2. The applicant requests correction of her military records by amending her 6 October 1995 reenlistment contract to show that she was entitled to a selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) in the pay grade of E-6, vice pay grade E-5, as currently reflected and that she be reimbursed the monetary difference. 3. On 6 October 1995, while serving in military occupational specialty (MOS) 98C at McDill Air Force Base, Florida, the applicant reenlisted in the pay grade of E-5 for a period of 6 years with entitlement to a SRB. 4. However, on 9 November 1995 the applicant was promoted to the pay grade of E-6 with an effective date of 14 September 1995 with a same date of rank. 5. The Total Army Personnel Command, in a comment to this Board, advised that the applicant had been promoted to the pay grade of E-6 with an effective date of 14 September 1995 (a date prior to her reenlistment) and recommended that her reenlistment contract be corrected and her bonus entitlement recalculated, accordingly. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The applicant was promoted subsequent to her reenlistment with an effective date of promotion which preceded her date of reenlistment. This has resulted in an injustice to the applicant by denying her bonus entitlements that she otherwise would have received had she been promoted in a timely manner. 2. Through no fault of her own, the applicant has been denied a financial gain for which she was otherwise qualified. 3. In view of the foregoing, it would be appropriate to correct the applicant’s records as recommended below. RECOMMENDATION: That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected by amending the 6 October 1995 reenlistment contract of the individual concerned to show that she reenlisted in the pay grade of E-6. BOARD VOTE: GRANT AS STATED IN RECOMMENDATION GRANT FORMAL HEARING DENY APPLICATION CHAIRPERSON