BOARD DATE: 1 September 2005
DOCKET NUMBER: AR20040007435
I certify that hereinafter is recorded the true and complete record
of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in
the case of the above-named individual.
| |Mr. Carl W. S. Chun | |Director |
| |Mr. Paul Wright | |Analyst |
The following members, a quorum, were present:
| |Mr. Stanley Kelley | |Chairperson |
| |Ms. Barbara J. Ellis | |Member |
| |Mr. Richard T. Dunbar | |Member |
The Board considered the following evidence:
Exhibit A - Application for correction of military records.
Exhibit B - Military Personnel Records (including advisory opinion,
if any).
1. The applicant requests that a Qualitative Management Program (QMP)
letter be removed from his records.
2. The applicant states he did not have a chance to appeal. He was
honorably discharged and is honorably serving in the U.S. Army Reserves.
Additionally, he has been mobilized for Enduring Freedom for the past 18
months. He further indicates he served his country continuously and still
does to present.
3. The applicant provides:
a. A copy of memorandum, subject: Department of the Army Imposed
Bar to Reenlistment under the Qualitative Management Program (QMP), dated
31 August 2000.
b. A copy of a nonjudicial punishment (NJP) under Article 15,
Uniform Code of Military Justice, dated 8 May 1997.
c. A copy of his DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge
from Active Duty).
1. The applicant is requesting correction of an alleged error or injustice
which occurred on 5 July 2000. The application submitted in this case is
14 September 2004.
2. Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 1552(b), provides that applications for
correction of military records must be filed within 3 years after discovery
of the alleged error or injustice. This provision of law allows the Army
Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR) to excuse failure to file
within the 3-year statute of limitations if the ABCMR determines that it
would be in the interest of justice to do so. In this case, the ABCMR will
conduct a review of the merits of the case to determine if it would be in
the interest of justice to excuse the applicant’s failure to timely file.
3. On 22 September 1987, the applicant enlisted in the Regular Army for a
period of 3 years. He remained on active duty until 5 July 2000. At that
time, he was honorably discharged and he reenlisted in and transferred to a
U.S. Army
Reserve unit in St. Louis, Missouri under the provisions of Army Regulation
(AR) 635-200, chapter 4. The narrative reason cited for discharge on his
DD Form 214 was "Completion of Required Active Service" and he received a
Reentry Code of "1".
4. On 8 May 1997, the applicant accepted non-judicial punishment (NJP)
under the provisions of Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice, for
drunk driving on 13 April 1997. Punishment included reduction to pay grade
E-5 and extra duty for 30 days [No evidence to show he was ever reduced in
the available records].
5. On 31 August 2000, the applicant was notified by the Commander, U.S.
Army Enlisted Records and Evaluation Center, Indianapolis, Indiana (now
known as U.S. Army Human Resources Command – Indianapolis) that the
Calendar Year 2000 Sergeant First Class Promotion Board determined he was
to be barred from reenlistment. The reason cited was a General Officer
Memorandum of Reprimand (GOMOR) issued to him on 28 April 1997 for drunk
driving. He was given instructions on how to appeal the QMP action. The
applicant indicates he did not appeal. This same board non-selected him
for promotion to pay grade
6. AR 635-200 (Active Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations), dated 5
July 1984, in effect at the time, provided guidance for the separation of
individuals who had been identified under the QMP. Chapter 4 discusses the
selection process, the notification process, appeal process, and other
miscellaneous criteria, to include the various entries to be placed on the
DD Form 214.
7. On 4 September 2003, the applicant was promoted to SFC E-7 in the
U.S. Army Reserve.
1. The applicant was selected for separation under the QMP because of his
receipt of a GOMOR for driving while impaired. The GOMOR was filed in the
performance portion of his OMPF. Thus he was not selected for promotion to
pay grade E-7.
2. Evidence of record shows a NJP on the restricted portion of the
applicant's OMPF for the above cited offense.
3. The applicant is correct in his assertion that he did not have time to
appeal the
31 August 2000 QMP action; he had already been discharged from active duty
on 5 July 2000.
4. Even though the applicant was not selected for promotion to pay grade E-
7 while on active duty resulting in his QMP action, he has continued to
serve in the military in the U.S. Army Reserve (USAR). It is noted that he
has subsequently been promoted to pay grade E-7 while a member of the USAR.
5. The applicant clearly violated military rules and regulations which
resulted in his receipt of the NJP, the GOMOR, and the QMP action.
6. Despite the receipt of these unfavorable actions, he has subsequently
been promoted in the USAR. In effect, he has soldiered through these
problems; therefore, it would be appropriate at this time to transfer the
QMP action to the restricted portion of his OMPF. However, the applicant
clearly deserved the actions at the time and they should not be removed
entirely from his OMPF.
