BOARD DATE: 23 September 2008
DOCKET NUMBER: AR20080007745
1. Application for correction of military records (with supporting documents provided, if any).
2. Military Personnel Records and advisory opinions (if any).
1. The applicant requests correction of his military records to show that he elected not to participate in the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP).
2. The applicant states that he elected not to participate in the SBP and that his spouse concurred.
3. The applicant provides a copy of his spouses notarized statement of concurrence.
1. On 4 January 1985, the applicant enlisted in the Regular Army. He completed his initial training and was awarded military occupational specialty 31L (Cable Systems Installer-Maintainer. The applicants service was continuous through reenlistments and extensions.
2. On 13 August 2007, the applicant signed and submitted a Data for Payment of Retired Personnel (DD Form 2656) indicating that he elected SBP coverage for his spouse and children with a reduced base amount of $300.00.
3. Item 30 (Spouse) a. (Signature) does not contains the signature of the applicant's spouse indicating that she concurred with the SBP election made by her husband. This concurrence was required because the applicant opted for SBP coverage at less than the full base amount.
4. On 31 January 2008, the applicant was released from active duty and transferred to the U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) Control Group (Retired) on the following day by reason of sufficient service for retirement. He had completed
23 years and 27 days of creditable active duty service. The highest grade he held during his tenure of service was Sergeant First Class/E-7.
5. On 24 March 2008, the applicant's spouse provided a notarized statement indicating that she elected to not participate in the SBP at the time of the applicant's retirement and still declines to participate in the program.
6. Public Law 92-425, enacted 21 September 1972, established the SBP. The SBP provided that military members could elect to have their retired pay reduced to provide for an annuity after death to surviving dependents.
7. Public Law 99-145, enacted 8 November 1985 but effective 1 March 1986, required a spouses written concurrence for a retiring members election that provides less than the maximum spouse coverage.
8. Public Law 105-85, enacted 18 November 1997, established the option to terminate SBP participation. Retirees have a one-year period, beginning on the second anniversary of the date on which their retired pay started, to withdraw from the SBP. The spouses concurrence is required. No premiums will be refunded to those who opt to disenroll. The effective date of termination is the first day of the first calendar month following the month in which the election is received by the Secretary concerned.
1. The available evidence clearly shows that on 13 August 2007, the applicant elected to participate in the SBP to provide coverage for his spouse and children with a reduced base amount of $300.00. Therefore, the spouses subsequent agreement to forego SBP coverage is of no consequence.
2. The spouse's concurrence is required when the retiring service member elects less than full coverage, which means the spouses concurrence was required in the applicant's case. However, it was the applicants apparent intent to have some sort of SBP coverage for his spouse and children. Since the applicants spouse did not sign the concurrence at the reduced base amount, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) defaulted the applicant into coverage at the full base amount.
3. The applicant became eligible to draw retired pay on 1 February 2008. Therefore, he will have a 1-year period beginning on 1 February 2010 in which to terminate his SBP enrollment. He is encouraged to contact the nearest Retirement Services Officer prior to making his decision for more information. A copy of the Retirement Services Officer Directory (available in Army Echoes) will be provided to him.
4. In view of the above, the applicants request should not be granted.
________ ________ ________ GRANT FULL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT PARTIAL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT FORMAL HEARING
____X____ ____X____ ____X____ DENY APPLICATION
The evidence presented does not demonstrate the existence of a probable error or injustice. Therefore, the Board determined that the overall merits of this case are insufficient as a basis for correction of the records of the individual concerned.
I certify that herein is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in this case.
ABCMR Record of Proceedings (cont) AR20080007745
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