence shows the applicant enlisted for two enlistment bonuses for a total bonus...