________ ________ ________ GRANT FULL RELIEF
__sk____ __bje___ __rtd___ GRANT PARTIAL RELIEF
________ ________ ________ GRANT FORMAL HEARING
________ ________ ________ DENY APPLICATION
1. The Board determined that the evidence presented was sufficient to
warrant a recommendation for partial relief and to excuse failure to timely
file. As a result, the Board recommends that all Department of the Army
records of the individual concerned be corrected by transferring the QMP
notification from the performance portion of his OMPF to the restricted
portion of his OMPF.
2. The Board further determined that the evidence presented is
insufficient to warrant a portion of the requested relief. As a result,
the Board recommends denial of so much of the application as pertains to
the complete removal of the QMP action.
Stanley Kelley
|CASE ID |AR20040007435 |
|RECON | |
|DATE BOARDED |20050901 |
|ISSUES 1. |134.0200 |
|2. | |
|3. | |
|4. | |
|5. | |
|6. | |
ARMY | BCMR | CY2002 | 2002079840C070215
The applicant’s unit, battalion, and brigade commanders, after reviewing the applicant’s rebuttal letter, all recommended that the GOMOR be filed in the P-Fiche portion of the applicant’s OMPF. On 5 December 2001, the applicant was notified that the DASEB had deliberated on his petition to remove the GOMOR, dated 10 March 2000, from the P-Fiche portion of his OMPF, and after careful consideration had denied his request. The DASEB case summary indicated, in effect, that the applicant’s...
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The Board considered the following evidence: He provides three letters of support dated 4 March, 18 April, and 23 April 2002; the court document showing his case was dismissed without prejudice; the Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board (DASEB) packet; and his HQDA QMP bar to reenlistment appeal packet as supporting evidence. That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by transferring the GOMOR issued to the applicant on 15 January 1997,...
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However, because the promotion boards can see his restricted fiche, the GOMOR has prevented him from being selected for promotion to the pay grade of E-7. Army Regulation 600-8-19, Enlisted Promotions and Reductions, serves as the authority for the conduct of selection boards. Promotion boards for selection to the pay grades of E-7 and E-8 are not routinely provided information from the restricted fiche of eligible Soldiers.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001060670C070421
APPLICANT REQUESTS: That a Record of Proceedings under Article 15, Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) be removed from his Official Military Personnel File (OMPF); that his reentry (RE) code be changed from RE-4 to RE-1; and removal of a Department of the Army (DA) imposed bar to reenlistment. In his appeal to the bar to reenlistment he requested that his records be reviewed again. However, the available records fail to show that the Article 15 that he submitted as a part of his...
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RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS IN THE CASE OF: BOARD DATE: 14 December 2005 DOCKET NUMBER: AR20050000340 I certify that hereinafter is recorded the true and complete record of the proceedings of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records in the case of the above-named individual. Michael J. Flynn | |Member | The Board considered the following evidence: Exhibit A - Application for correction of military records. A 1 November 1991 memorandum informed the applicant that a Department of the Army...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2005 | 20050003831C070206
Army Regulation 635-200 sets forth the basis authority for the separation of enlisted personnel. Pertinent Army Regulations provide that prior to discharge or release from active duty, individuals will be assigned RE codes, based on their service records or reason for discharge. The applicant had a Department of the Army imposed bar to reenlistment at the time of his separation and was not qualified for reenlistment at the time of separation.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2002 | 2002074333C070403
APPLICANT REQUESTS: That a general officer memorandum of reprimand (GOMOR), dated 18 July 2000, be transferred to the restricted portion (R-Fiche) of his Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). On 2 May 2002, the ABCMR received the applicant's request for correction of his records, dated 23 March 2002. The Commanding General, after reviewing the applicant’s request to have the GOMOR filed in his R-fiche, deemed it appropriate to file the memorandum on the performance portion of the...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2005 | 20050005821C070206
In January 1997, he filed an appeal with the ESRB to have the two contested NCOERs removed. However, although the applicant performed duties as a First Sergeant, he was a recruiter. Correction of the applicant's contested NCOERs to show they were relief- for-cause NCOERs rather than change-of-rater NCOERs would not have resulted in a reasonable chance he would have been selected for promotion (thereby warranting consideration by a STAB).
ARMY | BCMR | CY2001 | 2001056579C070420
APPLICANT REQUESTS: The removal of a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand (GOMOR) dated 1 July 1998, from his Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). APPLICANT STATES : That on 2 November 1998, the Commanding General of the United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) sent him a memorandum informing him that the GOMOR would be filed in his OMPF. He states that the Commanding General did not have the authority to direct that the GOMOR be filed in his OMPF.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2010 | 20100028931
Army Regulation 601-280 (Army Retention Program) paragraph 10-5 governs screening procedures and states, in pertinent part, that appropriate Department of the Army Selection Boards will review the performance portion of the OMPF, the DA Form 2A (Personnel Qualification Record Part-I) and DA Form 2-1 (Personnel Qualification Record Part-II), and other authorized documents. The general considered the applicants response and the recommendations of his chain of command and elected to file the...