Mr. Carl W. S. Chun | Director | |
Mr. Edmund P. Mercanti | Analyst |
Mr. Curtis L. Greenway | Chairperson | |
Ms. Regan K. Smith | Member | |
Mr. Donald P. Hupman | Member |
APPLICANT REQUESTS: That he be paid the last installment of his reenlistment bonus.
APPLICANT STATES: He was denied his last installment of his reenlistment bonus because he entered on active duty. He maintains that he is not on active duty, he is serving on a tour in the Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) program.
EVIDENCE OF RECORD: The applicant's military records show:
On 12 October 1986 the applicant, then a reservist in pay grade E-4, immediately reenlisted in his Army Reserve (USAR) unit for 6 years. In conjunction with his reenlistment he was given a $2,500.00 cash bonus for the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) of unit supply specialist.
On 11 February 1991, the applicant entered active duty in the AGR program for duty as a personnel administration specialist.
On 9 October 2001, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) informed the applicant that he did not receive the last installment of his bonus because his bonus was terminated by his entry on active duty.
In the processing of this case an advisory opinion was obtained from the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1. The G-1 stated that entry on a tour in the AGR program does not terminate a bonus. The G-1 recommends that the Board grant the applicant’s request. The applicant was furnished a copy of this advisory opinion and submitted his concurrance.
Army Regulation 135-7, Incentive Programs, paragraph 4-8.1, states that a reservist who enters a tour of active duty in the AGR program will retain their bonus if assigned to a bonus unit or continues to perform AGR duty in a bonus skill.
DISCUSSION: Considering all the evidence, allegations, and information presented by the applicant, together with the evidence of record, applicable law and regulations, and advisory opinion, it is concluded:
1. The documentation submitted by the applicant and the advisory opinion obtained from the G-1 show that a reservist’s entry on active duty in the AGR program does not automatically terminate a cash bonus.
2. However, Army Regulation 135-7 makes the retention of a cash bonus contingent on the reservist being assigned to a bonus unit or bonus MOS, as applicable.
3. The applicant was given a bonus for his MOS of unit supply specialist. He entered on active duty in the AGR program as a personnel administration specialist.
4. Notwithstanding the G-1 advisory opinion, since the applicant did not retain the MOS for which he was given a bonus, and there is no evidence that he was assigned to a bonus unit, his bonus was appropriately terminated. The Board must presume that the G-1 overlooked this provision of Army Regulation 135-7 when it provided its opinion to the Board.
5. In view of the foregoing, there is no basis for granting the applicant's request.
DETERMINATION: The applicant has failed to submit sufficient relevant evidence to demonstrate the existence of probable error or injustice.
________ ________ ________ GRANT
________ ________ ________ GRANT FORMAL HEARING
___dph__ ___clg___ ___rks __ DENY APPLICATION
CASE ID | AR2002071198 |
DATE BOARDED | 20021031 |
ISSUES 1. | 128.05 |
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ARMY | BCMR | CY2010 | 20100007183
On 31 March 2008, the applicant states she enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) and was given a PSEB as stated in her enlistment contract. A cash bonus is offered to any person who meets all of the following requirements: * received an honorable discharge at the conclusion of his or her last period of military service * if last discharged from the ARNG or USAR, the applicant has been out of the military service for at least 12 months * has completed his or her statutory military service...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2002 | 2002067578C070402
The applicant states that her recruiter did not include the bonus addendum with her enlistment contract, and efforts by her unit to get her the bonus have been unsuccessful. This paragraph requires that a Reservist execute a DA Form 5261-R, Selected Reserve Incentive Program - Enlistment Bonus Addendum, at the time of his or her enlistment. While the applicant has no inherent right to a bonus, to deny her a bonus when her contemporaries (enlisted in the same MOS and unit) all received a...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2008 | 20080008105
The applicant requests payment of her Selected Reenlistment Bonus (SRB). However, there is no evidence that the applicant's reenlistment contract was voided and, as noted above, she continued to serve in AGR until she was notified of medical disqualification. Although, HRC- St. Louis erroneously gave her a Selective Service Reenlistment Bonus Control Number when her primary MOS was not an authorized specialty for entitlement to the bonus, she had the opportunity to exercise the option to...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2014 | 20140007834
IN THE CASE OF: BOARD DATE: 19 June 2014 DOCKET NUMBER: AR20140007834 THE BOARD CONSIDERED THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCE: 1. The MAARNG G-1 stated that the applicant's OAB should be terminated effective 12 March 2012. The ARNG offers a $10,000 Officer Accession/Affiliation Bonus to newly-commissioned officers and newly-appointed warrant officers who agree to serve 6 years in a Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) unit.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2015 | 20150001892
He confirmed that he entered the CLRP on 8 April 2010, the request was approved and documentation executed, and the applicant entered the AGR program on 18 July 2010 when Soldiers could retain their incentive as an AGR or Mil-Tech. There is no evidence of record of any other anniversary payments. The evidence of record shows the applicant accepted an AGR position with a 3-year active duty commitment beginning 18 July 2010 and he performed the duties of Officer Strength Manager Recruiter...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2012 | 20120012589
The applicant requests payment of a $15,000.00 reenlistment/extension bonus (REB). The applicant provides: * An REB ETP request * The NGB denial letter * DA Form 4836 (Oath of Extension or Enlistment or Reenlistment), dated 28 April 2006 * NGB Form 600-7-3-R-E (Annex R to DD Form 4 or DA Form 4836 (Reenlistment/Extension Bonus Addendum ARNG of the United States) CONSIDERATION OF EVIDENCE: 1. He informed the MNARNG State Incentive Manager that the applicant extended her enlistment on 28...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2004 | 04106206C070208
That same document contained a statement, initialed by the applicant, which read that he was “not a previous recipient of a bonus for enlistment, reenlistment, or extension of enlistment in a reserve component.” c. Department of the Army Form 5435-1-R (Statement of Understanding – The Selected Reserve Montgomery GI Bill Kicker Program) indicating that he was enlisting in the United States Army Reserve as a prior service candidate and that he was entitled to the MGIB-SR Kicker incentive in...
ARMY | BCMR | CY2007 | 20070017432
The Board recommended that all Department of the Army records of the applicant be corrected by amending his enlistment contract to include the sentence, If an enlistment bonus is accepted by the official processing you for enlistment as payable under the Cash Enlistment Bonus Program and the Government fails to verify that the Soldier actually is eligible and such failure results in nonpayment of the bonus, the Army Board for Correction of Military Records may pay the bonus, at its sole...
ARMY | BCMR | CY1995 | 9510483C070209
APPLICANT REQUESTS: That he be given the enlistment bonus which he was promised at the time of his enlistment. On 8 June 1995 the applicant was notified by his commander that he was erroneously promised an enlistment bonus, as neither the unit for which he enlisted nor the MOS for which he was trained was approved for a bonus. The applicant was not eligible for a bonus when he enlisted in the USAR since neither his unit nor his MOS was on the list of those approved for a bonus.
ARMY | BCMR | CY2008 | 20080015555
The applicant requests, in effect, that his records be corrected to show he is authorized the remaining $2,000.00 of his $9,000.00 cash bonus. The applicant's record contains a DA Form 3286-66 (Statement of Understanding - U.S. Army Incentive Enlistment Program), dated 22 January 2002, which shows in pertinent part, that the applicant enlisted for 4 years and for the U.S. Army Cash Bonus. The available evidence shows the applicant enlisted for two enlistment bonuses for a total bonus...