2. The applicant requests correction of his DD Form 214, Report of Transfer or Discharge, to reflect his service in the Korean Conflict and the awards which he is authorized. 3. He states that he reenlisted on 10 May 1950 and was honorably discharged on 29 April 1956 for the purpose of immediately reenlisting. However, he was not issued a DD Form 214 for this period of service because of regulations then in effect. Consequently, he has no proof of his Korean service or the awards that he earned during that time. 4. His military records show he was inducted on 15 October 1940 and honorably discharged on 19 December 1945. On 29 July 1947 he reenlisted and through a series of immediate reenlistments remained on continuous active duty until his retirement as a master sergeant on 31 July 1965. On 1 August 1969, at his request, he was recalled to active duty and was released on 30 June 1972 with over 26 years of active service. 5. The applicant’s military record contains a DD Form 214 for each of his periods of service except the periods 29 July 1947 through 9 May 1950 and 10 May 1950 through 29 April 1956. However, his service during these periods, to include his overseas service and awards, is reflected elsewhere in his record, but has not been included on a DD Form 214. 6. Army Regulation 635-5, the regulation governing preparation of the DD Form 214, then in effect, provided that if the service record of an enlisted member of the regular Army indicated that he was discharged from a previous enlistment or enlistments and immediately reenlisted without being furnished a DD For 214, the date to be entered in item 19c (date of entry) of the form will be the earliest date not previously covered by a DD Form 214. Subsequent reenlistment(s) and discharge(s) between dates shown in this item and item 11d (effective date of discharge) will be entered in item 32 (remarks). 7. The same regulation provides that total active duty outside the continental limits of the United States would be recorded in item 24c for the period covered by the DD 214 and would indicate the last overseas theater where service was performed. It further provided that decorations awarded or authorized during the period covered by the DD Form 214 would be entered in item 26. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The applicant has had a number of periods of service during his lengthy career, all but two of which, encompassing 9 years, are covered by DD Forms 214. The absences of the two DD Forms 214 have led to confusion regarding his record and resulted in an incomplete and inaccurate separation document. 2. It appears that the DD Form 214 covering the period 30 April 1956 to 29 April 1962 should have accounted for the period of service from 29 July 1947 through 29 April 1956 as well, since his two reenlistments during that time were not covered by DD Forms 214. At the same time, all awards and overseas service credit should also have been consolidated on the one DD Form 214 that was issued. 3. As previously mentioned, all the applicant’s service, to include his overseas service and his awards are a matter of record and properly recorded elsewhere in his military personnel file. Notwithstanding the foregoing, errors were made in recording his service history on a separation document that should be corrected. 4. In view of the foregoing, the applicant’s records should be corrected as recommended below. RECOMMENDATION: That all of the Department of the Army records related to this case be corrected: a. by issuing to the individual concerned a DD Form 215, Correction to DD Form 214, as an addendum to the DD Form 214 dated 29 April 1962, reflecting his overseas service during the periods 29 July 1947 through 29 April 1956; and b. by furnishing him a DA Form 1577, Authorization for Issuance of Awards, showing all of the awards to which he is entitled. BOARD VOTE: GRANT AS STATED IN RECOMMENDATION GRANT FORMAL HEARING DENY APPLICATION CHAIRPERSON